Wild Women and New York Yankees at Third Place Books

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Wild Women on Thursday evening and baseball on Friday at Third Place Books in Town Center, Lake Forest Park, intersection of Bothell and Ballinger Way.

Judy Reeves
Wild Women, Wild Voices (New World Library)
Thursday, May 14 at 7pm

Write to celebrate, heal, and free the Wild Woman within. In her years as a writing coach, Judy Reeves has found twin urges in women: they yearn to reclaim a true nature that resides below the surface of daily life and to give it voice. The longing to express this wild, authentic nature is what informs Reeves’s most popular workshop and now this workshop is a book. 

Steve Steinberg
The Colonel and Hug: The Partnership That Transformed the New York Yankees (University of Nebraska Press) and Mark L. Armour

In Pursuit of Pennants (University of Nebraska Press)
Friday, May 15 at 6:30pm

The Colonel and the Hug shines a light on the contributions of two behind-the-scenes magicians, New York Yankees owner Jacob Ruppert and manager Miller Huggins.

In Pursuit of Pennants examines and analyzes a number of compelling, winning baseball teams over the past hundred years.


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