Block Watch info at Lake Forest Park Farmer's Market

Monday, June 8, 2015

Cynthia Schauffler with info about LFP Block Watches
Photo by Jerry Pickard

Cynthia Schauffler staffs a booth outside City Hall explaining Lake Forest Park's Police "Block Watch" program to shoppers at the Sunday Farmers Market.

She gives away stickers to little kids while signing the parents for block watch groups.

Stickers for the kids
Photo by Jerry Pickard

The program has shown success lately as the LFP Police have arrested several burglars after local residents called in suspicious persons in their neighborhoods. Police response has been fast and have stopped several crimes in progress.

The Farmer's Market is held every Sunday from 10am to 3pm.

If you are interested in joining a block watch group, or starting one yourself, contact the Lake Forest Park Police Department Block Watch Coordinator at 206-364-8216 to discuss the program.


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