Get coffee at the Shoreline Farmer's Market, as well as produce

Friday, July 31, 2015

Kevin Driscoll and Suzie Kwon are ready to enjoy a coffee
from the local Shoreline establishment

Local coffee shop One Cup Coffee has a regular booth at the Shoreline Farmer's Market, selling their store brand, locally ground coffee.

The market is open on Saturday from 10am to 3pm on the upper level of Aurora Square near Central Market and Sears. Enter from N 155th just west of Aurora.

Arts Council offers creative workshops for fall

The Shoreline - Lake Forest Park Arts Council is offering a variety of creative workshops for the fall.

All workshops are $35 and start at 6:30pm. Held at the Shoreline Center, 18560 1st Ave NE, Shoreline, WA, these workshops come with all supplies and materials included. Just bring yourself (or round up a bunch of friends) and your sense of fun. 

Love all the workshops? Then don't miss out: get the season pass for only $150, and get access to all 5 workshops and save money at the same time. Season Passes available on Brown Paper Tickets.

Carousel by Mary McInnis

For anyone who would like to find out more about the medium of soft pastels. McInnis will talk about materials, tools and techniques, and have each student participate in color exercises. Informational handouts will be provided on pastel paper and pastels, which the students will use to explore color mixing and effects, and also to create their own pastel painting. 

 Flag Book by Jessica Hoffman

Create one-of-kind books, using found imagery – such as old magazine and book clippings, and explore low-tech printmaking techniques to create unique patterns and images. This simple structure is a great place to begin exploring book arts and lends itself it well to the incorporation of other 2-d media, such as photography, printmaking, and drawing, and offers a unique way to display images and/or tell a story. 

Fused Glass Pendants by Dolors Rusha

Students will learn techniques on how to make fused glass pendants. They will also gain knowledge on design and the right ways to layer dichroic glass in order to achieve the most vibrant colors. This is a fun and creative experience for both the instructor and the student. Pendants made in class will be taken to the instructor’s studio for firing, and will be available for pick up at the Arts Council office the following week. 

Rasta Man by Patricia Ann Wilson

Participants will be creating collage still lifes from found and fine papers. There will be a discussion on materials; gel medium, brushes, papers (found vs purchased) , scissors, and more. Participants will learn vocabulary including, still life, unity of surface, value, line, abstract, surrealism, cold press, hot press, and archival. There will also be a discussion on getting over fears of creating. Each student artist will come away with a finished collage ready to hang feeling confident and satisfied and having a clear understanding of the style of collage.

River Bend by Kathy Collins

Collins will teach the secrets to exquisitely simple, yet powerful impressionistic watercolor using her technique for rapid-process painting. Students will learn to achieve dramatic high contrast paintings using large brushes, charging in color, and mixing flowing wet paint right on the paper. 

Got questions? We got answers! More info available on the website or check out the facebook page. Want to talk to a human? Tara Shadduck or call the Art Council office at 206-417-4645.

The Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Arts Council is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to cultivate creativity and inspire our community through the arts.

SCC’s “Project Biotech” Camp Inspires the Next Generation of Biotechnology Thinkers

23 high school students from 18 area schools participated
in Project Biotech’s second week-long camp,
“Biotechnology and Human Health.”
Photo courtesy SCC

For the second year in a row, Shoreline’s Biotechnology Lab Program recently hosted Project Biotech, a summer camp for high school students. Over two dozen area high schoolers from 18 different schools attended this year’s program, which offered two separate five-day camps.

The first camp, held on Shoreline’s campus June 22-26, was themed “Introduction to Biotech.” It taught students the basics of biotech including DNA and micropipetting basics. “Intro to Biotech” laid a foundation for the second camp in the series, which was held July 6-10 and focused on the theme “Biotechnology and Human Health.”

Students Andreas Quist and Elizabeth Lin
present their Student Showcase Poster
“Immune System.”
Photo courtesy SCC
During the second camp, 9-12th graders learned about antibodies for disease prevention, viruses, the immune system and Assays used in labs by focusing on the analysis of a fictitious mouse serum to determine if mice had been infected with Hanta virus.

By focusing on practical applications like the analysis of the mouse serum, Project Biotech aims to situate the field of biotechnology in real world scenarios and give students a better idea of what processes and technologies they might encounter in their careers.

Camper Claire Perrin, a tenth-grader from Shorecrest High School, said 

“I feel so fortunate to have attended Project Biotech, where I learned amazing new things and performed multiple hands-on experiments. 
"Project Biotech provided a unique opportunity to learn amazing things and conduct advanced lab experiments that could not be done anywhere else.”

