Only one Shoreline Council position will be on primary ballot

Sunday, May 17, 2015

By Evan Smith

Filing for Shoreline City Council ended Friday with only one position having enough candidates to force a primary.

It's the position that Councilman Jesse Salomon now holds. Salomon will face Richmond Highlands resident Michael Bachety and Echo Lake area resident Lorn Richey in the August 4 primary, with the top two primary vote getters advancing to the Nov. 3 general election.

The position that retiring Councilman Chris Eggen holds will have only two candidates now that announced candidate Ginny Scantlebury has decided not to run. That leaves candidates Jessica Cafferty and Keith Scully to meet in November.

All three had registered as candidates with the state Public Disclosure Commission, registration that allows a candidate to raise and spend money for the primary and general election.

Scantlebury had reported raising $2,100 with no spending. Cafferty has reported $14,498 raised and $4,508 spent. Scully has reported raising $16,808 and spending $1,327.

Salomon leads all candidates for Shoreline positions with $21,381 raised and $1,728 spent. He will need to return part of the contributions from two donors who gave money for both the primary and the general election. Richey has raised $2,170.

Cafferty works for a women's leadership organization. Scully is an attorney and a Shoreline Planning Commissioner. Scantlebury was an unsuccessful candidate two years ago for a position on the Ronald Wastewater District board.

Incumbent Councilwoman Doris McConnell will be unopposed for the third position on the November ballot.

Evan Smith can be contacted at


Anonymous,  May 17, 2015 at 1:17 AM  

Yes to Lorn Richey and Michael Bachety!!! May both of these best men win and may the equal best man take Chris Roberts position when he wins elections director.

Anonymous,  May 17, 2015 at 5:29 AM  

It must have escaped Evan's attention that Chris Eggen filed for Ronald Wastewater as a candidate.

So much for Eggen's so-called retirement. Funny he should run for a special purpose district when he has said they are not useful. Hypocrite. People should vote for his opponent - Tim Tipton.

Evan Smith (not anonymous),  May 17, 2015 at 3:31 PM  

I noticed that Eggen had filed to run for a Ronald Wastewater District board position. I'll have something in a day or so.

Anonymous,  May 17, 2015 at 7:22 PM  

As for the so called 20,000.00 that Salomon has raised, please take a look at the Public Disclosure Commission reports. The following needs to be considered: 11,000.00 is a personal loan from the candidate to his campaign. His father has donated 1800.00. 1900.00 came from his mother in law. Other family members have donated at least another 600.00 dollars. Of note is the donation from the chief lobbyist for the multi-family rental group who works for H2 government relations. Nearly 15,000.00 of his campaign funds have come from his and his wife's relatives. He has raised a total of 1285.00 from the citizens of Shoreline.

Stan,  May 17, 2015 at 11:22 PM  

It is unfair for a journalist to single out one candidate and label them as "unsuccessful".

I don't know Ginny Scantlebury or any of the candidates, other than through their public comments during meetings of the Planning Commission and at the City Council. But, I did notice that each time Evan Smith mentioned Ginny Scantlebury he always made sure that it was known she had been an "unsuccessful candidate", while never mentioning that fact about the other candidates.

There may be others, but Keith Scully and Jesse Salomon have both been "unsuccessful candidates". Jesse Salomon was an "unsuccessful candidate" for the State Senate (42nd LD). And, Keith Scully was an "unsuccessful candidate" for King County Prosecutor and also an "unsuccessful candidate" for Bob Ferguson's seat on the King County Council.

If Evan Smith wants to be thought of as an objective reporter he should be consist with all the current candidates who have been "unsuccessful". Also, he should write a explanation and public apology to Ginny Scantlebury for tainting the public's perception of her by singling her out as the "unsuccessful candidate".

It is not hard to be an unsuccessful candidate but I believe it is hard for a candidate to overcome being consistently labeled as "unsuccessful".

If Evan Smith does not think this label would be perceived as a negative characterization of a candidate then I expect in the future he will apply it equally and fairly to ALL the "unsuccessful candidates".

Stan May 18, 2015 at 1:16 PM  

It is unfair for a journalist to single out one candidate and label them as "unsuccessful".

I don't know Ginny Scantlebury or any of the candidates, other than through their public comments during meetings of the Planning Commission and at the City Council. But, I did notice that each time Evan Smith mentioned Ginny Scantlebury he always made sure that it was known she had been an "unsuccessful candidate", while never mentioning that fact about the other candidates.

There may be others, but Keith Scully and Jesse Salomon have both been "unsuccessful candidates". Jesse Salomon was an "unsuccessful candidate" for the State Senate (42nd LD). And, Keith Scully was an "unsuccessful candidate" for King County Prosecutor and also an "unsuccessful candidate" for Bob Ferguson's seat on the King County Council.

If Evan Smith wants to be thought of as an objective reporter he should be consist with all the current candidates who have been "unsuccessful". Also, he should write a explanation and public apology to Ginny Scantlebury for tainting the public's perception of her by singling her out as the "unsuccessful candidate".

It is not hard to be an unsuccessful candidate but I believe it is hard for a candidate to overcome being consistently labeled as "unsuccessful".

If Evan Smith does not think this label would be perceived as a negative characterization of a candidate then I expect in the future he will apply it equally and fairly to ALL the "unsuccessful candidates".

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