Bread & Circuses food truck at Aurora Square for dinner Tuesday

Monday, August 31, 2015

Bread and Circuses at Aurora Square Tuesday

“Ladies, gentlemen, and children of all ages,” tonight dine in style when the Bread and Circuses food truck rolls into Shoreline.

Bread and Circuses serves “Gastropub Eats and Upscale Carnival Treats,” and named its War of the Pig sandwich one of the ‘10 things you need to eat in Seattle right now.’  

Bread and Circuses customers

Tuesday’s Food Truck Shoreline event is held at the Shoreline Farmers Market location in front of Sears near Central Market from 5 – 8pm and is hosted by the Westminster Triangle, Highland Terrace and Parkwood neighborhoods.

155th and Aurora. Entrance by Central Market on upper level.

School starts

One school in Shoreline started classes Monday - Shoreline Christian. Tomorrow, September 1, St. Luke and King's Schools start.

The following week St. Mark, Evergreen and Shoreline Schools begin fall quarter on Wednesday, September 9.

Updated 09-01-2015 to add Evergreen

World Concern Food Fight for Hunger huge success Sunday

Food trucks and big crowd
Photo by Jerry Pickard

Dodging both windstorms and power outages that plagued the rest of the area, World Concern held their annual Fight For Hunger Sunday afternoon on the Crista campus in Shoreline.

Places to sit and eat and watch the crowds
Photo by Jerry Pickard

12 food trucks served up an international feast of food. A portion of the funds raised from the event will help provide sustainable solutions for global hunger in places like South Sudan, Chad, Myanmar, Laos, and Haiti.

Rock wall
Photo by Jerry Pickard
There were activities for the kids - a rock wall for the older ones and a bean bag toss for the little ones.

Lake Forest Park mom competes to win $100,000 on NBC cooking show Food Fighters

Alice Currah in Lake Forest Park
Photo copyright Marc Weinberg
 By Marc Weinberg

Alice Currah of Lake Forest Park is a contestant on NBC’s show, Food Fighters. The segment with Alice competing against a celebrity chef will air on Thursday, Sept. 3 at 8pm. Check your listings.

Food Fighters pits the best amateur cooks against celebrity chefs. This soccer mom puts her signature dishes on the line with this ultimate challenge which could win her $100,000. Her challengers are chefs from around the world and the competition is filled with drama and excitement. The judges are selected from a diverse group of everyday people and anything could happen.

Alice’s interest in food began many years ago. In the 1960’s her parents emigrated from Korea and settled here where they created a travel business. They worked so hard at it they never had time to travel, but devoted themselves to their children. They didn’t have much, but a one pot meal provided for all, consisting of rice, veggies from her dad’s garden and a little meat. This was their diet every day. In grade school Alice started to experiment with food in order to create some variation in the family meals. She remembers getting items under a government assistance program where the containers had a basic black and white label, nothing fancy. 

Alice on the set of Food Fighters
Photo by Greg Gayne/NBC
Her commitment to her parents and her immediate and extended family has always been her highest priority. She and her husband Rob have three children and providing for them is a natural extension of how she was raised. Today she says she doesn’t think Rob understands all the things she’s doing or how they have occurred, but his only request is that “family comes first” and there is no doubt about that. Alice’s father passed away four years ago and today her Mom is part of her family. 

Alice started blogging about cooking in 2009. Before that she didn’t know what a blog was. And today she is rated by as one of the very best food bloggers in the country. In 2010 she won’s first ever Photo Cover Contest.

She also judges food competitions like the Pillsbury One Million Dollar Bake Off. She writes a weekly food column for PBS Parents and hosts a cooking series on PBS Digital Studios. You’ll also find her in “Martha’s Circle” (Martha Stewart). She wrote a book called Savory Sweet Life (100 simple delicious recipes for every family occasion). And you’ll find her online under the same name

From the time we spent together in the interview for this article, my sense is that if her recipes are as technically perfect, sweet and savory, and as well balanced as she manages her life, her family and her accelerating career … she’s a winner and could go all the way to win the grand prize. Tune in and let’s find out.

LFP only: ok to put food waste in garbage this time

In follow up to last weekend’s storm and power outages, Republic Services recommends customers in Lake Forest Park place food waste in the garbage container if they need it to be collected before the regular yard waste pickup day.

Many people are throwing away food from refrigerator and freezer because of the extended power outages in the area. Many homes in LFP are still without power at this time.

Storm clean up in Lake Forest Park

Storm debris container at LFP Tuesday

The City of Lake Forest Park will be bringing in a large container for citizens to drop off storm debris from this past weekend.