Aside from learning the ins and outs of biotechnology, part of the draw of Project Biotech is its focus on educating students about career options in the field and teaching skills like resume writing and job and internship hunting. Through a career panel and various tours of area labs and non profits, students got to meet role models from the biotechnology industry and academia.

The camp’s career panel exposed students to scientists and staff from Seattle Genetics, NanoString Technologies, Dendreon Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and Eurofins Pharma Discovery Services. Students also enjoyed tours of PATH, Center for Infectious Disease Research, LabCorp and UW Medicine’s Center for Innate Immunity and Immune Diseases.

As camper Josh McNamara, a twelfth grader from Woodinville High School, put it, “I always knew I liked science, but after Project Biotech I know I want to have a career in science.”

Each week-long camp culminated in a “Showcase of Learning” during which students presented posters and demonstrations representing their favorite camp activities. Open to the public, over 55 people attended this year’s student showcase, which was also attended by industry representatives who met and talked with students about the highlights they took away from the camp.

Students Alex Fu and Ben Kelly present their Student Showcase project, "How Helpful is Hand Washing?"

Students Alex Fu and Ben Kelly
present their Student Showcase project,
“How Helpful is Hand Washing?”
Photo courtesy SCC

Project Biotech is made possible, in part, thanks to the generous support of the following sponsors: Shoreline Community College Innovation Fund, Novo Nordisk, Emergent Biosolutions, Illumina, Dendreon Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Seattle Genetics, SABArchitectsf, Edmonds School District, Pacific Northwest Diabetes Research Institute, VWR, Shoreline Central Market and GE Healthcare

Shoreline Singer-Songwriter in solo show at The Bounty Aug 9, 2pm

Christina Shinkle in solo show at The Bounty
Photo by Allison Shinkle

Christina Shinkle worked as a professional keyboard player in Seattle for over two decades. Most of of that time was spent supporting other people’s creative efforts. Shinkle has also taught piano for 25 years and many Shoreline piano students know her as a teacher who nurtures students by allowing their own musical interests to guide their progress. 

After completing grad school, Shinkle began to focus on her own artistic pursuit. She has committed to developing and sharing her own material -  actively composing songs, writing lyrics and exploring arrangements. Shinkle has been working with former colleagues Gordon Tibbits and Ben Keller for the past few years as the leader of The Christina Shinkle Band. The Christina Shinkle Band and Shinkle as a solo artist are currently emerging out of open mics and song-writer performances to headline shows around the Northwest. 

Christina Shinkle will be offering a rare afternoon solo show on Sunday, August 9 at 2pm at The Bounty in North City (17551 15th Ave NE, Shoreline, WA 98155 206-549-9149). The show is a “Give What You Will” performance. Fans, music lovers, parents, early sleepers and those that relish an intimate musical experience in a smaller venue on a  weekend afternoon will enjoy this opportunity to hear a live show before dark. All ages are welcome.

Motorcycle safety patrols July 31 through Aug 16 in effort to reduce number of deaths

More motorcycles are seen on Washington’s roadways during the summer months than any other time of year. And unfortunately, more motorcycle riders are involved in serious injury and fatal crashes during these months. In an effort to reduce these crashes, increased motorcycle safety patrols start today, July 31, and run through August 16 in Pierce, King, and Snohomish Counties.

These patrols are focused on illegal driving behaviors by both riders and other drivers. Approximately 20 law enforcement agencies in these counties, including the Washington State Patrol, will be working overtime focused on drivers and riders who commit traffic safety violations.

These patrols are part of the Washington Traffic Safety Commission’s (WTSC) motorcycle safety education campaign known as “It’s A Fine Line”. 

From 2011 through 2013, motorcycles made up just 4 percent of the registered vehicles on Washington’s roads, but accounted for almost 17 percent of all traffic fatalities (225 of 1327). Of these fatal motorcycle crashes, 53 percent were single motorcycle crashes where no other vehicle was involved, and 78 percent were determined to be caused by the motorcycle rider.

“Motorcycle deaths are not declining like overall traffic deaths in our state,” said WTSC Director Darrin Grondel. “Motorcyclists are vulnerable road users who are over-represented in fatal crashes. We need to work together to end these tragic but preventable crashes.”

Driving under the influence (DUI), running off the road, and speeding are the main contributing factors in motor vehicle deaths. The WTSC and participating law enforcement agencies condemn profiling. Trained and commissioned law enforcement officers will be conducting these patrols enforcing traffic violations as defined by Washington State laws.

These and all extra law enforcement patrols are part of Target Zero—striving to end traffic deaths and serious injuries in Washington by 2030. For more information, visit the website. Additional information on the Washington Traffic Safety Commission can be found on their website.

