Shoreline Planning Commission to discuss wetlands

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Paramount Park upper pond, restored by volunteers in 1997
Photo by Janet Way

The Shoreline Planning Commission meets on Thursday, June 4, 2015 – 7:00pm in the Shoreline City Hall Council Chambers.

Critical Area ordinance update for wetlands and development code amendments are on the agenda. The full packet of background documents prepared by the staff is here.

Not everyone realizes that there are two Paramount Parks in Shoreline. The best known one is the Paramount School Park. Formerly the site of a closed and demolished elementary school (Paramount Park), the land still belongs to the Shoreline School District. Under a joint use agreement, the City has created a large public park on the grounds, with a skateboard park, playground equipment, and walking path.

12th Ave NE entrance to
Paramount Park Open Space
Photo by Janet Way

The other Paramount Park, sometimes called the Paramount Park Open Space, is Shoreline's largest wetland and the headwaters of Thornton Creek. Restored in a citizen-led project in 1997-98, the 10 acre site at 946 NE 147th St, Shoreline, WA 98155 boasts open ponds and shady green spaces. Several trails lead into the Park from the surrounding neighborhood.

Planning Commission meetings are open to the public and include a comment period. Comments are also welcome by email.

Shoreline City Council meetings on Monday and Wednesday

Monday, June 1, 2015 – Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m.

Agenda Highlights (full agenda)
- Adoption of Ord. No. 703 – Westminster Street Vacation
- Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Memoranda of Understanding with the Shoreline Fire Department and the City of Lake Forest 

Park for the Use of Their Facilities to Establish the City’s Primary and Alternative EOC and Radio Rooms for Emergency Communications
- Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract with David A. Clark Architects to Provide Design Services for the Police Station and City

Hall Campus
- Discussion of the King County Best Start for Kids Initiative
- Discussion of the Solid Waste Request for Proposal

Shoreline City Council Special Meeting

As required by RCW 42.30, the Open Public Meetings Act, you are hereby notified of a Shoreline City Council Special Meeting on Wednesday, June 3, 2015 - State of the City Breakfast - starting at 7:00 a.m. at Shoreline City Hall.

Shorewood baseball season ends with State 3A championship games full of strange twists

Shorewood’s baseball season ended with a second-place finish in the State tournament after the Thunderbirds lost to champion Mercer Island Saturday in a game that sent the T-birds to extra innings for the second consecutive day and the third time in four tournament games.

Shorewood and Mercer Island were in a scoreless tie Saturday after the regulation seven innings.

Mercer Island loaded the bases in the bottom of the eighth with two outs; then, the Islander batter walked to drive home the winning run, but umpires ruled that the run didn’t count because all four runners hadn’t touched the next base.

The game stayed scoreless until the 13th inning, when an Islander hit a game-winning home run.

The loss came a day after Shorewood had won a Friday extra-inning semifinal game from Central Kitsap.

Shorewood’s baseball season ended with a 22-5 record.

Our news partner, The Seattle Times made these notes:
“Shorewood played 12 extra innings in its last four games, all must-win contests. All three of the games that went into extras finished with a 1-0 final score. 
“In those four games, which spanned a week, Nick Edney caught all 40 innings.”

Cole McKisson
Photo by Wayne Pridemore

Another Times story said this about the 1-0 loss to Mercer Island:
“For Shorewood, the roller coaster of emotions left the ending even more heartbreaking. 
“’I just told them, we battled as hard as we could,’ Shorewood coach Wyatt Tonkin said. 
“The odd eighth inning overshadowed a great pitching duel between Shorewood’s Cole McKisson and Mercer Island’s Alfonzo Gonzalez, with both pitching into extra innings.”

Ian Oxnevad
Photo by Wayne Pridemore

Shorewood had reached the final, with another strange 1-0 extra-inning victory Friday over Central Kitsap.

The Times said this: 
In eight innings, the Thunderbirds won on a sacrifice fly from catcher Nick Edney. Bases were loaded after a single when Eden’s hit lifted Shorewood to face Mercer Island in the 3A Championship. After the winning run came across the plate, a fight broke out between the teams. No ejections or injuries resulted from the fight.

As Wagner popped up from his slide, he let out a scream and ran to hug senior starting pitcher Ian Oxnevad, who was streaming out of the dugout. It appeared Wagner accidentally bumped Central Kitsap pitcher Eric McCormick, who reacted with a shove. 
A shoving match between the teams followed and it took a few moments to be broken up. 
The fight overshadowed a brilliant pitching duel between Oxnevad and McCormick. 
Oxnevad, who tossed 11 innings of scoreless ball in last Saturday’s one-run win, went eight innings Friday, allowing four hits and a walk while striking out four. In a continuing theme from his gem last week when he picked off four runners at first, the senior left-hander nabbed two.

