Earth Day Every Day well attended

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Diggin' Shoreline, City staff, and other environmental
booths gave out information at the City's Earth Day event
Photo copyright Marc Weinberg

Text and photos Marc Weinberg

Arriving early Saturday morning (8:30am) was a good idea as approximately 50-60 people were already in line. The event started at 9am. I was surprised by the number of valuable free handouts including the "Grandpa's Weeder" and a bottle of "Safer" brand garden spray. The weeder alone sells for about $25. 

By the time I had visited the various booths offering handouts of literature and of course free advice it was nearly 10am and the line at the entrance trailed well beyond the Central Market entrance. 

Watch the news for this event in 2016 if you missed it this time, as it is always well attended with resource people anxious to share thoughts and products "good for the earth and us."

The event was sponsored by the City of Shoreline.


Anonymous,  April 20, 2015 at 11:49 AM  

And did the vendor/booths have plenty of plastic-bottled water for consumption during the event? Please save me from conservationists that can't drink from a common water source with their own cup.

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