Shoreline Critical Areas Ordinance Update: Schedule Change

City of Shoreline Critical Areas Ordinance Update: Schedule Change

The City is in the process of updating the Critical Areas Ordinance as required under the State Growth Management Act. The City received multiple comments asking for additional time to review the proposed changes so we are changing the project schedule in response to these requests. The revised schedule provides four weeks of additional review time. The updated schedule for the Critical Areas Ordinance Update project includes the following updated meetings:

Planning Commission Meetings:
  • Thursday, August 6, 2015
    NO CAO Update Agenda Item
  • Thursday, August 20, 2015
    General Provisions, related Title 20 Development Code changes, and follow-up items
  • Thursday, September 17, 2015
Public Hearing and Recommendation (SEPA Comment deadline)
City Council Meetings:
  • Monday, October 5, 2015
CAO Update Study Session 1
  • Monday, October 12, 2015
CAO Update Study Session 2
  • Monday, November 2, 2015
CAO Update Adoption Decision
Additional project information, including regulation changes drafted to date, can be found online

The SEPA Checklist and determination notice for this project can be found online.

Contact Associate Planner Juniper Nammi 206-801-2525, with any additional questions or comments and join planning for the above scheduled meetings to provide valuable input to Planning Commission and Council as they review and decide what to recommend and adopt.

Northwest Girlchoir accepting new choristers

Superb musical training for young girls
Northwest Girlchoir

Do you know a girl who loves to sing? Northwest Girlchoir provides the musical outlet to help shape her love of music into a skill, offering an environment to be herself and a community to support her as she grows.

Spaces are filling up in each choir level at Northwest Girlchoir, but openings are still available for girls entering Grades 1 and 2 for Prep Choir (no audition needed) and Grades 5-8 for Amabile and Vivace (auditions required for girls entering grades 3-12).

Choristers in Northwest Girlchoir participate in several mainstage concerts throughout the year. Scholarships are available at every choir level.

Details on signing up or scheduling an audition on the website.

Photo: Blue Moon, I Saw You Shinin' At Me

Blue Moon
Photo by Jerry Pickard

Thursday, 7/30/15 saw the second full moon in the month of July. This makes it a "Blue Moon".

Jessica Lynne goes full speed at concert in the park

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Jessica Lynne moved out into the audience
Photos by Jerry Pickard

Wednesday evening July 29 was a beautiful evening for a concert in the park. The temperature was very comfortable and the neighborhood turned out to see Jessica Lynne perform. As the sun faded behind the trees the park filled. The band did a final tune-up and the concert started.

Moving to the beat

Families danced, adults danced, and some just relaxed in their chairs and enjoyed the show.

Dancing to the beat

The show was sponsored by the Shoreline - Lake Forest Park Arts Council.

Other concerts during August are listed in this article.

Dollar Daze Book Sale at Lake Forest Park Farmers' Market Sunday

A DOLLAR DAZE BOOK SALE will be held at the Lake Forest Park Farmers’ Market in the Sponsor’s Booth, this Sunday August 2 from 10am to 2pm.

There will be hundreds of trade paperbacks, including fiction, nonfiction, children’s, and cookbooks for one dollar each.

Stock up now for summer vacations!

The sale is sponsored by the Lake Forest Park Friends of the Library. Look for the booth at the far end of the Farmers’ Market near City Hall.

The Farmer’s Market is held every Sunday in the lower-level parking lot of the Lake Forest Park Town Center, Ballinger Way N.E. at Bothell Way.

Metro Transit shuttles to carry fans to Seafair

Seafair fun takes off this week and Metro Transit has free shuttles to get fans to Lake Washington to see the hydro races and air shows. Travelers should plan for delays and bus reroutes during these major regional events, which include temporary closures of the Interstate 90 floating bridge for Blue Angels air show practices and performances Thursday, July 30, through Sunday, Aug. 2.

Hydro shuttles
Free shuttles to the Albert Lee Cup hydro races operate daily Friday through Sunday, July 31-Aug. 2. Shuttles run from the Columbia City Link light rail station (Martin Luther King, Jr. Way and South Edmunds Street) – to Stan Sayres Pit near Genesee Park on Lake Washington – where air shows above the lake also are planned.

Shoreline author releases hilarious tale of Seattle’s Ace Private Eye: Brewster McCabe

Set in 1985 Seattle, Brewster McCabe:Ace Private Eye is detective noir at its finest, filled with adventure, witty wordplay and quirky characters, set against a backdrop of city sights and sounds of a bygone era.