Shorewood boys place fifth in state 3A track

Shorewood placed fifth in the state 3A boys' track and field meet in Tacoma Thursday through Saturday.

Shorewood finished just ahead of Wesco 3A South rivals Edmonds-Woodway and Meadowdale. The Thunderbirds trailed Bellevue, O'Dea, Mount Spokane and Rainier Beach.

The T-birds scored all of their 25 points in four events on second-place finishes in the 800 meters and the 300 hurdles, a fourth in the 4x100 relay and a fifth in the high jump.

Here are results of those four events:

800 meters-- 1) Devroe, Oak Harbor, 1:52.61; 2, Devan Kirk, Shorewood, 1:53.14.

300m Hurdles— 1) Christapherson Grant, Meadowdale, 38.45; 2) Chris Diaz, Shorewood, 39.44.

4x100m— 1) Bellevue,  42.70…. 4) Shorewood (Bostyn Vordahl,  Jerren Johnson, Kant Yu, Chris Diaz) 43.33.

High Jump— 1) Penn, Bellvue, 6-8…. 5) Ronnie Gary, Shorewood, 6-6.

King's boys win State 1A track championship

The King's boys track team ran away from the rest of the field at the 1A state track championships last week at Eastern Washington University, with a team score of 88 points, winning the state title. 

The 4x400 relay team (Caleb Perry, Matt Jackson, Andrew Ayers and Jackson Hand) took first place in 3:23.13. Seven of their teammates placed in the top eight to help win the title.

Space available in Youth Mental Health First Aid course

Mental health challenges – such as depression, anxiety, psychosis and substance use – are shockingly common among youth in the United States.

In fact, more than one in five American adults will have a mental health problem in any given year. 

Tanya Lascelle of the Center for Human Services is certified by The National Council for Behavioral Health to provide Youth Mental Health First Aid courses to prepare communities with the knowledge and skills to help youth who are developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis.

The training helps the public better identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses. For more information on Mental Health First Aid, visit this website.

Space is still available in the class which is scheduled for Thursday, June 11 from 9am to 5:30pm at Shoreline City Hall 17500 Midvale Ave N. Clock hours through the Puget Sound Educational Service District are available.

Aurora Corridor: Current traffic revisions N 192nd to N 198th Street

Local access road for east side businesses
on Aurora N 192 to N 198

N 192nd to N 198th Street

The east side of Aurora has limited ingress and egress from just north of the YMCA to N 198th Street for business and local access only.

This temporary local access road must be used to reach any business or residence on the east side of Aurora between the YMCA and N 198th Street.

Entry into this part of the road is north of the YMCA with one way traffic all the way to the exit at N 198th Street.

This roadway configuration (see map) is scheduled to last several months until work on the east side of Aurora is complete and work shifts to the center of Aurora.

The local access will continue to be a live work zone with crews and equipment. Users are urged to proceed with caution through the area.

Aurora Corridor: Follow the footprints

The east side of Aurora and side streets are live work zones.

It is difficult for equipment operators to see pedestrians because of visibility.

Pedestrian traffic should avoid walking through areas of active work and equipment and follow the footprints on N 200th or walk through coned pedestrian access routes along the east side of Aurora.

Quick-Start Shoreline on Tuesday June 2

Join the business community at Quick-Start on Tuesday June 2, 2015 from 12:00 to 1:30pm at Shoreline City Hall, 17500 Midvale Avenue N. 

Quick-Start Shoreline is presented by Shoreline Community College Small Business Accelerator and the City of Shoreline. These workshops are designed to be helpful for start-up, existing or potential business owners. Sessions are free and open to the public. Feel free to bring a brown bag lunch. 

Business Recycling 101

Stop waste before it happens! Save money, conserve natural resources, and create a more sustainable business. Learn how to audit your own waste to identify categories where you can shrink your “waste-line”. 

Recycling and composting programs are great resources for businesses seeking to reduce their waste footprint but we all know that sometimes it is hard to figure out what goes where. In this workshop Recology CleanScapes will share proven strategies to help make recycling at your business a success.

Erika Melroy
Recology CleanScapes
Erika Melroy oversees Recology CleanScapes’ government affairs and community investments and partnerships with current cities. 

Prior to joining Recology CleanScapes, Ms. Melroy worked for elected officials at all levels of government and most recently with nonprofits and local government to improve organizational operations.

She serves on the Boards of the Southwest King County Chamber of Commerce and the Shoreline Chamber of Commerce, and is a United Way of King County Public Policy Impact Council member, a PSRC Regional Food Policy Council member and a Capitol Hill EcoDistrict Steering Committee member.

Ms. Melroy received her Bachelor’s degree from Michigan State University and her Master’s in Public Health from the University of Washington.

Quinn Schweizer
Recology CleanScapes
Quinn Schweizer joined Recology CleanScapes in 2009.

