The Healing Power of Interfaith Dialogue

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Rabbi Ted Falcon and Imam Jamal Rahman
will speak at Bastyr 
Rabbi Ted Falcon and Imam Jamal Rahman offer a free presentation in the Bastyr University Chapel in Kenmore, with an opening performance by global vocalist and sound healer Gina Salá.

Rabbi Ted Falcon and Imam Jamal Rahman, two of the three Interfaith Amigos, have been working closely together since the tragic events of 9/11. They come to Bastyr, where each of them has presented before, bringing their unique way of modeling deepening interfaith dialogue in the service of healing.

In their free talk "The Healing Power of Interfaith Dialogue," the Rabbi and the Imam not only look at the spiritual riches of their traditions, but risk sharing some of the difficulties that have inhibited interfaith dialogue and interspiritual awakening.

Following their lively and entertaining presentation, they will welcome questions.

Global vocalist and sound healer Gina Salá will kick off the evening with a performance at 7pm.

Tuesday, April 14, 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Bastyr University Center for Mind, Body, Spirit and Nature
14500 Juanita Dr NE, Kenmore, Washington 98028


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