City of Shoreline and the Critical Areas Ordinance

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Keith Scully, Chairman of the  Planning Commission
questions the City Staff on an item in the proposed change
 to the Critical Areas Ordinance, photo copyright Marc Weinberg

Text and photos by Marc Weinberg

Thursday night, August 20th, the Shoreline Planning Commission held a meeting to hear City Staff recommendations for revision of the Critical Areas Ordinance which impacts development and management of construction and alterations to existing structures as well as plantings and removal of trees in the impacted areas, etc.

Jack Malek of the Planning Commission
listened to a comment from the audience
Photo copyright Marc Weinberg.jpg

This meeting was open to the public, but was not designed specifically for public comment, although two citizens were given time to make brief comments.

The meeting specifically for public comment will be held on September 17 at City Hall.


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