In her role as Waste Zero Manager she is responsible for the education and outreach programs in the cities we currently serve and the employees who work with our customers to increase waste reduction, recycling, and compost participation.

Ms. Schweizer graduated from Hobart College with a degree in Public Policy and Economics.

State 3A tennis tournament results

Jack Bong, Coach Arnie Moreno and Cameron McDowell

Cameron McDowell and Jack Bong defeated opponents from Central Kitsap and North Thurston but lost to Mercer Island in the quarter finals on the first day of the state tournament.

In a match with Lakeside for 4th or 7th place on Saturday, they lost a very close match, decided by just a handful of points that didn't bounce their way, 5-7, 4-6.

They finished with 7th in the state 3A doubles medals.

Cameron McDowell was awarded, by the tournament director and officials, the medal for best sportsmanship on the first day. McDowell is a senior and finishes his high school tennis career with three straight WesCO South and District 1 doubles championships and three straight WIAA state tennis tournaments.

Sophomore Jack Bong will return next season with the defending WesCo South league champions.

--Arnie Moreno

PAWS waives cat adoption fees weekdays in June

Big Kitty needs a home

June is Adopt a Cat Month, the month that cat lovers wait for all year long! This year, PAWS makes the celebration of Adopt a Cat Month a little sweeter by offering a special incentive for potential cat adopters.

Starting on Monday, June 1, adoption fees for adult or senior cats on weekdays at PAWS in Lynnwood and PAWS Cat City in Seattle’s U-District are waived for potential guardians who meet the criteria for adoption. Adoption fees are paid for by funding from Animal Planet and ASPCA’s ‘Road to Puppy Bowl’ – a nation-wide program to encourage adoption.

PAWS finds homes for more than 2,200 cats in Puget Sound each year. Some of those have been cats and kittens who had nowhere else to turn. The PAWS Foster Program helps kittens and adult cats in need every year with a volunteer corps who are trained to give felines a loving home where they can either grow or recuperate until they're ready for adoption. The PAWS Foster Program is operated out of the Lynnwood shelter and welcomes new volunteers year-round. 

PAWS Cat City in Seattle’s U-District places up to 60% of all cat adoptions for PAWS. The Cat City ‘cat colony’ concept was the first one introduced in the Seattle area. Today, PAWS Cat City is home to adoptable cats of all types and ages who socialize in free-roaming colonies.

To find some of the cats available for adoption, visit the webpage

PAWS is closed for adoptions on Wednesdays

PAWS – 15305 44th Ave W, Lynnwood 98087

PAWS Cat City – 5200 Roosevelt Way NE Seattle 98105


Notes from 145th Station Citizens' Committee

By Robin Lombard

On Thursday May 28 there was a meeting of the 145SCC. Here are the meeting notes:

Parking plans. We discussed the importance of parking and the likelihood of some neighborhoods losing parking to construction workers, new buildings that do not supply parking (or supply less than needed) and/or commuters. We considered several ideas for a parking proposal to the City:

  • Timeline: Need to have a parking plan implemented before construction starts.
  • Sidewalks: How to handle parking on streets without sidewalks/curbs. Can sidewalks/curbs near the station be prioritized?
  • Construction parking: Where will/should construction workers (Sound Transit and building construction workers) be allowed to park? Is there a plan? Where do we want them not to park? 
  • Neighborhood (block) parking permits: Ensure homeowners have a certain number of permits. City sells permits that residents don't want/need/buy (several ideas here). Ensure that there are no more permits distributed than spaces available to park. 
  • Need to calculate much more precisely how many parking spots will be needed for each proposed building and ensure that there is that much parking available. 
  • Parking enforcement: The best plans won't work if there is no plan for parking enforcement.
  • Who pays the cost of the parking signs, enforcement, etc.?

Next steps: Putting together a letter (probably drawing from existing work of committee members).

June 25 meeting. I have invited Roger Iwata, Sound Transit (North Corridor Community Outreach Lead) to speak about the progress Sound Transit is making and the updated schedule as it stands in late June.

At Thursday’s meeting we brainstormed several questions for him:

  • What will the construction of light rail involve? We see a lot of buildings in the FEIS plans and wonder if you can explain.
  • We hear that the University station will be opening earlier than expected. How will this impact the schedule for the 145th station? 
  • Can you please tell us about the truck routes for construction that appear in the FEIS.
  • What about the idea of a pedestrian bridge across I-5 since WSDOT will not be able to improve the bridge by the time the station opens? 
  • Parking during construction – where will construction workers park? What is ST policy?
  • Are you planning to charge for parking in the 145th Street Station Garage?
  • What about metro lines busing people to 145th Street Station Garage? Are you working with them?

