Shoreline PTA Council Recognition and Awards

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Always a full house for the annual PTA
recognition dinner
Photo courtesy Shoreline Council PTA

By Lisa Surowiec, Shoreline PTA Council President

On April 29, Shoreline PTA Council held a Recognition event to honor not only Council award recipients, but also those of all local PTAs in Shoreline. Accompanying the award winners were PTA leadership and Principals.

Council Award winners were:

  • Jenny Farnam, Outstanding Volunteer
  • David Wilson, Outstanding Service
  • Rebecca Miner, Outstanding Advocate
  • Hopelink, Outstanding Service/Community Partner

President Lisa Surowiec presents awards to Jenny Franam,
Rebecca Miner, David Wilson, and Kevin Osborn
Photo courtesy Shoreline Council PTA

Jenny Farnam was the Lake Forest Park Family Service chair for 2 years. She has been part of the Holiday Baskets Committee for 2 years, running the Teen Gift Room. The last 4 years she has been active in The Works and oversees the "Prom Shop" portion of the Works. She also is the current liaison between The Works and the Council Family Service Chair. When you talk to Jenny, you can see her heart; she exudes kindness and caring, and is a tremendous asset to our Family Services programs.

David Wilson is a current School Board member, but has also been active in PTA and the community in many ways over many years. His service includes PTA President and VP & President of the Shoreline Foundation; he also has consulted and supported Power of One organization since 2000, the Back to School Consortium, and the “Works.”

Here are three comments from the community says about David:
“When I wanted to start after-school programs at Ridgecrest, he urged us on just like he did with the playground. He's in the background -  always supporting - and pushing forward anything that would assist the kids. He sets things up so that people who want to make good things happen have the opportunity and then steps back and lets others take the credit.”
“He was always honest and willing to talk with groups/PTA's about basic ed and the economic and political realities.  He held a sign and helped pass them out when it came to levies, etc.  He supported special needs in both the district and outside (like children’s country home)."
“David has been a wonderful advocate for our students with disabilities.  At graduation, he has always checked in with me before students come on stage to understand how to best support them while they cross the stage.  It has always meant more to me than I could ever possibly tell him.”

Rebecca Miner stepped into the Superintendent position without skipping a beat. It might seem really early to be recognizing Superintendent Miner for her time in the District, but she has packed so much into the past 10 months that we feel she is an obvious choice. She was truly spotted at EVERYTHING, from flour-sorting at our Food Drive to the summer Council of Neighborhoods picnic to elementary band and orchestra concerts and Chamber of Commerce events. She is recognizable as an ally and partner to PTA but also as the very present face of the District. We are thrilled to have her in our community and look forward to years of excellence.

Hopelink is not only an amazing organization, but is an amazing partner to the Shoreline PTA. They care for so many community members with an unbelievable assortment of services. Hopelink’s mission is to "promote self-sufficiency for all members of our community; we help people make lasting change."
“Hopelink is such a wonderful resource for our families and an amazing community partner for our special events.  The PTA is lucky to be able to have access to their depth of knowledge of community service."
"Kevin (Osborn, Shoreline Manager) is invaluable as part of the Holiday Baskets committee.  He is always willing to help in whatever way is needed.  Every year at the Holiday Baskets event, the Hopelink crew shows up in force with smiles, energy, great ideas, giving spirits, and compassionate hearts.  They are a joy to work with and an example to follow.  Their contribution is appreciated.”

The evening was made special by coordinators Carrie Campbell and Suzanne Gugger, with support from all of our local PTAs. Thank you to Pacific NW Catering for consistently great food over the years, Patterson Cellars for helping us with wine, McDonald Catering for fantastic desserts, and local brewer Gallaghers Where U Brew for donating some really great beer.

In addition to award winners, Shoreline PTA Council would like to recognize the following individuals for giving up time to educate and build bridges with PTA Leadership this year:

Sharon Suver-Jones, Shoreline School District
Adriana Zazula and Amy Pepper, North Urban Human Services Alliance
Amy Stapleton, Shoreline Community College
Diane Hettrick, Shoreline Area News editor
Jan Vance, Shoreline Chamber of Commerce
Jenny Farnam, Holiday Baskets/Teen Gifts Chair
Jill Brady, Shoreline Public Schools Foundation
Joe Sperry, International Community Health Services
Karen Kessinger, Power of One
Rob Beem, Community Services Manager for the City of Shoreline
Police Chief Shawn Ledford, Shoreline Police Department
Police Captain Scott Strathy, Shoreline Police Department
Patrick Ducey, Shoreline CERT President
Fire Chief Matt Cowan, Shoreline Fire Department
Chuck Goodwin, Shoreline School District Safety / Emergency Preparedness Coordinator

Thank you all for a great year!!


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