In The Garden Now ... The Easter Rose

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Japanese Kerria - the Easter Rose

Text and photo by Victoria Gilleland

You've no doubt heard of the “Easter Lily,” but have you heard of the “Easter Rose?” While Japanese Kerria is not the prickly bush bearing flowers we typically think of as a rose, it is a member of the Rosacae family of plants. Bright gold pom pom like flowers cover the plant in early spring. The one in my garden is coming into bloom just in time for this year’s Easter Holiday thus the Easter connection. 

Yellow flower buds stud the stems of the plant before the shiny textured leaves unfurl with the opening flowers. Kerria is a very easy to grow spring flowering shrub which offers the added bonus of lime green stems to liven up the winter garden when there are no flowers or leaves on the plant.   Plants typically grow 5-8 feet high and wide so they do need space.  

This is an old fashioned garden plant so you may see one growing around an older home in the area. Along with lilacs and flowering quince these shrubs are often the survivors in an older garden that hasn’t received optimum care over the years.  

Keep your eye peeled for a touch of gold in the landscape …. You may have the good fortune to see Japanese Kerria in full bloom!

(Botanical Name:  Kerria japonica ‘Pleniflora’) 

Victoria Gilleland is the owner of Cottage Garden Designs, a Garden Design company specializing in Redesign of Residential Gardens, Garden Consultation and Coaching. She has been designing gardens in the northwest for over 20 years.



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