Roger has already said he will have limited information on June 25, just because Sound Transit is only beginning to make the plans for the station. As a result, there is no update on station planning and design (this work has not started) and nothing to say yet about the general construction process. He will be able to share the updated schedule and plans for citizen involvement and feedback.

I've sent him the above questions (and I will send any other questions you send to me before the June meeting).

July/August meetings: We had some discussion about changing the day of the meeting (fourth Thursday of each month), but no strong opinions. For now we will continue to meet on the fourth Thursday at Shoreline City Hall, 17500 Midvale Ave N, 3rd floor.

City Light's eBilling system taken offline after billing errors

On Thursday, May 28, Seattle City Light discovered that certain customers who were billed on May 27 accidentally received incorrect billing statements through the eBilling online payment service. No Social Security number, bank account, credit card, or debit card information was involved, and this will not result in any disruption of service to customers.

Any payments customers made were applied to the correct accounts. 

The problem was caused by an internal, technical error. We are investigating and working with a team of specialists to determine what happened. We will provide an update when further information is available.   

Until this technical error has been resolved, the eBilling system has been taken offline. However, customers may still make an online payment through the “one-time payment” system on our website, which has not been affected. Call center staff will be available to answer questions on Sunday from noon to 5pm, and during normal operating hours Monday through Friday.

"We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this might cause our customers. We appreciate our customers’ patience as we work to resolve this issue."  

The Gang of Four

Bob Santos at Third Place Books
Photo by Anne Stadler

By Anne Stadler

On a mild spring night at Third Place Books, a lucky crew heard the stories and sometimes irreverent words of Bob Santos, author and member of the Gang of Four. With Roberto Maestas, Bernie Whitebear, and Larry Gossett, Santos changed the social, economic and cultural landscape of Seattle. 

This is an important book: the first in what I hope will be an outpouring of stories about the struggles, persistence and successes of men and women of color asserting their leadership as vital players in shaping the rich tapestry of our region. "Rich", not only in the financial sense, but in what really matters: the spiritual, humane, and community-building sense. 

In 1962, at the Century 21 World's Fair, our region announced its intention to be a global player. At one level, global corporations such as Microsoft, Boeing, Starbucks and Amazon are dominating that mission. 

But the Gang of Four made that a human reality, brought the diversity of immigrant and indigenous cultures alive in our local communities. Every time you go to the International District, you enjoy the work and ingenuity of Bob Santos and his crew. In 2016, you'll be able to exit the light rail on Beacon Hill into Plaza Roberto Maestas, an affordable housing and business center featuring local businesses that reflect the cultural and ethnic diversity of Beacon Hill. El Centro de la Raza (the Center for All Races) is building this to honor Maestas, who led the occupation 43 years ago of the old school building just north of the Plaza. 

We can learn a lot from the commitment and example of Bob Santos, Larry Gossett, and their cohorts who are still with us. I encourage my fellow community members to invite "The Gang of Four" into your bookstores, schools, and churches!!

Skateboard accident leaves man on life support

An accident involving a longboarder on Innis Arden Way on Thursday, May 28, left a man on life support, waiting for family to say goodbye.

No vehicles were involved in the accident. Innis Arden Way was closed for several hours during the investigation.

No other details are available at this time.

Death notices as of May 21, 2015

Obituaries are condensed biographies of people's lives, written by the people who loved them. Like a memorial service, they tell us things we may not have known about the person, and may leave us wishing we had known them better.

Steven Melvin Thomas  1946-2015  Attended Shoreline Community College until he was hired by the Seattle Police Department in 1969.

Elaine Lieurance  1926 2015  Elaine and her husband Pierre owned and operated Pierre Lieurance Interiors in Shoreline. They loved boating and spent summers cruising the inland waterways. Celebration of Life held at Richmond Beach Congregational Church.

Thomas A. Friedel  1936-2015  Worked at Boeing until retirement. Member of St. Mark Catholic Church where services were held.

Richard "Neil" Horman  1947-2015  Served in Army intelligence during Vietnam and the Cold War, then transitioned to the Reserves. The Shoreline resident was Master of Edmonds Masonic Lodge #165, 2009-2010, the Sword Master at Nile Shrine and a member of the Scottish Rite. He was ordained within The Church of Spiritual Humanism and performed many weddings for friends and family. 

Joan A. Poitras  1937-2015  A celebration of life was held at Shoreline Covenant Church.

Ryan H. Olden  1956-2015  1975 graduate of Shoreline high school. An electrician by trade, he loved nature and the outdoors - camping, gardening, bird watching, boating. He was a dedicated Husky and Seahawk fan. Services held at First Lutheran Church of Richmond Beach.

Ragnar J. Dahl  1920-2015  Born in Norway, he raised his family in Shoreline. Worked at Boeing for 45 years. Salmon fisherman, avid golfer. Often travelled to visit family in Norway and in-laws in France. Won the lottery in 1993 and used the money to fund his favorite causes: Nordic Heritage Museum, Virginia V, Museum of Flight, and Ballard HS scholarship fund.

