Shell oil rig passes by west Shoreline Thursday

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Polar Pioneer oil rig off Richmond Beach
Photo by Wayne Pridemore

Off Richmond Beach an asphalt barge named Dungan Pearsall heads for Point Wells. In the background is Shell Oil's Polar Pioneer, an oil drilling rig, on the way to Terminal 5 in the Port of Seattle at Elliott Bay.

The Polar Pioneer with an escort of tug boats
Photo by Jan Hansen

The giant oil rig is 400 ft. in length by 292 ft. in width. It stands 307 ft. in height and has a maximum drilling depth of 25,000 ft. It is the largest of a 25-vessel fleet Shell has gathered to continue oil exploration in Chukchi Sea off the Alaska coast.

Passing Richmond Beach
Photo by Wayne Pridemore

Our news partner The Seattle Times, reports that "Shell is moving into Terminal 5 despite a request Tuesday by the Port of Seattle commission that it delay the vessels’ arrival while the Port challenges a city ruling aimed at keeping the rigs out." 
"At Terminal 5 — now the center of a legal and political standoff between the city and the Port of Seattle — Shell contractor Foss Maritime plans to load drilling equipment and supplies for the two main vessels, the Polar Pioneer and the Noble Discoverer."


Anonymous,  May 15, 2015 at 1:20 AM  


Tom Jamieson May 15, 2015 at 6:35 AM  

Great coverage. Thanks for the story and pics.

Anonymous,  May 15, 2015 at 6:51 AM  

Corporations rule. When will we learn?

Anonymous,  May 15, 2015 at 9:06 AM  

You Boo them? Yet the very keys you press to boo, come from oil.You more than likely drive a car that uses oil and gas. If not, the tires on your vehicle are an oil based product. Any plastic product you use comes from oil and that list goes on and on.
This Rig coming to Seattle is gonna create Jobs for so many and stimulate the economy. Its better that we reap the benefits of jobs and a stimulated economy, than having Shell go to a different city or worse yet a different Country.
Also this rig plans to drill way up north in no mans land. Unlike the many rigs "platforms" Ive seen flying into Anchorage Alaska that are already drilling.
You protest one when there are so many others? You should see the North Sea.
So, you drive down to the water with your plastic kayaks on the roof of your cars to go protest and all I see is a bunch of hypocrite!
Boo To You!

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