Introductory statements from LFP Council Candidates Hammond and Kassover

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

By Evan Smith

Lake Forest Park City Council candidates David Hammond and Phillippa Kassover are running for the position that Jeff Johnson is giving up to run for mayor.

Hammond and Kassover recently sent statements introducing themselves to voters. Here are their statements:

City of Lake Forest Park Council Position No. 4

David Hammond

David Hammond

I love living in Lake Forest Park; it is a great place to raise a family. Now I want to help secure the future for my children and future generations.

Public service isn’t about political ideology. It’s about transparency and open communication and setting our focus on the city’s top priorities: strong public-safety programs, long-term financial sustainability, solving upcoming transportation challenges, and preserving our community’s environment by making all zoning decisions transparently, and based on each neighborhood’s self-determination.

My public service experience and professional qualifications prove I’m capable of doing exactly that. My years of volunteering in youth sports demonstrate that I follow through on commitments. For five years I’ve put in long hours as a Lake Forest Park Water District Commissioner, proving that I can be entrusted with monitoring and directing city government.

Let’s look beyond politics and towards the future. Please visit ElectDavidHammond to learn more.

Phillippa Kassover

Phillippa Kassover
Phone 206-245-8217

Lake Forest Park needs a councilmember who understands the community's priorities and is experienced at working openly with residents, staff and elected colleagues. That is why I am running for Lake Forest Park City Council.

Now retired from UW, I spent 40 years serving as a journalist, fundraiser, communicator and administrator. My service has given me broad experience in leading organizations and developing sustainable budgets. I also have decades of experience in how government works, what a difference good policy and transparent government can make for communities and how to bring people together to find solutions.

Like many of you, I chose LFP for the natural beauty and environment we treasure including our trees, natural water sources and wildlife corridors.

I believe that:
  • We must work to keep LFP a wonderful, thriving place that is safe and welcoming for all residents and local businesses, while also protecting the environment;
  • We must improve transportation options for getting around LFP and bus connections with the rest of the region without increasing cut-through traffic; and
  • We must balance the spending priorities of our community while responsibly funding city budgets.

I have been endorsed by Senator Frockt, Representatives Farrell and Pollet, National Women’s’ Political Caucus, KC Councilmember Dembowski, and LFP Councilmembers French, Phillips, Resha, Stanford and Thompson, the Cascade Bicycle Club, KC and 46th District Democrats and many Lake Forest Park residents.

I encourage you to learn more at PhillippaForLFP. I hope I can count on your Vote!


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