Elsie Demers  Age 80  Funeral services held at St. Mark Catholic Church in Shoreline.

Donald L. Lang  1922-2015  Shoreline resident. World War II Navy veteran spent much of his professional career as a firefighter at the Sand Point Naval Air Statio. "He loved his family, writing poetry, thoroughbred horse racing and a good poker game."

Frances Power  1928-2015  Lake Forest Park resident. Services held at St. Mark Catholic Church where she was a dedicated parishioner for 60 years. "The greatest loves in her life were her family, nursing, traveling the world and all creatures great and small."

John Leonard "Jack" Schwabland  Age 87  Lake Forest Park resident was a big game hunter, making 60 safaris world-wide. Born in Japan and came to the Seattle area when he was ten. Skier and mountain climber, making 30 first ascents. Owned and operated a wholesale lumber business.

The Rev. William (Bill) Davis Waring  1925-2015  School teacher, customs inspector, teacher of English as a Second Language in Mexico. Ordained as an Episcopal priest, he served churches in Mexico, Zimbabwe, Argentina, Uruguay, Maple Valley, Port-au-Spain, and Olympia. A celebration of life was held at St. Dunstan's in Shoreline.

Frances (Fran) Cole  1928-2015  Teacher and musician, she met her husband when they played in the Tacoma Symphony. Married for 60 years, they raised their family in Lake Forest Park.

Karl Larsen  Age 94  Born in Norway, the Shoreline resident was a general contractor who built roads and bridges. Services were held at First Lutheran Church of Richmond Beach.

Loren Ashley Rankin  1928-2015  U.S. Navy during WW II, then became a public school teacher. Services were held at Calvin Presbyterian Church in Shoreline.

Max Anderson  1923-2015  Served in the Navy during WW II. Married in 1945 and raised a family in Lake Forest Park. In the grocery business for many years as owner of Max's Select Foods in Seattle.

Geneiva Goudeau Tate  1930-2015  Graduated with honors from the nursing program at Shoreline Community College. She was instrumental in the formation of the Mary Mahoney Nurses Association and mentored other Black women to enter the nursing profession.

Shorewood baseball takes 2nd in state 3A championship game

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Photos by Wayne Pridemore

Shorewood high school baseball played a much-anticipated championship game with Mercer Island in a battle for the title on Saturday at Husky stadium.

After a scoreless game, Mercer Island got a decisive hit in the bottom of the 13th inning to win the game and the 3A state championship. Shorewood finishes in second place.

Cole McKisson

Pitcher Cole McKisson pitched the regulation seven innings, with the game remaining scoreless. Cole pitched into extra innings, followed by Will Smith.

In the bottom of the 4th inning Shorewood outfielder Harrison Jacobs
catches a long fly to right field.

The game was still scoreless in the bottom of the 13th inning when a Mercer Island player hit a walk-off home run to win the game 1-0.

Shorewood catcher Nick Edney tries to make a play
on a foul ball in the bottom of the 4th inning.
The game took a strange twist in the 8th inning when Mercer Island started celebrating a win too early and didn't complete their play.

According the our news partner The Seattle Times

Anthony Scalzo drew a four-pitch, bases-loaded walk and spiked his bat to the ground in elation as he trotted toward first. Noah Hsue came running down the base line from third with the winning run. Mercer Island had won its first ever baseball state title on a walk-off walk in the eighth inning. 
Except, it hadn’t. 
Scalzo was mobbed before he could touch first, which he eventually did. But Brandon Lawler, who was on second, never made it to third base. Shorewood second baseman Steffen Torgersen appealed to an umpire, who agreed and signaled out, a minute after the celebration began.
That whole story is here.

And the video is here

The game ended with the traditional handshakes

Led by Wurrie Njadoe, Shorecrest girls track takes 2A state title

Shorecrest girls track 2A state champs
Photo courtesy Shoreline Schools
Wurrie Njadoe is center, back, with all the medals

Wurrie Njadoe of Shorecrest won four state championship events to lead her team to the 2A team championship in Tacoma Saturday.

The Shorecrest junior won the state 2A 100 meters, 200 meters, high jump, and long jump.

Njadoe's time in the 100 meter was 12.06 seconds. The second place runner had 12.43.

In the 200 meter her time was 25.00, with the second place runner coming in at 25.82. Her high jump of 5-5 won by an inch and her long jump of 18-9 won by a foot.

She scored 40 of Shorecrest’s 57 points.

Senior teammate Katherine Taylor won the javelin with a throw of 136-08, to win by more than 12 feet and score 10 more team points.

Shorecrest junior Sophia Viviano placed fifth in the 100-meter hurdles in 15.92 seconds, behind the winning 15.02, to add 4 more team points.

