Proud to be American - Shoreline Concert Band Spring Concert Tuesday

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Saxophonist Sergeant David Jenkins, center
Shoreline Concert Band Spring Concert, "Proud to be American," Tuesday May 19, 7:30 pm, Shorewood High School Performing Arts Center, 17300 Fremont Ave N, Shoreline 98133.

No admission charge, but donations for Music Scholarship Fund accepted at the door.

Director Ken Noreen says "I am excited to present the final concert of the academic year to our public. The music, the groups, and our special soloist should make this concert a wonderful experience for all."

This concert will feature selections dear to the hearts of all Americans -- Everything from a rousing playing of "Stars and Stripes Forever" to the " American Elegy," reflective of the Columbine massacre.

Special guest groups: University of Washington Campus Band directed by graduate student Alison Farley and the outstanding Kellogg Middle School Wind Ensemble directed by Alec Wilmart. Mr. Wilmart is a University of Washington graduate and former student of Ken Noreen.

Saxophonist Sergeant David Jenkins
Guest soloist is Saxophonist Sergeant David Jenkins, member of "The President's Own" United States Marine Band in Washington D.C. His appearance is made possible by a grant from the Shoreline-LFP Arts Council. He will be performing with the Kellogg group and the Shoreline Concert Band.

Saxophonist Gunnery Sergeant David Jenkins of Williamstown, Mass., joined "The President's Own" United States Marine Band in November 2004.

Prior to joining "The President's Own," Gunnery Sgt. Jenkins performed with the Amherst Saxophone Quartet in Amherst, N.Y., and the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra in Minnesota. 

Gunnery Sgt. Jenkins performs with the Marine Band at the White House, in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area, and across the country during the band's annual concert tour.


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