The dumpster will be located at City Hall beginning Tuesday September 1st through Sunday September 6th. The hours of operation will be between 9am and 5pm. Republic Services is helping the City with cleanup by supplying the large container for branches that came down during the windstorm.

Please--no garbage, recycling or food scraps can be accepted at this drop-off location.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: We are in need of volunteers to assist during the operation of the container. If you have a few hours to donate, please contact Ms. Deb Milan at City Hall 206-368-5440.

Storm clean up in Shoreline

The City of Shoreline received approximately 50 calls on Saturday related to the windstorm that hit the area. About a dozen more came in on Sunday and Monday related to tree issues. Seven City staff worked for about 12 hours on Saturday clearing roadways where they could and closing them if downed electrical wires were involved. City crews will not remove trees/vegetation if power lines are down in the area.

Monday, crews from Public Works and Parks began clearing debris from City streets and parks. This work will continue through the week and possibly into next week. Crews will work on the major issues first. They will then move to clearing smaller debris from arterials and eventually move into neighborhoods.

8-31-15 4:45pm Shoreline outages

Most outages impacting large numbers of customers in Shoreline have been addressed by Seattle City Light(SCL); however, there are still a number of smaller outages throughout the city that affect just a few homes here and there that SCL is still addressing. To find out where reported outages are and to see an estimate of power restoration visit SCL’s outage map.

If residents want to report a down City tree that is impacting their property, they should call the Customer Response Team at 206-801-2700.

Residents should contact Seattle City Light at 206-684-3000 for any downed tree or limbs on power lines.

Residents should contact a tree service to address downed private trees. 

Update: Potala Place development company say they did nothing wrong

An article in The Seattle Times quotes Path America, the company which owns property at Aurora Square, as saying it was "surprised by a federal investigation into its finances and expects to be cleared of any wrongdoing."

The Securities and Exchange Commission has filed charges against Path America and its owner Lobsang Dargey. See previous story.

Path America plans to build a large apartment complex at Aurora Square, but assets are frozen pending the SEC investigation. See previous story.

The Power of One - orientation Tuesday

What can one hour do?

You might be surprised by the impact of what you can do in one hour once a week. Maybe it’s helping young students learn to read or playing math games with them, or perhaps it’s as simple as making copies for busy teachers.

For anyone with at least an hour to give on a regular basis, the Power of One Volunteer program wants you. We match people from the community with volunteer opportunities in Shoreline Public Schools.

As a Power of One volunteer, you support academic success, help with the development of social skills, and motivate students to become life long learners. Power of One volunteer Peg Kelley says, “I learn something new every day I come into this building … there are parts for everyone.”

Teachers appreciate the time and efforts our volunteers put in. First grade teacher Martha Nichols sees the value of community volunteers. Students get to know grown-ups, other than their teachers and parents, who care about them and their education. Research shows the more caring adults children have in their lives, the more success they have in life.  

Mr. T at Echo Lake
Photo by Martha Nichols

Who makes a good Power of One Volunteer? Someone who enjoys working with children in a school setting, is willing and able to take direction from teachers or staff, is reliable and able to commit to a regular schedule, and has a positive attitude. Our volunteers include former teachers, college students, grandparents; family friends, and neighbors who like to connect with kids and want to support education.

Benefits of joining Power of One include access to free training and resources, a school district badge, and support from volunteer coordinator Karen Kessinger, who will help you connect to the classroom / teacher / school that best fits your interests, schedule. and availability.

Becoming a Power of One Volunteer is easy—interested people simply need to fill out an application, attend an orientation and undergo a Washington State Patrol background check. More information is available online. To apply to the program, contact Karen Kessinger, 206-365-1169.  

Learn more at our fall orientation on Tuesday, September 1, 10:00am -12:00pm at the Shoreline-LFP Senior Center, 18560 1st Ave NE #1, Shoreline 98155. 

Begun in 1996, The Power of One Community Volunteer Program is a partnership of the Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Senior Center and the Shoreline school district and supported by The Shoreline Public Schools Foundation. During the 2014-15 school year, a core of about 50 Power of One Volunteers put in nearly 3,500 hours of time at Shoreline schools and programs.

The purpose of the Power of One Community Volunteer Program is to assist the Shoreline Schools to achieve excellent education for all students. We believe as caring adults we can assist all students to become successful learners.

Farmers Markets last weekend - Shoreline closed early, LFP was open for business

The Shoreline Farmers Market opened on schedule at 10am Saturday, but was forced to close by 11am because of the windstorm.

