Sports by Frank Workman: Shorewood's Chris Diaz - Track Athlete of the Meet

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Chris Diaz in the SW - Marysville Getchell meet
Photo by Wayne Pridemore

By Frank Workman

The conditions couldn't have been better for records to fall at the Shoreline Invitational Track Meet Saturday afternoon.

Shoreline Stadium was all gussied up for the throng of athletes and fans who attended. The shrubs were sculpted to perfection, colorful bunting hung around the track's perimeter, even extra porta-potties were brought in to accommodate the patrons and participants.

The sun was out, the sky was blue, and there was a slight breeze at his back when Shorewood junior Chris Diaz put his feet into the starting blocks before the finals of the 110 Meter Hurdles.

Five of the race's eight contestants had qualifying times this year that were in the top ten in the state, a fact that no doubt pushed Diaz to his best.

It took all the pieces to be in place to help Diaz not only win the 110 Hurdles, he also broke the Meet Record that had stood since 1996, with a time of 14.20.

Chris Diaz at Shoreline Invitational
Photo by John McAlpine
Minutes after being awarded the Track Athlete of the Meet Award,  Diaz cited the inspiration that led him to the record.

"My coaches and my teammates believe in me, they push me, they inspire me.  I was running for all of them," a modest Diaz said.

Shorewood finished in 9th place in the meet with 25 points.

Wenatchee took home the team championship trophy, amassing 55.5 points.


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