In the book, Brewster McCabe, along with his protégé Lionel Finchley, sets out to solve a series of crimes that are as perplexing as they are diabolical. Along the way, he finds himself in some hilarious situations as he weaves disparate clues together while trying to steer clear of pesky Detective Grist, who wants McCabe to turn in his fedora.

“People who have read the book love this character,” said Robb Zerr, about his first work of fiction. “He’s not a leading man type of private eye. A bit of a loner, he is as quick with a pun as a gun; Sam Spade as played by Groucho Marx with just a few “shades of gray” mixed in for good measure. 
"As the story moves along, readers get to visit a Seattle that is just a distant memory now, from the ramming of the West Seattle bridge by a drunk sea captain to the dark void that was the Dog House piano bar.”

Zerr’s previous books include his autobiography covering his three decades as a pirate entertainer, appropriately titled Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Years Before the Mast, and a collection of favorites from his weekly humor blog, RobZerrvations: Volume 1.

Zerr is a native of Washington State, one of the few people who will actually admit to being born in Renton. He has been a lifelong writer and storyteller, who moonlights as the Marketing Director for the Washington State Department of Commerce. He currently resides in Shoreline.

Brewster McCabe: Ace Private Eye is available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle.

Sound Transit to review suggestions from public for future expansion

On June 4 the Sound Transit Board kicked off public comment on a draft list of projects proposed to be studied as candidates for the ST3 measure. Nearly 25,000 people took an online survey, doubling the response rate for last year’s survey.

Details on the public input can be found online an interactive website for the ballot measure that saw more than 54,000 unique page views during the comment period. The site offers an up-close look at the projects that are proposed to be studied for the November 2016 ballot measure.

A total of 1,025 people submitted written comments at meetings across the region and by email and mail, and more than 70 local governments and organizations sent comment letters.

Results of the non-scientific survey reflected strong support for expanding regional transit services, with 93 percent of the self-selected respondents voicing support. Seventy-eight percent of respondents said the Draft Priority Projects List was a good list of projects to study, while approximately 5,000 people responded to an open-ended question seeking input on other potential projects to study.

Next month the Sound Transit Board will discuss potential updates to the list.

New law makes it possible for police to rescue animals from hot cars

Mel will not be left in a hot car!
Photo by Carl Dinse
Information courtesy Trupanion pet medical insurance

A new law went into effect in Washington state on July 24, 2015 to protect pets from some of the dangers of being left unattended in vehicles— whether from excessive heat or cold, or lack of ventilation or water. Under the new law, police officers will have the authority to rescue dogs and cats from unattended vehicles and will not be liable for damages caused.

Certain body types and breeds are more susceptible than others, including overweight pets and those with long hair, thick coats, or short faces. According to the Trupanion database, English and French bulldogs are 5 times more likely to suffer from heat stroke than the average dog. Heat stroke can become very dangerous and can be costly to treat if not caught early. The average heat stroke claim costs $1,300, ranging from less than $10 to over $10,000 in some cases.

Steve Weinrauch, Chief Veterinary Officer at Trupanion, commented on the dangers of leaving dogs in hot cars, and the benefit of this new law: “Almost every summer I unfortunately have to react to the heat stroke of a family pet who was left in a car. In spite of the best emergency care, these cases often lead to tragedy. Nobody thinks that it could be their family until it’s too late. Bottom line— if you wouldn't be comfortable in a parked car with the windows cracked, neither would your pet.

 Leave your pet at home. In my experience, Weinrauch continues, most people understand the consequences of leaving a dog in a car on a 90 degree day. It’s the 70 to 80 degree days that catch people off guard. For example, a few years back, on an 80-degree partly sunny day I checked on a service dog in a car in front of a business. By the time the dog was removed from the car, his core temperature was 112 (normal range is between 99 and 102). Four hours and $5,000 later, the dog’s systems completely shut down and she died in the specialty hospital. I’m hoping that by discussing this now, someone can avoid the grief later. If we are talking about what to do about heat stroke, it’s often already too late.

Shoreline City Council Meetings Monday

Monday, August 3, 2015 – Special Meeting 5:45 p.m.
  • Council Operations

Monday, August 3, 2015 – Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Agenda Highlights

  • Adoption of Ord. No’s. 716, 718, 719 and 720 – Amendments to SMC 12.40 Impact Fees for Transportation
  • Discussion of Affordable Housing Permit Fee Waiver/Reduction
  • Sound Transit Light Rail Project and Planning Update

Summer Teen Ensembles Production of Footloose

Edmonds Driftwood Players is proud to present the Summer Teen Ensemble’s performance of the popular musical Footloose August 21-23.