The other three Shorecrest points came from the sixth-place 4x200 team of Kayla Holland, Sophia Viviano, Gabby Lacson and Lauren Brown, which had a time of 1:46.25, behind Bellingham’s winning 1:43.63.

Shorecrest’s 57 team points placed the Scots ahead of second-place Sehome’s 55, third-place Pullman’s 44, fourth-place Liberty’s 42, fifth-place Bellingham’s 41 and sixth-place Cheney’s 38.

Shorecrest students win honors at SCC Bio-Expo

Shorecrest students entered in the
Bio-Expo at SCC
Photo courtesy Shoreline Schools

Students from 24 high schools across the Puget Sound region converged on Shoreline Community College May 27, 2015, for the 15th Student Bio Expo, hosted by the Northwest Association for Biomedical Research (NWABR).

The judged event drew more than 300 students, representing 22 schools, competing in categories from art and dance to molecular modeling and lab research.

Shoreline President Cheryl Roberts welcomed the students, teachers, supporters and organizers in the theater. The keynote address was given by Dr. Lupe Salazar, of the Tumor Vaccine Group at University of Washington Medicine.

The NWABR is a collaborative industry-supported group with a mission to promote the public’s trust in biomedical research and its ethical conduct.

The mission of the Student Bio Expo is to promote an understanding of bioscience research among high school students. The expo is the culmination of a year-long process that includes matching students with mentors in the biotech industry.

Shorecrest students made a big showing at the event, winning top team and individual awards

Students researched a molecular level biotechnological / biomedical subject and represented the information through a creative project. They were judged on their ability to communicate the science concepts through interviews, research papers, and their projects.

Shorecrest won the Cup of Excellence, the trophy which goes to the school which most embodies the spirit of the Expo. The students are in David Svrcek’s Honors Biology classes.

Jazrelle (Jazzy) Kellough received the Most Inspirational award for Drama and Dance: Anatomy and Physiology of A Dancer. Jazzy broke her foot while making the project as a sophomore, and went through two years of rehabilitation. She finished her Bioexpo project as a senior.

These Shorecrest students received awards

Ben Gardiner – 1st place – Website: Melanoma

Emily Paulsen – 1st place - Creative Writing: Glucose -6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency

Aiyana Tietze-Di Toro – 2nd place – Art: Epigenetics and Disease

Nikki Lorvick – 2nd place - Careers and Pathways: Drugs 101: Clean Proteins

Molly Peterson – 2nd place – Drama and Dance: I am Psychopath

Clio Jensen – 2nd place – Journalism: A Farewell To Arms: The Causes and Consequences of Sea Star Wasting Disease

Evan Deiparine – 2nd place – Multi-Media: Human Embryonic Stem Cells

Linnea Stavney- 2nd place – Teaching: Bacterial Remediation

Hannah Cheung – 2nd place – Website: Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis

Vinay Keefe – Honorable Mention – Multi-Media: The Ebola Virus

Diversity Training for Council of Neighborhoods

Diversity Training for Neighborhood leaders
Photo by Steven H. Robinson

The Shoreline Council of Neighborhoods sponsored a session on Diversity Training on Wednesday for neighborhood leaders. 

Held in the Shoreline City Council Chambers, the workshop was run by Vu Lee, Executive Director, Rainier Valley Corps

The goal of the training was to establish shared understanding of what is meant by the term “Diversity.” Vu helped participants identify inviting strategies that could be used to interest diverse residents and neighbors in learning more about their local neighborhood associations and increase participation in neighborhood activities.

Shorecrest boys soccer takes 3rd in state championship

Shorecrest boys' soccer takes 3rd in state
Photo courtesy Shoreline Schools

Shorecrest boys soccer won over Othello on Saturday at the state tournament for a third place finish in the state 2A championship.

Shorecrest Tennis Team wins state title

Nishaant Limaye, Nick North, Daniel Wacker
and coach Rob Mann

Shorecrest Tennis Team took 1st place at state for the team title.

Nick North / Daniel Wacker Doubles 1st place

Nishaant Limaye Singles 3rd place


Daniel Wacker/Nick North (Shorecrest) def. Nathan Pearsal/Logan Schilder 6-1, 4-6, 6-1

Tye Loan (Olympic) def. Nishaant Limaye (Shorecrest) 6-0, 6-1


Daniel Wacker/Nick North (Shorecrest) def. Marek Pierepiekarz/Matthew Cao (Liberty) 1-6, 6-4, 6-4

Nishaant Limaye (Shorecrest) def. Max Schmotoloko (Sehome) 6-3, 2-6, 6-3. 

Happening this weekend: Edmonds Waterfront Festival

The Rotary Club of Edmonds sponsors the annual Edmonds Waterfront Festival this weekend, Saturday 11am to 10pm and Sunday 11am to 7pm.