Manager Natalia Flor reports that "Some sales were made but the wind was too strong and broke many vendor tents, including two of our three tents. Luckily no one was hurt. We have had a wonderful season weather wise so it's okay, but it is sad that vendor property was damaged due to weather."

By Sunday, the weather had calmed enough that the LFP Market was held as usual. Attendance might have been down a little, says Sarah Phillips, but lots of people were there buying their fruits and veggies.

Happy Birthday, Shoreline

Interurban by Echo Lake
Photo from Warren Wing collection
Shoreline Historical Museum

Shoreline celebrates its 20th birthday on Monday, August 31, 2015, having incorporated on August 31, 1995.

Enjoy this History Link article by Alan J. Stein, written in 1999.

HistoryLink File #958
Shoreline -- Thumbnail History

The City of Shoreline is one of Seattle’s closest suburbs. Located immediately north of Seattle, the area was settled first by homesteaders and soon after by vacationers. Over time a community formed, and although Seattle’s boundaries have pushed farther north, Shoreline has preserved its autonomy and, in the 1990s, incorporated as a city in its own right.

Butzke family in rowboat on Echo Lake
Shoreline Historical Museum

Horse, Boat, and Train

Despite the access to Puget Sound, little evidence exists for any major Indian encampments in the Shoreline area prior to the arrival of settlers. The first people to homestead there arrived in the 1880s. They cleared the land of timber and set up small farms. Boats were used to transport goods the short distance down the coast to Seattle.

The introduction of railroads greatly opened the Shoreline area to development. In 1888, the Seattle, Lakeshore and Eastern Railway was completed to the east along the shores of Lake Washington. But the Great Northern, which ran from Seattle to Minnesota, had a larger impact on Shoreline. In 1891, the portion that ran through Shoreline was completed, and this provided a direct link to downtown Seattle.

The rail lines encouraged people to buy property in the area. Even as early as the 1890s, many people dreamed of escaping the urban center for a more bucolic environment. Shoreline was close enough for people to live in the country and still have jobs in the city. Also, for the more well-to-do, the area was ideal for summer cottages and vacation getaways.

Another boost for development was the construction of the Interurban. Construction was started on this light-rail system in 1902. By 1910, electric trains were running between Everett (in Snohomish County to the north) and Tacoma (in Pierce County to the south). Capable of speeds greater than 30 miles an hour, the Interurban was the prime method of transport for Shoreline commuters and small farmers for almost 30 years.

North City Tavern
Shoreline Historical Museum
A Stop Called Ronald

An early resident in the Shoreline community around the turn of the century was Judge James Ronald. Ronald purchased five acres of land for $100 from a friend who owed him money. Working on the weekends, he cleared his tract and planted cherry and apple trees. Improving the land came naturally to him, he claimed, having been raised in the Deep South.

Judge Ronald was a friend of Fred Sander, the man who built the Interurban. Ronald gave right-of-way through his property for Sander's rail line and offered to build a small station house if he could name it. Sander agreed, and after the station was built, Ronald gave him a sign reading "Evanor," named for Ronald’s daughters, Eva and Norma.

Shortly thereafter, Judge Ronald was riding the train. He got off at his station and was shocked to see that its name had been changed to Ronald. Not wanting to see his name in a public place, he confronted Sander. Sander informed Ronald that he'd promised to name the station "Evanor" but not to keep the name.

Said Sander, "This is my railway and I change names of stations when I please. I have changed it to Ronald and if you don’t like that name you can stay away and not see it!" The name further ingrained itself into the community a few years later when Ronald donated land for a school building. The name of the building? Ronald School, now (1999) home to the Shoreline Historical Museum.

Work and Play

Although early Shoreline was home to many folks who worked elsewhere, like every community it had businesses of its own. Lumber mills processed the cedar, Douglas Fir, and hemlock trees abundant in the area. Once the land was cleared, it became home to farmers, who raised chickens and produce such as berries.

In 1907, the Portland Ship Building Company built a small shipyard along the shores of Puget Sound. One of the boats built there was the S.S. Duwamish, a fireboat for the Seattle Fire Department. The Duwamish, a 121-foot steel vessel, could suck in and shoot out water at a rate of 22,800 gallons a minute. The Duwamish put out fires along the shore for more than 75 years, and is now (1999) a national historic landmark.

Shoreline Historical Museum

The Business of Fun

Other businesses in the Shoreline community were not as labor-intensive as building boats or felling trees. In fact, they were centers of fun. Echo Lake, located just south of the Snohomish County border, was from 1916 to 1966 a popular bathing beach. In the early days, it cost a nickel to get in. Some kids would spend this on candy and sneak in instead. In the winter, the lake was also used for ice-skating.

