Book Review by Aarene Storms: Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer by Kelly Jones

Sophie is lonely. Her family left the city when Sophie's dad lost his job, and now they live in an isolated and junk-filled farmhouse recently inherited from Sophie's Great-Uncle Jim. Alone in a new place, Sophie begins writing letters to her dead grandmother and great-uncle, detailing her new adventures, describing the people in the new community, and sharing her deepest wish: Sophie wants chickens.

Soon enough, chickens come to Sophie. But these are not ordinary chickens! The white hen lays glass eggs. The speckled hen is invisible sometimes. And the three newest hens have a talent for communication that will surprise everyone.

This magical story is scattered with morsels of chicken lore, strewn with charming multicultural details, and suffused with the passion of a truly exceptional poultry farmer.

Highly recommended for readers ages 8 to 12, especially those fascinated by fowl.

The events may not have happened; still, the story is true.  --R. Silvern

Aarene Storms, youth services librarian
Richmond Beach and Lake Forest Park Libraries, KCLS


AareneX April 6, 2015 at 5:27 PM  

This book will be released in May 2015, but the author will have "sneak peaks" at Third Place Books in Lake Forest Park, and Queen Anne Book Co in Seattle. Please check with the bookstores for event dates and times.

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