All quiet Monday as schools close for teachers' walk out

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Photos by Steven H. Robinson

School grounds were deserted at Ridgecrest Elementary and the parking lot had one car.

Buses were neatly parked at the Transportation Center.

Shoreline teachers and SESPA were on strike for the day, to send a message to the state legislature about its lack of action to fund public education.

The District closed classes for the day. Everyone will be back in the classrooms on Tuesday, May 12.


Anonymous,  May 12, 2015 at 5:02 AM  

As long as you are exploiting the children to "send a message," why not just re-institute mechanical restraints while you're at it?

Anonymous,  May 12, 2015 at 8:41 AM  

Teachers are overpaid, entitled, spoiled and selfish. They make good money and get holidays off. I'm tired of hearing complaints from teachers only making a mere 80k per year.

Anonymous,  May 12, 2015 at 9:05 AM  

It's all about the money, teachers need to stop using children as pawns to fund their greed. They have powerful unions and could get their WA without sacrificing education. I've never seen a school levy ever fail in this area. They get what they want and are never happy. Even if you think education is so good here, the students could never compete with students of other countries, don't fool yourself thinking your kids are so smart, education here is watered down so parents don't get egos bruised.

Anonymous,  May 12, 2015 at 9:06 AM  

At least teachers don't have to worry about being outsourced.

Anonymous,  May 12, 2015 at 9:09 AM  

80% percent of my property taxes go to schools, I'm at 5k per year for a dumpy home in shoreline...and they complain they're not being supported?? We should stop feeding the pig, they'll never be satisfied.

Anonymous,  May 12, 2015 at 9:21 AM  

Why is it that teachers think their job is so much harder than any other job? Most went from college to teaching and never had non teaching jobs so they have no idea what the rat race is about. I think the people caring for our elderly at minimum wage have more honorable professions and you never see them having walkout tantrums...

Anonymous,  May 12, 2015 at 6:12 PM  

Let's not lose sight of the students. Classrooms are crowded, kids are unnecessarily stressed and over tested, and the curriculum is driven by unnecessary tests. Our schools are falling apart and teachers want to raise awareness.

Anonymous,  May 12, 2015 at 7:33 PM  

I'm not sure which teachers you have been speaking to that make 80k a year, but I wanted to inform you that the absolute maximum salary cap for a teacher with 16+ years experience with a PhD education in Shoreline SD is actually at $80k. Let me emphasize again that it would take 16+ years experience with the maximum amount of education possible (a PhD for goodness sake!) to achieve this salary! Trust me when I say that the average teacher does NOT make nearly as much as 80k. Additionally, the rolling strikes are not primarily about teacher pay, but about how legislation is not providing proper funding to public schools which directly affect students, for example: WA state is 47th in the nation for class sizes and 40th in the nation for per-pupil funding.

Anonymous,  May 13, 2015 at 7:49 AM  

Hey, the 80k wage is correct for some teachers that don't have a Ph.D., its all listed on the net, by district or even name, just google it. Time to stop the propaganda

Anonymous,  May 13, 2015 at 7:51 AM  

To the person that lives in the dumpy house in Shoreline. get off your lazy butt and fix your dumpy house! better yet sell and get out of Shoreline! At least the teachers are doing something about what they believe in.

Anonymous,  May 13, 2015 at 6:25 PM  

Speaking of dumpy houses, I wish my place looked dumpy so I wouldn't keep getting hit with tax hikes everytime I make improvements. Guy with dumpy house, don't move, we need diverse opinion, the 751am guy is a nasty hateful person it seems.

Anonymous,  May 13, 2015 at 6:28 PM  

Even Seattle times just published wages of teachers...a 15 yr teacher in Everett was listed at 90k per year

Anonymous,  May 13, 2015 at 8:37 PM  

I looked it up for some elementary teachers in shoreline, it was all posted on the web from 2012 year:
Total compensation
Marilyn G Overton Shoreline School District Other Teacher $89,276
Rebecca Mason Moreno Shoreline School District Other Teacher $90,325
Mark David Owen Shoreline School District Elementary Teacher $93,917
Barbara Miller Moquin Shoreline School District Other Teacher $88,976
Dawn Marie Maylor Shoreline School District Spch.-Lang. Path./Audio. $97,612
Monica Louise Donovan Shoreline School District Elementary Teacher $88,882
Dennis Arthur Day Shoreline School District Library Media Specialist $93,416
Andre Paul Berkbigler Shoreline School District Secondary Teacher $92,026
Mary Francis Walters Shoreline School District Other Teacher $89,276
Sandra L James Shoreline School District Other Teacher $89,722
Theresa M Hanson Shoreline School District Spch.-Lang. Path./Audio. $89,276

Anonymous,  May 13, 2015 at 10:19 PM  

this is interesting:
Christopher S Wilder - Highline School district secondary teacher
2013-2014 financials
•Salary: $109,296
•Bonuses/Stipends: $16,814
•Insurance/Benefits: $9,572
•Total Compensation: $135,682

Biographical information
•Experience: 21.1 years
•Highest Degree Obtained: Bachelors (1989)
•Gender: Male
•Age: 47

Anonymous,  May 15, 2015 at 7:46 PM  

None of that is their take-home pay. That's the cost of the teacher position INCLUDING the insurance/benefits cost. Way to cherry-pick to support your position.
The secondary person is probably doing some administrative positions on top of the teaching duties.

Anonymous,  May 15, 2015 at 10:41 PM  

Wow, even if their take home pay is under that, I'm ready to sign up and be a teacher. I'll do some admin positions to get some extra pay to put me over 100K, gladly. Thanks for posting this whomever you are. Time to break the myth that teachers don't make any money.

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