But probably the most fun could be had at Playland. Located on the shores of Bitter Lake, now (1999) just inside Seattle city limits, this popular amusement park had bumper cars, a merry-go-round, a funhouse, and all sorts of rides and games for young and old alike. Prior to the 1962 Seattle World’s Fair, people would travel from all over the state to enjoy themselves at Playland.

Crawford Store in Richmond Beach
Shoreline Historical Museum
Not the Scenic Route

By the 1930s, the Interurban had outlived its usefulness. America was turning automotive, and cars were the preferred method of travel. By 1939, the Interurban rails were sold for scrap metal and paved roads crisscrossed the community.

Aurora Avenue, or Highway 99, was originally a bumpy wagon-trail that closely paralleled the rail line. By 1912, it was paved with brick all the way to the county line. As the Interurban faded away, Aurora Avenue became the most heavily trafficked road in the community. Evidence of this can be seen today in the old motels and gas stations still located along the sides.

In the 1960s, Interstate-5 was built east of Aurora Avenue and today carries the greatest amount of traffic through Shoreline. The north-south commute to Seattle remains part of the lives of many local residents. Ironically, many commuters caught in I-5 gridlock might look back at the “speedy” 30-mile-per-hour Interurban and wonder what progress has wrought.

Still, many find Shoreline a pleasant place to live. In 1995, the city incorporated and is today home to more than 50,000 people. Shoreline is the 12th largest city in Washington state.


LouAnn Bivins Shoreline or Steamers, Stumps and Strawberries (Seattle: Frontier, 1987); Jack Broom, "Venerable Firefighting Boat in Need of Rescue, Says Group," The Seattle Times, April 12, 1999 at ( Additional information provided by the Shoreline Historical Museum. By Alan J. Stein, February 20, 1999

Poem: Power Line Guys

Photo by Steven H. Robinson

They sure are our heroes
Those power line guys
They scale the heights
And they reach to the skies

They get us plugged in
And brought in from the dark
They are very careful
They watch every spark

And so let's all praise them
They give of their best
We're all oh so grateful
To that we attest!!!

---Jean Monce Bryant

Back to School Event took place in spite of storm and power outage

Backpacks full of school supplies for kids in need
Photo courtesy Shoreline Schools

The big Shoreline Schools Back To School event, which distributes backpacks of school supplies and clothing to families in need, took place Saturday in spite of wind, weather, and a power outage.

Event organizer Tanya Lascalle, Family Support Program Director for the Center for Human Services, reports.

"We coped!  The power went out right as we were checking in the first appointments, but we managed, distributing backpacks, socks and underwear and hygiene products in the dark.

"The stylists from A Better Day Salon and Gene Juarez Academy even proceeded with haircuts using lanterns and cell phone flashlights!  It was incredible that they still managed to provide at least 100 haircuts.

"We were lucky that the rain held off, but the wind resulted in our canopy shelters being taken down or volunteers having the sole purpose of holding a leg of a canopy so it wouldn’t take flight! While some resource fair participants decided to leave early, many braved the elements and still connected with many families.

"The LFP Rotary provided nourishment throughout, grilling up hot dogs for participants.

"It was the most unique Back to School Event we have ever experienced, but our goals were still met. We don’t have final numbers yet, but it seems as though most families that had pre-registered to attend did make it to the event and received their supplies."

Approximately one in four students in Shoreline Schools are in need, although not all sign up for the event.

1,000 backpacks were handed out, along with 800 pair of shoes. 

During the school year, the Shoreline PTA Council maintains The Works, which continues to distribute clothing to school age children.

Photo: Van vs tree

Photo by Marty Behnke

This van looks like it was crushed by a commercial recycler. Not sure if it was a whole tree that came down on it or a very large branch, but the job was thorough.

Marty Behnke took this photo on 35th NE in Lake Forest Park.

Signature willow tree in Lake Forest Park storm-damaged

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Photo by Jerry Pickard

Jerry Pickard reports that the old willow tree on the southwest corner of the Lake Forest Park city building lost its top in yesterday's high winds.

The top third of the old tree broke off and fell on the footpath from the intersection of Bothell Way and Ballenger Way to the lower parking lot.