Footloose, one of the most explosive movie musicals in recent memory, bursts onto the Shorewood High School Black Box stage with exhilarating results. The Driftwood Players Summer Teen Ensemble (STE) performs Footloose with the rockin' rhythm of its Oscar and Tony-nominated top 40 score, including dynamic new songs for the stage musical. STE’s production of Footloose celebrates the wisdom of listening to young people, guiding them with a warm heart and an open mind.

The Summer Teen Ensemble (STE) at the Edmonds Driftwood Players is led by Director Morgan Heetbrink. The ensemble, now in its 8th year, is a Summer Drama Camp program for middle and high school students.

This production by the Edmonds Driftwood Players will take place off-site of their usual stage. Performances of Footloose will be at the Shorewood High School Black Box Theatre, 17300 Fremont Ave N, Shoreline 98133.

Performances: Friday-Sunday, August 21-23, 2015
Friday and Saturday at 7:00pm, Saturday and Sunday at 2:00pm
Performances are at Shorewood High School Black Box 17300 Fremont Ave. N., Shoreline, WA

Tickets are available for $12 online or 425-774-9600 option 3.

Arts al Fresco: Shoreline’s public art program celebrates three exhibitions –27 artists –at once

Rodger Squirrell, Poly Helix, 2015 kinetic

One of the largest sculpture exhibitions in the region, Shoreline’s ARTSCAPE and the pioneering Shoreline piano art project now widely imitated, PIANO TIME, open together in tandem with LOST DOCUMENTS, an indoor exhibition in the Shoreline City Hall art gallery.

Arts al Fresco is the largest event that the City’s Public Art program puts on each year and features a performance at City Hall by Creative Music Adventures (singer-songwriter American roots music, featuring Michael Stegner and Friends) on Thursday, August 6, from 6:00 to 8:00pm at Shoreline City Hall and the Park at Town Center, 17500 Midvale Ave N.

Susan Pope, Backyard Birds, 2014

Maps of ARTSCAPE, PIANO TIME 2015, as well as the City’s entire current collection of public art will be available online by August 6. The 12 artist-pianos are on display through September 15; the Gallery exhibition LOST DOCUMENTS is up through October 23th and the ARTSCAPE sculptures will be in place until July, 2016.

  • Rodger Squirrell, Jeff Tangen, Lin McJunkin, Will Robinson, Kevin Au, Karien Balluff, Jesse Swickard, Leon White, Jacob Foran, Peppé, Matthew Dockrey, Alan Fulle, Matt Babcock, (ARTSCAPE); 
  • Jennifer Carroll, Susan Pope, KJ Bateman, Mike Eggers, Yasuyo Dunnett, Elise Koncsek, Maria Mondloch, Marsha Lippert, Heather Carr (PIANO TIME); 
  • Yadesa Bojia, Nicole Brauch, Cathy Fields, Terra Holcomb, Karen Mahardy (LOST DOCUMENTS)

Lin McJunkin, Honey +? 2.0, 2015

More information about public art in Shoreline online or contact Public Art Coordinator David Francis 206-801-2661.

Installation by ArtSite, Ltd. Seattle. Piano Time Project support from Prosser Piano, Harlan Glotzer, and Iora Health Care.

Shoreline’s Public Art Program is a part of Shoreline Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Services. Shoreline Lake Forest Park Arts Council partners with the City to manage the exhibitions at City Hall.

Third Place Commons seeking new Executive Director

Annual fund raising breakfast at Third Place Commons
Photo by Aaron Stadler

It’s a Real Space for Real Community! Third Place Commons needs a new Executive Director who is innovative, organized, energetic, has excellent communication skills, can work independently and embraces the power of creative community connections.

Friends of Third Place Commons, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization founded in 1999, manages the Commons for the community. Adjacent to Third Place Books on the upper level of the Town Center at Lake Forest Park, the Commons is a large and flexible community space that encourages both spontaneous and organized activities. Features include seating for restaurants, free Wi-Fi, a safe place for children to play in sight of their caregivers, a semi-private meeting room, and a stage.

Every year, Third Place Commons hosts over 900 free public programs for people of all ages, interests, and abilities. With play and learn programs for infants, concerts by Shoreline School District students, educational opportunities for adults, Friday and Saturday night music, book clubs, Mahjongg and arts gatherings, plus the Lake Forest Park Farmers Market, the Commons is a lively and welcoming place. 

The vision of the organization is: Third Place Commons is a vibrant, safe, welcoming space open to everyone. Our mission is to:

  • Enrich and foster real community in real space at the Commons.
  • Facilitate free public events in the Commons.
  • Sponsor the local farmers market.
  • Partner with civic, arts and social service entities to help maximize their impact.

