August Arts Camp

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Sign your student up for August Arts Camp early!
Classes limited to 12 students, enrollment is first-come, first-served.

August Arts is a week-long camp sponsored by the Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Arts Council where students explore several areas of the arts with accomplished artist-educators. Students choose a main area of interest for emphasis (core class) where they spend three hours each day. They also choose two other areas as elective classes for the rest of their day. Camp is held at the Shoreline Center, 18560 1st Ave NE, and runs from 9am to 3:30pm August 3-7.

“August Arts is a great program, the week is packed with rich and valuable skills and I saw such a change in just five days.  I am glad my daughter was able to participate.” - Diana N., parent

This program is open to students who have completed 3rd – 6th grade and want to learn more about the arts. Tuition is $230; Arts Council Members at Family Level and above get a 5% discount on tuition. Apply online and get more information. Email questions to Kelly Lie

Class Descriptions

Visual Arts A Core with Elsa and  Johnny

Core: Fiber Arts and Designing with Fabric (Taught by Elsa)
Explore weaving, knitting, crochet, embroidery, rope making, hand and machine sewing, quilting and more. Tote bags, felt baseballs, stuffed animals, camping pillows and woven coasters are just a few projects you will create. Learn many stitching techniques to construct 3-D sculptures and create one-of-a-kind projects. Design iron-on patches using original drawings inspired by superheroes, animals and sports logos.

Elective: Needle Felting (Taught by Johnny)
Create video characters and other objects using wool roving, needles and wool felt fabric. Wild animals, birds, zombies, princesses, robots and whatever else you can imagine will come to life.

Elsa Bouman, known as The Loom Lady, has taught visual arts and most notably fiber arts. She has also worked as a graphic designer in the rock and roll music industry.

Johnny Skjelbred is an independent all-around artist. He has a background in character illustrations and fabrications with a focus on teaching kids important hand and mind skills for their future.

Visual Arts B with Thaddeus

Core: Paper Lanterns
Create large fantastical sculptures like rockets, vehicles, plant and animal forms, and even the Space Needle. Learn to use reed and tape to build a framework for papier-mâché.

Elective: The Art and Science of Bubbles
Learn tricks such as the Bubble Cube, Bubbles inside Bubbles, and the Bubble Ballerina; and make a bubble solution and wand for creating huge bubbles.

Thaddeus Jurczynski has been presenting art and science enrichment workshops for over 20 years. He does parade art, such as giant puppets and large-scale commissioned work. 

Visual Arts C with Amaranta

Core: Multi-Media
Soak up the sun and take “Sol or Sun Prints” to the next level; Design Mathematically & Geometrically beautiful “Mandalas”, and Build “Narrative Boxes” using recycled items to tell the story of your amazing self.

Elective: Upcycling
Create art, fashion, wearable jewelry & other cool things out of discarded materials. You never knew recycling could be so much fun. Reduce landfills, and help the planet too. Eco-artists rock!

Amaranta Ibarra-Sandys is a multimedia artist, specializing in ceramics and traditional decoration techniques. She has done numerous projects and collaborations in the Puget Sound area, most recently with projects around a recycling theme.

Theatre Arts with Rachel

Core: A Theatre Tale
Featuring a fairy tale, you will create a unique performance to be shared on the final day of camp. Learn to incorporate artistic tools to help reveal and dramatically ignite your characters on stage. Creative thinking is a must!

Elective: Acting Fun
Learn acting skills through improvisation and theatre games.

Rachel Street caught the acting bug at the tender age of 6, and she’s been acting ever since. She has worked at Paramount Pictures in Los Angeles, taught and directed in numerous theatres in Costa Rica, Hawaii, Vermont and Seattle. A resourceful and dynamic teacher, she is in her 10th year as the drama teacher at Sumner High School.

Music with Laura

Core: Anyone Can Sing!
For anyone who wants to sing but feels hesitant or shy, or for the experienced singer! Explore pop songs, folk, world music, standards, and Broadway hits. Try group and/or solo singing in a supportive and encouraging atmosphere. Laura unravels the mysteries of warm-ups, breath support, range, tone, dynamics, expression, performance, and pitch.

Elective: Music Journey Through Western Europe
Travel far away and back in time through song and dance. Sing traditional songs in English, French, German, and Spanish. Move your body in folk dances like the colorful Tarantella of Italy and the energetic Cantrapás of Spain.

Laura Dean has a music career that spans 20 years and includes venues in the United States, Europe, and Mexico. She enthusiastically shares her varied music and cultural experiences while engaging students in memorable arts activities.

Dance with Jennifer

Core Class: Cinquain (5-line) Poem Dances
Have you ever turned words into movement and dance? Create cinquains (5-line poems) and then transform them into creative movement and contemporary dance. Learn skills to make up dances in duets, trios and quartets. Discover: rhythm, balance, energy, flow, and pathways! You get to perform the original poem dances on Friday.

Elective Class: Yoga Story Dances
Many yoga poses have animal and whimsical names.  Monkey, Inverted Frog, Ragdoll, Crocodile, Candle, Lion, Flying Warrior and many more.  Learn the fundamentals of yoga poses to stretch and strengthen our bodies and our imaginations, then we focus on the ones we like the best to create our story.

Jennifer Haywood has been teaching creative dance, modern, jazz and ballet to students from ages 2-17 for 14 years at various studios in the Seattle area. She is a practitioner of Kripalu Yoga and teaches yoga to adults and children.

The Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Arts Council is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to cultivate creativity and inspire our community through the arts.


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