WeatherWatcher: Out of season wind storm strikes, forecast

Looking east on N 200th St across Dayton Ave N.
The scene that could be found almost around every corner on Saturday
Photo by Carl Dinse
  • Forecast
  • Wind
  • August Graphs
Forecast: We are going to be in a cool weather pattern through the next week. High pressure has moved west far off the west coast allowing for a trough to set up sinking all the way down from Alaska along the west coast. This pattern will bring us showers and rain at times with temperatures running around the mid 60's - 70°F for a high, with lows dipping into the mid and lower 50's. Late week may see some clearing and gradual warming to the mid 70's.

Wind: We had a very out of season wind storm strike the region inside and out on Saturday. We had the strongest winds we've seen since at least last fall, gusting up to 56 miles per hour at Shorecrest High school. Many other local stations that normally record good wind data were offline due to the widespread power outages. This storm, due to its early arrival, caught all the trees off guard as none of the fall foliage has dropped yet, and with dry conditions many trees were brittle (less flexible) and thus damage was widespread. Power outages haven't been this widespread since the December 14, 2006 storm.

This storm was a deepening low pressure system that formed off the Northern California coast and quickly got stronger and moved north to northeast across Vancouver Island and the north tip of the Olympic peninsula. This created a strong pressure gradient through the Puget Sound bringing us our strong winds on Saturday.

This storm is more normal for October and November, rare in September and unheard of for late August. This storm signals a significant change in our weather pattern. The blob has moved west and is dissipating, the ridging has also moved west as a result, opening the flood gates for these type of fall storms. Though nothing immediate is on the horizon, I think this is only the first in many fall and winter storms we may see. Mother nature says "Here, have some fire wood, you're going to need it." At least we had warm temperatures outside during this event. The silver lining in all of this, I think we are all done with 90°F + high temperatures this summer.

Some graphs for the month of August (click on the graph to see the original size):

August 2015

August 2015

August 2015

For current conditions and storm updates see Shoreline Weather.

Progress is slow in restoring power

8+30+15 9:15pm

By Diane Hettrick

Progress is painfully slow in fully restoring power to our area. Downed tree and power lines make it challenging for City Light workers, not to mention the sheer number of outages.

Meanwhile, people are throwing away the food in their freezers and refrigerators and trying to find open stores and restaurants. Stores that were open had fairly bare shelves. Gas stations that were open - and many were closed - had long lines and some were taking cash only.

City Light thinks they'll be able to get most power restored by midnight, although one large area in LFP (838 customers) has a 3am estimate.

West Shoreline was not as affected by this storm although there are downed trees. Businesses west of Aurora were reported to be operating normally Sunday - Central Market, Spiro's, the 4-Corners business district, Richmond Beach.

Storm update from City of Shoreline

201st and 30th NE in Shoreline
Photo by Marian Fisler

Sunday storm update from the City of Shoreline:

Two Seattle City Light roads are still closed: 

1. 5th Ave NE between 174th – 178th. Northbound is closed. SCL is there working on it 

2. Dayton Ave N between Richmond Beach Road – St Luke’s Pl.

City Light still needs to complete repairs at eight locations. Three came in today.

Two new downed tree locations were called in today. Those were cut up and cleared.

There is still considerable debris to be removed from the event.

We received over 55 calls during the event.

Transit alert: Rt 331

Rt 331 is currently rerouted off of Dayton Av N between N 172nd St and Richmond Beach Rd until further notice.

Use the stops on Fremont Av N just south of N 172 St or on 3rd Av NW just north of Richmond Beach Rd NW.

Photo: Explain this

Car on NE 188th

Daniel Barrett of Lake Forest Park took this photo, but he has no explanation for it -- and neither do we! The branch is inside the car window, but the window is unbroken. The car doesn't have apparent damage - at least on the outside.

File it under strange storm stories.

LFP Town Center has power

8-30-15 2:45pm outage map

The situation is slowly improving. At the worst, City Light reports 58,000 customers without power - and the majority were in the north end, with the concentration in Shoreline and Lake Forest Park.
This update just came in from the City of LFP
Most residences south of Ballinger Way have power now - the Towne Center is open for business. 
For residents in the 195th area, they hope to have a crew on that job soon. It will likely take up to 10 hours to complete once they start. Bottom line - it may be up to 24 hours before power is restored. Plan accordingly and take care of each other.

The City reports that Bothell Way is open WB, however EB will be closed for a short time.

Shoreline storm response

Trees in power lines
Photo by Daniel Barrett

Shoreline City Manager Debbie Tarry sent this message on Saturday, but because of the cable and power outages, I received it on Sunday.

Crews have identified all locations in City that need response from Seattle City Light. Our crews cannot remove trees/vegetation if there are power line down in the vicinity. As Seattle City Light addresses power line issues City staff will be available to remove vegetation that is preventing access for residents. 