The Executive Director we seek is able to work independently and collaboratively, supervise part time staff and manage his/her time. The position requires flexibility and a commitment to building and sustaining community relationships.  

HistoryLink: Seattle Naval Hospital to Firland to Fircrest

Fircrest School
Photo courtesy Friends of Fircrest

The following is an excerpt from a much longer essay on Naval Hospitals in Washington Essay 10144, by Duane Colt Denfeld, Ph.D., July 10, 2012 

Seattle Naval Hospital
World War II found the navy seriously short of hospital beds. Large numbers of wounded and injured were expected from the war in the Pacific. The Oakland, California, naval hospital expanded, but more hospital beds were also needed in the Pacific Northwest. The Puget Sound Naval Shipyard hospital could not be expanded. Seattle was selected as an alternative since it had a good transportation network. Construction of the Seattle Naval Hospital began in March 1942 and the hospital opened that August. It was located on 165 acres in Shoreline, north of Seattle, at 15th Avenue NE and NE 150th Street.

The hospital had 41 one-story wood frame wards with a 500-bed capacity. It had two surgical wards, a surgery building with four operating rooms, and staff quarters for 780 personnel. A contract authorized on September 19, 1942, added three special wards and Officers Sick Quarters. The first wounded from the South Pacific arrived in January 1943. Large groups of patients arrived by special hospital trains from San Francisco. Soon the patient load exceeded the hospital capacity. An expansion program approved on May 24, 1943, added another 500 beds to the facility. On July 20, 1943, Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962) made her second visit to the hospital, talking with and encouraging patients in all seven wards.

On May 23, 1943, Captain Joel T. Boone (1889-1974) became the hospital's commandant. He was described as the most decorated U.S. Navy officer. Captain Boone had been awarded the Medal of Honor in World War I, the Distinguished Service Cross, three Silver Stars, three Purple Hearts, and other awards. The distinguished captain had also served as physician to three presidents. His Chief Nurse was Lieutenant Ida Ann Netter (1890-1981) of Seattle. She had joined the army in World War I and in 1923 left the army to join Navy Medical Corps. Lieutenant Netter advanced in responsibility to chief nurse.

Joining the staff in 1944 was Robert E. Bush (1926-2005) of Tacoma. At age 17 he dropped out of high school and joined the navy. Bush attended Medical Hospital Corps School and trained to be a hospital apprentice. He was assigned to the Seattle Naval Hospital in May 1944 for four months of intern training. From there he went to Camp Pendleton for additional training and then overseas. He took part in the invasion of Okinawa and on May 2, 1945, cared for the battle wounded, running from one to another under intense enemy machine gun and mortar fire. He was awarded the Medal of Honor for heroic action. After the war Bush used the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, better known as the G.I. Bill, to complete high school and graduate from the University of Washington. Bush had a successful South Bend, Washington, lumber and hardware business. The naval hospital on the Marine Corps base at 29 Palms, California, is named in his honor.

Near the end of the war a five-wing building for military dependents care opened. Captain Boone departed in March 1945 for duty in the Pacific. In 1945 hospital staff included 15 Seattle physicians and surgeons serving as navy doctors. Most of them had already seen overseas duty. Included in the group were Captain C. E. Watts (1890-1958), who was a clinical professor of medicine at the University of Washington for many years and instrumental in obtaining funding for the university's medical school. The hospital reached a capacity of 1,500 beds but had 2,000 patients at its peak. Patients were placed in hallways and other available space.

Following World War II the hospital closed and in 1947 the property was transferred to King County. Firland, a tuberculosis hospital, took over the facility and 399 tuberculosis patients moved in on November 25, 1947. By 1948 the population had grown to 750 patients. Firland occupied the facility until October 30, 1973. In 1952 the Fircrest School for developmentally disabled citizens moved into one section of the former naval facility, which was divided from Firland by a fence. Eighty-five acres of the former hospital grounds became the site of Shorecrest High School in 1961. Over the years the Naval Hospital buildings have been removed.

Hook Me Up at the North City Jazz Walk

Hook Me Up plays at the 2014 Jazz Walk
Photo by Steven H. Robinson

Come and hear Hook Me Up at the Frank Door Delivery Store at Tuesday, August 11 as part of the 9th Annual North City Jazz Walk. This site is sponsored by the Rain City Rotary and the office of Brad Lancaster Law and features outdoor seating with a beer and wine garden.

Hook Me Up, a Tacoma-based quartet featuring trumpeter Tracey Hooker, will be playing a mix of jazz and pop — familiar themes with a fresh jazz treatment. From the music of Chuck Mangione to Stevie Wonder, you’ll recognize that these players bring years of wisdom and experience to the stage that you want to hear more.

