Friday Job Seekers Round Table: How to make new contacts

Monday, April 13, 2015

How to Make New Contacts Without the Pressure of Networking

Various tests abound on the internet that can place us into extrovert / introvert-based categories. Maybe you’ve taken a Myers Briggs or one of the many others.

Some of us are quite social and fun, we just need to be more selective. Others can chat at a party just fine, but aren’t too big on small talk.

And there are still some of us get waves of anxiety by the mere thought of networking, which sounds to us like meaningless glad handing, with all involved pretending that there’s no personal agendas. Some of us don’t want to show for networking events for risk of being rejected, or feeling like we don’t have anything new or interesting to say.

What if you could make connections for volunteering or learning about job opportunities, in person, and without all the “salesy” job search baggage?

This Friday, April 17, 1-2:30pm, Ron Carnell will lead the discussion about how to make new contacts without the assumptions or pressures of an agenda. We'll share resources about how to get connected more casually. All this over the usual great coffee and treats, compliments of Central Market.

All job seekers are welcome to attend. Sessions are free.

Shoreline Community College
Room 5116, Building 5000 (ground floor)


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