Time for power restoration has been lengthening in some areas. We will have a few staff on for a few more hours (Public Works, Parks and CRT) and then some on tomorrow to keep addressing access issues.  Staff will continue to work from the Fire Headquarters that is serving as the coordination site. 

Clean-up efforts will start Monday and will likely take several days.

Photos: Trees large and small down across the region

20th and Perkins Way
Photo by Earl Thompson

Major trees came down in the storm and many took power lines with them. Earl Thompson took this photo Saturday on Perkins Way by the Living Wisdom School.

Just off Ballinger in LFP
Photo by Phyllis Johnson

Branches from large trees were down everywhere. Some took power lines and phone lines.

32 NE off 195th in LFP
Photo by Sam Thayer

Some blocked roads and took down lines. Sam Thayer took this shot on 32nd NE in LFP.

30 year old plum tree
Photo by Steve Franco-Ross

This storm took out not only the big trees, but a lot of small fruit trees. Steve Franco-Ross lost a 30 year old plum tree from his yard on 170th.

What a mess - trees and branches down everywhere - Lake Forest Park has no power

8-30-15 10am outage map

By Diane Hettrick

City Light crews have made some headway on the power outages. They took care of the large one west of the freeway, but many isolated outages remain.

This updated map shows three large area outages in Lake Forest Park, affecting 1806, 1606, and 1640 customers. 

The rest seem to be single outages.

The City of Lake Forest Park managed to post this message:
The August 29th Storm has severed power to Lake Forest park. City Light is working to restore power and should have some customers online by 1pm. However some might be as long as 24-48 hours more. Bothell Way is blocked between Ballinger and 165th.

Tree closes Bothell Way in Lake Forest Park - until 6pm Sunday

Saturday, August 29, 2015

August 29, 2015, 6:18 p.m.

All lanes are closed in both directions on SR 522 between NE 165th Street and NE 170th Street due to downed power poles and power lines in the roadway, when a tree fell just after 1pm Saturday.

Updated closure and detour info:

  • Westbound detour: NE 170th Street to Beach Drive to NE 165th Street.
  • Eastbound Detour: NE 165th Street to Beach Drive to NE 170th Street.

SR 522 is expected to remain closed until 6pm Sunday.

If you have power - count yourself lucky

Power outages 7pm 8-29-15

By Diane Hettrick

I live in one of the tiny, clear spaces on this map in central Shoreline. My Comcast cable went out for a while, but the lights never even flickered, so I had no idea that the outages were so widespread.

This is the most extreme and widespread outage I have seen since I started monitoring outages.

There's another huge section of outages in NE Seattle. Richmond Beach seems to have escaped this time, possibly because they got hit so hard last November.

The unusual thing about this event is there does not seem to be any one big cause, like a tree over a main line. Instead, the outages appear to be mostly one at a time. The largest outage I found on a random search was 30 households.

That means the repairs have to be done one at a time. Some may not be completed until Sunday morning, simply because there are so many that crews have to get to.

There is one large outage in the Richmond Highlands / Hillwood neighborhood with 1944 households. Crews expect to repair that by 10pm Saturday.

And the cause of all this? Trees and branches that fell during our unusual windstorm.

If there are any trees down in your neighborhood - send me a photo.

Shoreline couple find what appears to be a military explosive

An elderly couple brought in what appeared to be a military explosive device to the Shoreline Police Station at N 185th and Midvale on Friday, August 28.

As per standard procedure, the Police Station was evacuated, the nearby intersection was cordoned off, and personnel from the King County Sheriff Bomb Disposal Unit were called.

Initial research of the device determined that it was an inert/non-explosive training device from World War II.

The Bomb Disposal Unit secured the item which turned out to be a non-explosive World War II training marking round.

The intersection and police station were reopened at 2:29pm.

Police ask that if you find a suspicious explosive device, call 911, rather than transporting it. If you have guns for disposal, you can take them to the police station but leave them in the car, go inside and explain.

Shoreline students read their writings at Benaroya Hall Sept 28 in the WITS program

Friday, August 28, 2015

Christian Hoene, soon to be 2nd grader at Cascade K-8.
He is a participant in the WITS program and is included
in the 2014-15 anthology.
This picture was taken at 4200 ft.
The Mt. St. Helens lava dome is behind him.

On Monday, September 28, the Shoreline community is invited to the Seattle Arts and Lectures’ Writers in the Schools Anthology Reading and Celebration.

