Shoreline City Manager's update week of 5/11/2015

Friday, May 15, 2015

Weekly Update for Week of 5/11/2015
From Debbie Tarry, Shoreline City Manager

Council Meetings

Things that happened on May 11
·         Dinner Meeting: Met with the Fire District Commissioners and the Fire Chief.  The Fire District will be having two ballot measures on the August 4th primary election.  The first is to institute a Fire Benefit Charge.  If this passes their property tax levy rate will drop from $1.50/$1,000 assessed valuation to $1/$1,000 assessed valuation.  The Fire District indicated that this would be revenue “neutral” shift if approved by voters.  The second measure is a $9.5 million 10 year capital bond.  The capital bond would include the purchase of a replacement ladder truck and rebuild of the North City fire station, in addition to several other capital items.
·         Business Meeting:
o   Proclamations: Two proclamations. Recognition of Armed Services Appreciation Day (Dwight Stevens) and Shoreline Schools Music4Life (Ken Noreen).
o   Recognition from the Housing Development Consortium (HDC): Kayla Schott-Bresler presented HDC’s Municipal Champion award to the City Council recognizing the City’s leadership in supporting affordable housing opportunities in Shoreline.
o   Adoption of Resolution No. 370 – Policy to Prohibit Discrimination on the Basis of Sex as Required by RCW 49.60 in the operation, conduct or administration of community athletic programs for youth or adults.
o   Authorized the City Manager to Execute a Contract with Herrera Environmental Consultants for Phase 1 of the Hidden Lake Dam Removal
o   Ronald Wastewater District Assumption Transition Committee of Elected Officials Update
o   Discussion of Aurora Square Community Renewal Area Public-Private Partnership Project: Right-of-way Vacation and Dedication to Transform Westminster Way N

Things coming up on May 18
·         Adoption of Resolution No. 374, Extending an Interfund Loan to the Roads Capital Fund for the Aurora Corridor Improvements Project From the General Fund: Council approved Resolution No. 362, approving a $2.5 million loan for the period of June 1, 2014 to May 31, 2015. Staff is requesting to extend this interfund loan for a period of up to one year. Construction activities for the 192nd to 205th segment of the Aurora Corridor Improvements project continue through 2015 with completion expected in early 2016. The majority of the funding sources for this segment are grants and utility reimbursements. The submittal of the reimbursement occurs within 15 to 30 days of payment of expenses each month. Grant reimbursements have been received on average within 30 to 45 days of submittal. This results in a deficit cash flow while the City waits to receive reimbursement from the granting agency.

·         Authorize the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with AltaTerra Consulting LLC for the Puget Sound Drainages Surface Water Basin Plan: The Puget Sound Drainages Surface Water Basin Plan consists of studies to assess surface water, drainage, and infrastructure conditions within the Puget Sound Drainage areas (which includes large portions of the City’s Richmond Beach, Innis Arden, and Highlands neighborhoods) and three smaller drainage areas adjacent to City boundaries: portions of the Edmonds Way, Densmore and West Lake Washington Basins. This basin plan will complete the City's drainage basin planning efforts to identify problems and develop and prioritize management actions to address drainage, infrastructure, water quality, and habitat issues.

·         Adoption of Ordinance No. 711 – New Chapter for Shoreline Municipal Code 3.65 – Collection of Debt: Occasionally, City taxpayers and customers become delinquent on payments to the City. Staff has proposed a collection process to attempt to fully collect on these overdue accounts. On April 13, staff presented proposed Ordinance No. 711 for Council discussion. The ordinance will designate that the Administrative Services Director establish, maintain, and enforce procedures for the collection of debt.

·         Discussion of Compensation and Classification Study Labor Market Recommendation: In early 2014, the City Council directed the City Manager to conduct a holistic review of the City’s compensation plan in 2015. In September of last year, Council provided direction regarding the scope of the study to include base salary compensation and classification, non-salary cash and deferred compensation and employer contributions toward health care. The consulting firm selected to conduct the study is Ralph Andersen and Associates. The project manager for the study from Ralph Andersen and Associates is Doug Johnson. On March 23rd, Mr. Johnson attended a Council Dinner Meeting to facilitate a labor market discussion in advance of conducting the compensation study. Mr. Johnson subsequently recommended a set of survey agencies to the City Manager. Mr. Johnson is joining the Council to follow up on the discussion from March 23 and review the recommended survey agencies with the Council.

Light Rail
On Thursday, May 7, the Sound Transit Executive Committee was presented a Draft Priority Projects List (PPL) for ST3 that’s designed to get the conversation started. Included was 145th High Capacity Transit (HCT) Study to examine access and connection on NE 145th from State Route 522 to Link Light Rail. The ST Board will discuss the PPL on May 28th along with plans for public engagement and outreach, including seeking input from jurisdictions. The ST Board is scheduled to refine the PPL on August 27.

This and That
·         Last Thursday the Planning Commission re-elected Keith Scully as Chairman and Easton Craft as Vice-Chair.
·         Congratulations to Martha Rose Construction who was awarded the Leader in Sustainable Building Award.
·         Mayor Winstead sent a letter to Sophia Staheli of Highland Terrace Elementary congratulating her for being selected as an outstanding patroller in Washington State and on being inducted to the 2015 AAA School Safety Patrol Hall of Fame.
·         AWC letter to the State Legislature Leadership regarding action on HB 2136, marijuana regulation and revenue-sharing.

Calendar Items
·         Spring Recycle Fest, May 16, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Sears’ Parking Lot
·         State of the City Breakfast, Wednesday, June 3, 7:00 a.m., Shoreline City Hall
·         Shoreline Lake-Forest Park Arts Council Gala, Saturday, June 6, 5:30 p.m., Shoreline Center


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