County Councilmember Dembowski joins roundtable discussion with U.S. Labor Secretary Perez

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Lead on Leave roundtable discussion with U.S. Sec. of Labor Thomas Perez,
Seattle Mayor Ed Murray, Seattle City Councilmember Jean Godden,
King County Councilmember Rod Dembowski,
and King County Councilmember Jane Hague. 

Empowering Working Families: Leaders discuss paid leave, family-friendly workplace policies, and efforts to empower King County workers

Metropolitan King County Councilmembers Rod Dembowski and Jane Hague joined workers, business representatives and community leaders on the campus of Seattle Central Community College Wednesday for a roundtable discussion with United States Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez. 

The meeting kicked off the White House’s “Lead on Leave” national tour, which is part of President Obama’s effort to support working men, women, and families, through paid leave and other family-friendly workplace policies.

Secretary Perez sought feedback from local business owners who helped lead the fight for paid sick days in Seattle and have seen their restaurants and companies flourish since providing the benefit. 

The Secretary also asked elected officials, including County Councilmembers Jane Hague and Rod Dembowski, Seattle Mayor Ed Murray and City Councilmember Jean Godden, how policymakers can come together to pass workplace legislation that reflects the modern American workforce.

“It was a privilege to join Secretary Perez and other local leaders to discuss ways we can empower our workforce right here in King County,” said Councilmember Dembowski. 
“It is past time that the United States join the ranks of every single other developed nation in the world, and ensure that new moms and dads have an opportunity to bond with their child without sacrificing the very wages needed to support a family.”

Dembowski and Hague’s efforts to support working men and women in King County led to their invitation to participate in the roundtable discussion. Last month Dembowski and Hague were joined by Councilmember Larry Gossett in introducing legislation that would provide twelve weeks of one-hundred percent paid leave within a twelve-month period to King County employees who take time off work to bond with a new child or children resulting from a birth, adoption or new foster placement.

Under the legislation, employees would be eligible to use this leave the month after their start date, and they would not be required to exhaust their vacation or sick leave benefits first. The legislation received an initial briefing in the Transportation, Economy, and Environment Committee on March 17, and is scheduled for discussion and possible Committee action April 7.


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