Author Charlotte Rose
The Writers in the Schools Program (WITS) places professional local writers in public schools to develop writing skills and spark inspiration. Since 1994, the WITS program in the Seattle area has been helping students discover their own authentic voices. Featuring creative writing by students in last year’s program, this reading by 60 young authors will move the audience to tears, laughter, awe and wild applause.

This year’s anthology includes writing by Cascade K-8 Community School students Annie Zemouri, Katherine Mercer, Charlotte Rose, Kai Brook, Christian Hoene, and Declan Stark. A number of these students will be among the featured readers.

The readings will take place in the Illsley Ball Nordstrom Recital Hall at Benaroya Hall, beginning at 7pm on September 28. The events are free and open to the public. The young authors will sign copies of the anthology, and a reception will follow, with sweets donated by Cupcake Royale.

Updated: added photo 08-29-2015

Organic fruit at the Shoreline Farmers Market Saturday

Suzie Davis of the Martin Family Orchards
Photo by Wayne Pridemore

Martin Family Orchards will be selling organic fruit at the Shoreline Farmers Market Saturday, open 10am – 3pm in the Sears parking lot next to Central Market, 15300 Westminster Way N, Shoreline 98133.

They will joint a dozen other food stalls, as well as ready to eat treats and lunch places. 

Live music this week from Manubi 10am – noon, and Eric Miller  12:30 – 2:30pm.

Slow down and stay alert in school zones

School starts Sept 9
Photo by Steven H. Robinson

With the start of the school year approaching, the City of Lake Forest Park would like to take this opportunity to remind motorists that school zones and neighborhoods which may have been quiet for the summer will soon be busy with students walking and biking to school. Please make sure you slow down and stay alert.

Distracted driving is always dangerous, but it is especially so in and around school zones. Children are the least predictable pedestrians and the most difficult to see. Take extra care to look out for children not only in school zones, but also in residential areas, playgrounds and parks.

The safety of our pedestrians, bicyclists, and drivers is of paramount importance to the City of Lake Forest Park, and citizens are reminded that school zone cameras resume enforcement of the 20-mph school zone speed limit beginning September 9, 2015.

Please drive safely and exercise caution in school zones and neighborhood areas where children and teenagers might be walking or bicycling.

Mary Brueggeman to head SCC's Office of Advancement and Foundation

Mary Brueggeman
Following an open, nationwide search, Mary Brueggeman has accepted the position of Vice President for Advancement / Executive Director of the Foundation at Shoreline Community College.

Brueggeman will lead the Office of Advancement, which includes the college’s Public Information Office and Grants Office as well as the Shoreline Community College Foundation.

“I look forward to joining President Cheryl Roberts, the Executive Leadership Team and the Foundation’s Board of Directors to work together for the benefit of students at Shoreline Community College and the communities we serve,” Brueggeman said. 
“These are exciting, important times for the College and the Foundation and I am honored to be invited to be a member of the team.”

President Roberts said she is excited to bring someone with Brueggeman’s experience and skills to this pivotal role.

“Mary has a successful track record with communications and marketing, grants and fundraising,” Roberts said. “While we have a terrific team in place, adding Mary will allow us to better meet the needs of our students and communities as we build our preferred future.”

Brueggeman, who holds a master’s degree in Medical Anthropology from Southern Methodist University, has more than 20 years of experience as a non-profit Executive Director primarily in healthcare (hospice and home care) and the arts (Everett Symphony). In her most recent position as Director of Development for Future of Flight Foundation in Mukilteo, she successfully raised more than $3 million for the organization.

Prior to her position with Future of Flight, Brueggeman served as Director of Development for the Moyer Foundation where she implemented the organization’s comprehensive development plan and was key in launching a $10 million campaign to expand children’s bereavement camps nationwide.

Brueggeman also has experience as a Major Gifts/Development Officer at the Museum of Flight and as the Executive Director of the Everett Symphony Association. She has worked across sectors and has experience with corporations, non-profits, tribal organizations, public entities, foundations and government leaders.

Brueggeman is a member of several professional organizations including the Association of Fundraising Professionals, Puget Sound Grant Writer’s Association, Northwest Development Officers Association and the Washington Planned Giving Council.

Her first day in her new position at Shoreline will be on Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2015.

Shorewood grad is raising college money through crowdfunding site

Shorewood grad Carley Schwoerer
is crowdfunding for college

Shorewood grad Carley Schwoerer plans to attend a very non-traditional college in Monroe, the Alderleaf Wilderness College.