There are also nine other venues with music and a variety of food items for purchase.

Please be advised the 15th Ave NE between 175th and 182nd NE will be closed between 6:00pm and 11:00pm during the North City Jazz Walk.

Tickets are available for $15 at several local businesses as well as online. Day of tickets will be $20.

New traffic camera on Bothell Way in Lake Forest Park

LFP Traffic Camera
As a part of the City of Lake Forest Park’s plan to help mitigate traffic safety concerns, address the increase in traffic volume on SR 522 (Bothell Hwy), and to increase the safety of pedestrians, a new Traffic Safety Red-Light Photo Enforcement Camera will be installed at the intersection of NE 170th and SR 522.

To comply with State Law, “Photo Enforcement” signs have been posted in the area. It is expected that enforcement will begin at the end of August.

For more information about the LFP Traffic Safety Photo Enforcement Program, see their webpage.

New Shoreline-based transportation startup Joule Inc.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

A new business operation has launched in Shoreline.

Joule is a long-term car sharing startup that re-imagines vehicles as a service.

With Joule you have all the benefits of car ownership - the car is always available to you when you need it - and none of the hassles. Insurance, maintenance and roadside assistance are included in the price.

You even have the ability to swap out vehicles. If you need a truck over the weekend or a Tesla for your high school reunion we can make that happen, and we even deliver!

They recently won the TechCrunch Seattle Pitch-Off, and are currently accepting customers in their Pilot program.

We are excited to be launching our revolutionary new program in Shoreline.

New roof for Brookside Elementary

New roof for Brookside
Photo by Jerry Pickard

Brookside Elementary School got a new roof this month.

Superintendent of Schools Rebecca Miner says that the  big summer maintenance projects are the roof at Brookside, the Shorecrest High School Baseball and Softball Fields, and the Lake Forest Park Elementary Fire Alarm Replacement.

Photo by Jerry Pickard

Another ticketed event at Third Place Books: Wrestlemania author

It probably will not draw the same crowd as a former president (Jimmy Carter) did, but crowds are expected for this book signing by Daniel Bryan, author of Yes! My Improbable Journey to the Main Event of Wrestlemania.

Thursday, July 30, 7pm at Third Place Books in Lake Forest Park's Town Center, intersection of Ballinger Way and Bothell Way.

One of WWE's most unlikely champions of all time and also one of its most popular, Bryan has proved to the world and to all of WWE that looks can be deceiving. Just ask anyone who's ever underestimated him . . . right before he went out and whipped the WWE universe into a frenzy.

Tickets are required for a book signing and you need to buy the book to get a ticket.

Receive your signing line ticket with your purchase of Yes! : My Improbable Journey to the Main Event of Wrestlemania. You can order your copy today here and pick them up the day of the event. ID and CC used for purchase required to pick up any online purchase.

There are rules:
  • ONE piece of memorabilia will be signed PER TICKET. No exceptions.
  • ONE photo allowed per ticket/group.
  • Multiple people allowed in line per ticket, ex : families and groups.
  • Multiple copies of Yes! : My Improbable Journey to the Main Event of Wrestlemania can be signed.

Local history: construction project in Magnolia uncovers Seattle's multicultural past

A pair of Pince-Nez (“pinch-nose”) glasses,
a style made popular by Teddy Roosevelt.

Text and photos from King County Wastewater Treatment Division

Construction workers on a clean-water project in Magnolia unexpectedly discovered a window into Seattle’s past.

Shortly after construction began on an underground storage tank for the South Magnolia Combined Sewer Overflow Control Project, backhoes began turning up a number of boardwalk pilings and glass bottles.

State archaeologists at work 

As is required by law, we contacted the Washington State Department of Archeology and Historic Preservation, who then transformed the site into an archeological dig. The site turned out to be the remnants of Finntown, a low-income, multicultural community along the tideflats of Smith Cove around 1920-1930.

More than 2,400 artifacts were recovered from the Prohibition-era site, including a large number of alcohol and other beverage bottles.

1921 Japanese beer bottle

A bottle from the Nippon Beer Kosen Company in Japan, manufactured around 1921.

Two types of artifacts recovered indicate a Native American presence: a chisel or wedge, constructed from the femur of a large animal, and pieces of historic glass that appear to have been intentionally flaked (creating small glass tools).

Other artifacts include medicine bottles, pants suspenders, a Seattle Municipal Railway token, and a food-serving vessel with a willow pattern.

Qian Long coins from the Ch’ing Dynasty.

Other artifacts suggest the presence of Japanese, Chinese, and European-Americans. Notable artifacts include a Chinese coin from the Qing (Ch’ing ) Dynasty, dating between 1644 and 1911; a toy fork, suggesting the presence of children; and a Nippon beer bottle, manufactured between 1921 and 1933.