$3 admission, Children 12 and under free. 

All the fun takes place at the Port of Edmonds located at 336 Admiral Way, Edmonds, WA 98020. Music, craft booths, beer garden, and displays of hydroplanes and yachts.

Getting there - parking 

There is plenty of free parking, but we suggest you use the festival shuttle. The shuttle is free and is offered at

  • 4th / Bell
  • 5th / Dayton
  • 3rd / Dayton
  • Edmonds Interpretive Marsh Trail Head (in Harbor Square)
  • Willow Creek Fish Hatchery

Riders are dropped off right at the front gate of the festival. Please note: No festival parking is allowed at Harbor Square. Bicycles, skateboards, scooter and pets (other than service animals) are not permitted on festival grounds.

The Edmonds Waterfront Festival shuttle service runs continuously, every 15-20 minutes during the times listed below: 

Saturday: Shuttle to fish hatchery starts at 10:00am. Thereafter, trips to the hatchery are every third bus or “on demand”. Last pick-up from hatchery is at 4:10pm.
Shuttle service for the regular route begins at 11:00am and runs until 10:30pm.

Sunday: Shuttle to fish hatchery starts at 10:00am. Thereafter, trips to the hatchery are every third bus or “on demand”. Last pick-up from hatchery is at 4:10pm.
Shuttle service for the regular route begins at 11:00am and runs until 7:30pm.

Happening now: Bastyr Herb Fair

"Get Down with Your Roots" at the 17th Annual Herb and Food Fair at Bastyr University Gardens on Saturday, May 30, 10am to 5pm

The theme of the 17th annual Herb and Food Fair is “Get Down with Your Roots: Celebrating Heritage from Earth to Table.”

Highlights Include:
  • Educational speakers and workshops
  • Cooking demonstrations from nutrition and botanical medicine experts
  • Nutritious and delicious food
  • Tours of the Bastyr Gardens
  • Guided walks through the surrounding woods
  • Craft sale with tea, artwork and herb-related goods
  • Plant sale with medicinal and culinary plant starts from Bastyr's organic garden
  • Relaxing herbal foot soaks and facials
  • Live music and entertainment
  • Children's activities, including face painting and games

Getting to the Herb and Food Fair

Visitors can park for free at the Kenmore Park and Ride (at 7346 N.E. Bothell Way) and take the free Bastyr shuttle directly to the Herb and Food Fair. The bus runs every 30 minutes from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Limited parking is also available on campus for $5. Bastyr University is located at 14500 Juanita Drive N.E., Kenmore, adjacent to St. Edward State Park. No event parking is permitted at St. Edward State Park.

Tickets are available now for the Secret Gardens of Lake Forest Park Garden Tour

Secret Gardens of Lake Forest Park
2015 Garden Tour

Pre-sale tickets for the June 20, 2015 garden tour are available now. You can purchase them online.  

Tickets are also available at the ticket outlets listed below:
Pre-sale tickets are $12. On the day of the tour you exchange your pre-ticket for an annotated map of the six gardens on the tour. The tour is self-guided. Visitors to the gardens can stop at the gardens in any order and at any time during the tour hours of 10am to 4pm. 

This year the tour includes an historic estate garden on a creek, a pair of connecting hillside gardens, and a peaceful sun and shade garden. Each unique garden shows off plants, garden “rooms” and inspiring landscape designs. 

Master Gardeners and Garden Managers will be on hand to answer questions and the gardens will have artists and musicians to enhance your visit. You won’t want to miss this 13th annual event!

Shorewood baseball headed to state 3A championships

Shorewood baseball team swarms Nick Edney #8
Photo by Wayne Pridemore

The Shorewood baseball team swarms Nick Edney # 8 after he hit a sacrifice fly ball with the bases loaded in the bottom of the 8th inning. Max Wagner scored from 3rd base for the only run in the semifinal 3A tournament game against Central Kitsap.

Aaron Okamura dives back to first base to avoid a pickoff attempt.
Photo by Chris Stuvek

The final score, Shorewood 1 and Central Kitsap 0. The Shorewood victory sends them to the 3A State Championship game against Mercer Island at the University of Washington Ballpark on Saturday at 4:00pm.

Photo by Chris Stuvek

Coach Wyatt Tonkin congratulates pitcher Ian Oxnevad after a 1-2-3 second inning.

Photo by Wayne Pridemore

The Thunderbirds -- feeling good about the win.

Shoreline Fire open house today 11am to 2pm

Fire fighter Eric Adman says "come on down"
Open house at Shoreline Fire

Watch Shoreline Firefighters in action at the Spring Safety Fling Saturday from 11am to 2pm.

Hot Dogs, activities, firefighters climbing towers, bright shiny red fire engines. Training Center 17525 Aurora Ave N.

Great family activity.

