Voter turnout tops 25% in emergency radio network election
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Voter turnout in the April 28 special election moved above 25 percent in returns updated Monday.
Officials had a few thousand uncounted ballots Monday with a few ballots still trickling in, most from voters who had ballots returned for signature errors.
The measure to provide $246 million for the King County emergency radio network had the same 65.4 percent to 34.6 percent margin Monday that it had Friday. Monday totals showed 191,167 votes to approve the proposition and 101,047 against it.
County elections officials will continue to count ballots through final certification of results May 12.
I'm a little confused why this was it's own election - perhaps they knew turnout would be low and it would only take a few votes to pass?
It's tragic that so few folks felt it was their duty to vote, even for something some banal. People in other countries are dying for the opportunity to vote as we do. Shameful!
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