According to the Alderleaf website,
The Alderleaf Wilderness Certification Program is a comprehensive, nine-month nature and outdoor survival course encompassing wilderness survival, wild edible and medicinal plants, wildlife tracking, outdoor leadership, and sustainable living skills. The program prepares you to apply nature skills in a variety of outdoor careers in wilderness education, environmental research, sustainable living, and beyond.

College credits are earned through an arrangement with Western State Colorado University. Tuition and expenses run between $10 -20,000 a year.

Alderleaf does not have a financial aid program and Carley didn't have that kind of money, so like many young people, she turned to social media.

She set up a GoFundMe campaign. There are several online sites like this, where people who need funds for a specific project set up a webpage, explain their fundraising goals, and anyone can donate.

So far, Carley has raised a little over $2,000.

Thursday morning, King5 ran a story on her. Crowdfunding for College Tuition.

Carley hopes to begin classes in September.

It is very important to learn how to live in a way that is more beneficial to the natural world. Attending this program will bring me one step closer to being able to teach others how to live in a way that is more sufficient and constructive. 

Joint statement from Shoreline Schools and teachers association

Below is a joint statement from SEA and SPS on the tentative agreement reached Thursday night.

"The Shoreline Education Association (SEA) and Shoreline Public Schools are pleased to announce a tentative agreement on a new contract.

"We are proud of the work done by the bargaining teams to develop an agreement that will serve to support the continued success of our students, staff, and community.

"SEA holds its ratification meeting on Thursday, September 3rd, and we anticipate all back-to-school events will proceed as scheduled."

2015 Property Valuation Cycle underway

King County Assessor local residential areas

According to King County Assessor Lloyd Hara, you should look for your 2015 property valuation notice in the mail.

The first set of valuation postcards, which included central Shoreline, were already mailed to King County property owners, and the mailings will continue through October.

Still to come are west Shoreline, east Shoreline, and Lake Forest Park.

The notices list property values, which are determined by analyzing recent sales of comparable properties in the same area as of the January 1, 2015 assessment date. 

Visit the Assessor’s LocalScape My Revalue tab to stay informed about the 2015 revaluation cycle.

Police arrest in Richmond Beach business break in

Neighbors in Richmond Beach noticed a significant police presence Thursday evening, reportedly around The Little Store at the corner of Richmond Beach Road and 20th Ave NW, with police cars and a circling helicopter.

According to Shoreline Police, they received an alarm at a business in the Richmond Beach area. Shortly after the alarm activation, a citizen driving by reported seeing a person trying to break in to the business.

Shoreline Officers started to arrive in four minutes, calling in additional area police agency assistance, to include Sheriff’s Office K-9 and air support resources.

After an area containment and lengthy K-9 track, the suspect was located and arrested.

Statement from SEA - Shoreline teachers association

From David G. Guthrie, President
August 27, 2015 

The almost 600 members of the Shoreline Education Association are excited to report that we have reached a tentative contract agreement between the Shoreline Education Association and the Shoreline School District. Negotiations began last spring and culminated in 28 hours of negotiations today and Wednesday. Both of the Bargaining Teams – SEA and SSD – should be commended for their dedication and efforts. 

The collective interests of Shoreline educators guided our SEA Bargaining Team throughout the process and has resulted in a settlement that benefits Shoreline students and provides educators with resources they need to meet student needs effectively. 

The SEA Bargaining Team will share details of the tentative contract agreement with members at the SEA General Membership Meeting scheduled for Thursday, September 3, at 4:15pm in the Shoreline Center Auditorium. After time for questions and deliberations on the tentative agreement, SEA members will also conduct a contract ratification vote. 

SEA Interests Statement. Spring 2015
SEA members have the following values and beliefs, or “interests”: 

1. Quality of Instruction – We have an interest in a Collective Bargaining Agreement that supports our ability to provide the highest level of instruction for all students. 

2. Time – We have an interest in maximizing meaningful instructional and professional time. 

3. Culture – We have an interest in maintaining our culture of academic excellence by attracting and retaining the highest quality educators and honoring the value our members bring to the community. 

4. Compensation & Comparables – We have an interest in compensation that is on par with districts in our immediate geographic region, recognizes the high caliber of Shoreline educators, and acknowledges the cost of living in the Shoreline/LFP community. 

5. Fiscal Responsibility – We have an interest in working within a well-managed system that balances opportunities for students and staff with long-term district fiscal responsibility. 

6. Professionalism – We have an interest, as professional educators, in shaping the decisions that affect our students, classrooms, schools and community. 

7. Respect – We have an interest in working with administration and the community in an environment of mutual respect. 

8. Clarity – We have an interest in contract language that facilitates clear, consistent interpretation and supports student learning.
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