Shorecrest boys reach state tennis semifinals in both singles and doubles

Nishaant Limaye
Shorecrest boys have reached the state 2A tennis semifinals in both singles and doubles.

Shorecrest singles player Nishaant Limaye and the doubles team of Nick North and Daniel Wacker both will play in semifinal matches Saturday at the University of Washington Nordstrom Tennis Center. Semifinal winners in each division play later Saturday for first place. Losers play the third-place match.

Both Limaye and the doubles team reached the semifinals by winning two Friday matches.

1st round
Daniel Wacker/Nick North Shorecrest def. Colby Savage/Gregory Arthur (Clarkston) 6-4, 7-5

Nishaant Limaye (Shorecrest) def. Ryan Smedley (Cheney) 6-1, 6-0

2nd round
Daniel Wacker/Nick North (Shorecrest) def. Michael Pelton/Alex Wisdom Mark Morris 6-2,6-2

Nishaant Limaye (Shorecrest) def. Khao Nguyen (Washington) 6-1

All the players made it to the semi-finals. The doubles match starts at 8am. Singles will go on later.

If they win their first match, then they will play in the finals for 1st or 2nd. If they lose their first match, then they will play for 3rd or 6th. Matches are at Nordstrom Tennis Center University of Washington next to the stadium.

--Robert Mann

Stories of Leaps of Faith at the Bridge Friday night

Coffee and stories
The next evening of Stories From The Heart at the Bridge Coffee House will be Friday, June 5th, from 7-9 pm.

You are invited whether you come to tell a story or listen!

This evening's theme is "Leaps of Faith."  This theme is meant to help stimulate finding and developing your stories. If you choose a story that isn't within the theme, no worries! We'll be delighted to hear your story!

Each evening with a brief focus on ideas for developing or telling stories.  

Tellers will have up to 8 minutes to tell either a personal story or folktale. Please practice your stories before coming.

In addition to purchasing a warm cup of coffee and treats we ask each participant to donate $2 to the Bridge to cover their cost of staying open just for us! 

In July our theme will be On The Road (Friday, July 3).  There will be NO STORIES AT THE BRIDGE IN AUGUST …  Our next gathering after July will be September 4th.  

For more information, email Cynthia Westby

The Bridge Coffee House is located at 2150 North 122nd Street, Seattle, WA  98133.

Middle school track meet at Shoreline Stadium Thursday results

The SNO KING Middle School Track and Field Championships were held Thursday at Shoreline Stadium, with both Einstein and Kellogg participating. A dozen schools were in the meet.

Shorecrest soccer plays for third place Saturday in state 2A championships

The Shorecrest boys' soccer team met Archbishop Murphy of Mill Creek in a state 2A soccer semifinal at 6pm. Friday at Sunset Chevrolet Stadium in Sumner.

Shorecrest led 1-0 at halftime, but Brady Henderson of Archbishop Murphy made two goals in a five-minute period in the second half, for a 2-1 win over Shorecrest.

In the 8pm semifinal between Fife and Othello, Fife advances to the championship game on Saturday.

Shorecrest will play Othello at noon on Saturday for the third and fourth place slots.

Sen. David Frockt's infant screening bill passes legislature

Friday, May 29, 2015

Sen. David Frockt, D-46
All infants and toddlers will receive the recommended autism screenings to identify developmental issues and disabilities, under legislation passed Wednesday by the legislature.

Currently, all private insurance plans in Washington cover screenings for autism and other developmental disabilities for infants and toddlers, as these screenings are part of the nationally recognized standard of well child care. By comparison, the most vulnerable children in the state, who receive health care through the Apple Health for Kids program, currently only receive one of the recommended five infant screenings.

The small upfront cost from the program is funded in both the House and Senate budget proposal and is expected to save the state money in the long term, as studies show that 30 percent of children whose developmental issues are identified and treated early do not need special education services by age 3.

The legislation, SB 5317, was sponsored by Sen. David Frockt, D-Seattle, and Rep. Marcus Riccelli, D-Spokane. It passed the Senate on a 47-0 vote and the House on an 89-3 vote – one of the few bills passed by the legislature during the first special session of 2015.

“This is a huge step forward for every child growing up with developmental challenges or autism in Washington,” said Frockt. “We're going to be able to identify infants who need help, and we'll be able to get them the help they need. Every child deserves a healthy start on life and this bill helps make that happen.”

“These screenings are a proven medical best practice that we know will make a huge difference in the lives of these children,” said Dr. Lelach Rave, a trustee of the Washington Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics. “We know we can do a better job addressing development disabilities in children the sooner we identify them, and these screenings are a crucial tool. We want to ensure that every child has the chance to receive this care, including those on Apple Health for Kids and Medicaid.”

The 46th legislative district includes NE Seattle, Lake Forest Park, and Kenmore.
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