Make Someone Happy… Marc Weinberg delivers a car full of clothes to Tent City

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Tent camps are often a family affair
Photo copyright Marc Weinberg

Text and photos, Marc Weinberg

Today these words resounded in my head, “make someone happy, make just one someone happy.” 

Perhaps some readers remember the lyrics of the 1960 musical. I kept repeating that to myself as I delivered an absolutely jam packed carload of clothing to the two Shoreline tent camps now in residence here.

Bright eyes and a warm welcome says it all
Photo copyright Marc Weinberg

Tent City 3 is at St. Dunstan’s on 145th between Greenwood and Aurora and Camp United We Stand is at the Bethel Lutheran Church just east of the King County Library on 175th Street (east of I-5).

I regularly gather donations that haven't sold from garage sales and estate sales and deliver them to the camps. I started doing this in 2008 and yes, it’s a bit of an obsession with me to continue ... how could I not?

His happy face reflects his gratitude
Photo copyright Marc Weinberg

It feels a little like Christmas whenever I make a delivery and see the smiles and the happy faces.

At Tent City 3 I was surprised to discover that there are currently 11 children living there with at least one parent and often both. If you are not otherwise moved to consider what you might contribute, think of the families and of course the children.

You will sleep well tonight knowing “you made just one someone happy!”


Anonymous,  August 20, 2015 at 5:46 PM  

Are you sure these people need or want the leftovers? Does it add to the amount of "stuff" they have to move from place to place? Would it be possible to "shop" for the residents, i.e. get a list of things they need (clothing sizes, dishware) and bring those? Just wondering -

Anonymous,  August 21, 2015 at 12:32 PM  

Good point. I'm sure they probably have a list at the welcome station at the entrance. If they don't, I'm sure they would make one up for you on the spot! Don't wonder, go there and check it out!

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