Archeologists are still working in the area, and believe they could find even more historic or even prehistoric artifacts. After the archeologists complete an official report, the artifacts will go through an extensive process of verification and assessment. Some of the artifacts are expected to go on display at the Burke Museum on the UW campus later this year.

AG makes crowdfunded company pay for shady deal

Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced the successful conclusion of the first enforcement action in the nation against a crowdfunded project that didn't follow through on its promise to backers.

King County Superior Court Commissioner Henry Judson ordered Edward J. Polchlopek III, otherwise known as Ed Nash, and his company, Altius Management, to pay $54,851 as a result of the 2012 “Asylum Playing Cards” Kickstarter campaign.

“Washington state will not tolerate crowdfunding theft,” said Ferguson. “If you accept money from consumers, and don't follow through on your obligations, my office will hold you accountable.”

Crowdfunding can be a positive way to secure financing for initiatives directly from a diverse pool of backers who generally provide small amounts of financial support. Crowdfunding campaigns have supported a broad range of initiatives from movie-making to high-tech gadgets to charitable giving.

In 2012, the Asylum Playing Cards campaign raised $25,146 from 810 backers, including 31 from Washington state. Polchlopek claimed his company would print and market a deck of cards and other items featuring artwork created by a Serbian artist.

Project backers were promised the playing cards and other rewards with an estimated delivery date of December 2012. The project was not completed and none of the backers received any of the promised items or any refunds. Additionally, the company has not communicated with its backers since July 2013.

Kickstarter’s terms of use make clear that companies are legally obligated to fulfill the promised rewards or provide consumer refunds. On the website it states: “When a project is successfully funded, the creator must complete the project and fulfill each reward. Once a creator has done so, they've satisfied their obligation to their backers.”


Photos: Naval 'parade' on Puget Sound

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Photo by Jan Hansen

Photo by Jan Hansen

Jan Hansen captured shots of this naval 'parade' Tuesday as these ships sailed by Richmond Beach.

Traffic revisions at LFP Starbucks for culvert replacement project

Lyon Creek Flood Mitigation Road Closure and Construction Update

Access and parking between Starbucks and Town Center will be closed July 28 to August 17.

The Starbucks drive-thru will remain open. Access near Bank of America has been reopened to provide access into Town Center for SR522 westbound drivers. Eastbound drivers on SR522 will need to enter the Town Center from Ballinger Way.

During the closure, KLB construction will replace the culvert under the Town Center near Starbucks entrance (L30) with 20’ wide x 140’ long concrete box culvert. This also includes stabilization of the streambed and culvert bed. Disturbed areas will also be revegetated with ~1000 native plants. KLB Construction will install split rail fencing to delineate sensitive areas to protect them from encroachment by private landscapers.

Take a look at the City’s Flickr account for pictures of the project including the SR 522 Culvert replacement.

Help raise funds for new community Art Display Panels

Panels in use for a PTA Reflections art contest
Photo by Steven H. Robinson

From the Arts Council

The Arts Council has display panels that are used by the schools, PTAs, community groups for all kinds of art shows and exhibits, including the Shoreline Arts Festival, and PTA Reflections shows.
You may have also noticed, especially if you've ever had to move them, that those 15-year-old panels desperately need to be replaced. We believe that our community artists and students should have the best displays for their art, they work hard on it, so let's help them show it off in the best way possible.

We're trying to do just that, and you can help us! We've launched a Power2Give campaign to help raise the money needed to replace the panels. The best part about this campaign is that there’s a 1 to 1 match from ArtsFund. If you give $90, ArtsFund will kick in another $90, and that buys us one whole panel!

We're combining this effort with a few others, including a 4Culture equipment grant, and with these efforts combined; we should be able to upgrade all the panels this year if we reach our goal on Power2Give.

How you can help:

1. Donate. Go to Power2Give and chip in towards the goal.

2. Spread the Word. Please share this information out to the parents in your organization via email, and social media.

3. Keep encouraging art! Having our panels get used so often that they've worn out is a great problem to have, and one of the reasons our community is so fantastic. Keep up the good work!

For more information and details on how your organization can use these displays, as well as other fantastic arts opportunities, visit the Arts Council website or call 206.417.4645.

Registration open for the Monster Mash Dash 5K

Registration now available online for the 2015 Monster Mash Dash 5K Family Fun Run and Walk on October 10. 

The run will take place along the Interurban Trail. Check in and parking at Shoreline City Hall, 17500 Midvale Ave N.

For more information call 206-801-2600.
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