Dollhouse Miniature store opens in Firdale Village

Thursday, April 30, 2015

From CJN Miniatures in Firdale Village

A new brick and mortar dollhouse miniature store has come to Edmonds. CJN Miniatures is excited to be your one-stop dollhouse miniatures store in Edmonds featuring one-of-a-kind, hand-crafted and unique items. The new store opened on Saturday April 25th.  The store is open Tuesday-Saturday from 10:30am-5:30pm. The store is located at 9675 Firdale Ave in Edmonds – in the Firdale Village Shopping Center.

CJN Miniatures carries products from over 30 different manufacturers as well as artisans.

“We want to be your one-stop dollhouse store from those wanting a house for their child, to an adult making their dream home in miniatures”. 

CJN Miniatures offers everything you need to make your dollhouse into a doll-home. From wallpaper and flooring to the knick-knacks for your shelves.

“We try to carry products produced here in the NW by local artisans whenever we can.”
CJN Miniatures also offers consignment for your dollhouse miniatures and purchases estates as well. 10% of ALL sales is donated to the non-profit WE Care Foundation (Worldwide Educational Caring Foundation).

So come out and enjoy yourself while supporting local non-profits as well!

Tent Caterpillars: Tolerance is the Key

Tent Caterpillar
Photo courtesy WSU
(My father used to use a blowtorch on tent caterpillar nests. The City of Lake Forest Park advocates a different approach - Ed.)

Spring is here and so are the Tent Caterpillars. They have begun eating the tender spring foliage of the deciduous trees and shrubs; especially alder, willow, fruit trees, and roses.

Fortunately, healthy plants and trees have the ability to survive and regrow leaves during the same season. Tent caterpillar infestations tend to eventually collapse on their own as trees mobilize their defense systems and natural enemies destroy the caterpillars.

As a result, control measures are only necessary when the caterpillars attack young or stressed plants that may not be able to recover from defoliation.

Control measures are only considered when tent caterpillars are attacking young or stressed trees. In this case, hand-pruning or picking the tents from branches is the best option. This is best to be done in the early morning or evening when the temperature is cool and the caterpillars return to their tents. You can then put the pruned tents in a bucket of soapy water or seal them in a bag and throw away in your garbage. Another method of control is to hand-strip egg masses or prune them out of plants during the winter. 

Chemical control is not recommended as this may harm beneficial insects, birds and other wildlife. Burning the tents from the trees is also not recommended as it damages the tree and is a serious fire hazard.

Tent caterpillars are certainly unpleasant but are part of the natural ecological process. Your best option is to tolerate the infestation and allow the natural predators and parasites including many garden birds, wasps and ground beetles to manage infestation. It may take a few years so please be patient.

For additional information check out the following websites:

Richmond Beach Saltwater Park pedestrian bridge construction update

Look but don't touch
Saltwater Park pedestrian bridge isn't finished
Photo courtesy City of Shoreline

Repair work on the Saltwater Park pedestrian bridge is nearing completion. The major work is now finished and opening is expected by mid-May.

However, while the bridge may appear safe to cross, there is still work that must be completed prior to opening for use. Any damage caused to ongoing work by public access could impact the schedule and delay the bridge opening.

Work to complete the project and open the bridge to the public includes:
  • Concrete and asphalt placement at the bridge approaches.
  • Grout and seal the bridge pick points and joints
  • Final clean up and site restoration

The repairs and upgrades are necessary to maintain a safe bridge and allow continued access for emergency and maintenance vehicles. Completion of these repairs will extend the life of the bridge 20 or more years at a fraction of what it would cost to replace the bridge.

For more information, visit the city webpage  or call 206-801-2700. 

Message to the Legislature: Shoreline teachers and SESPA walking out for Monday, May 11

(The following message was sent Thursday to Shoreline School District families from Superintendent Rebecca Miner)

Dear Shoreline School District Families:

The Shoreline Education Association (SEA), the union representing our teachers, and the Shoreline Educational Support Professionals Association (SESPA), the union representing our school support staff, have voted to participate in a one-day walkout on May 11, 2015.

Union leadership has been in contact with the District regarding this action and has emphasized that this is not a strike against the District, students, families or our community, but rather a way for staff to show solidarity with their colleagues across the state and send a message to legislators about the importance of adequate educational funding. We agree that the state has failed to fully fund K-12 education and must live up to its responsibility as mandated by the State Supreme Court.

As a result of the one-day walkout, the Shoreline School District is canceling school on Monday, May 11, 2015. The following activities will proceed as scheduled on May 11: AP testing; high school and middle school athletic practices and contests; and facility rentals. The Shoreline Children’s Center will be open for its regular preschool programs, but the extended day sites at our schools will be closed. Please check individual school websites for evening activities. Schedules for state assessments currently underway will be adjusted at the school level.

Due to school being canceled on May 11, a make-up day is now scheduled for Friday, May 22, a previously scheduled non-student day.

The District will keep you posted on new developments if they arise. We are truly sorry for the inconvenience that canceling school on May 11 may cause to you and your family.  

If you have any questions, please send them to us at or contact the Public Information Office at 206-393-4412.

Rebecca Miner, Superintendent

Briarcrest student serves as Honorary Page in State Legislature

Rep. Ruth Kagi and Honorary Page Kailee Cunningham
Photo courtesy House of Representatives Photo

Last week, Kailee Cunningham, a 5th grader at Briarcrest Elementary School, spent a day in Olympia serving as an honorary page selected by Representative Ruth Kagi.

To be eligible to be an honorary page, the child has to be between 10 and 13 years old and be sponsored by a representative, and spend three hours accompanying the regular House pages throughout the day.

During her time as Representative Kagi's honorary page, Kailee enjoyed a tour of the Governor's Mansion with her fellow pages, as well as an official signing of a bill by the Governor.

She resides in the Briarcrest neighborhood of Shoreline with her family.

In The Garden Now …. Bloodroot

Double Flowered Bloodroot

Text and photo by Victoria Gilleland

I'm sure it's spring when the first bloodroot flowers appear! Bloodroot gets its name from the dark red sap found in the stems and roots, which resembles blood. Native Americans used the sap to dye clothing and baskets and to color face paint. It has also been used in various medicinal concoctions to treat an assortment of ailments. Bloodroot is native to eastern North America.

In early spring fluffy white flowers appear and are later framed by unusual scalloped felt like leaves. Six inch tall flowers last for several weeks while grey green leaves are emerging and surrounding them. If the plant receives ample summer water leaves stay on the plant till the end of summer when the plant loses its leaves and goes dormant.

Bloodroot seem to be happiest in partially shaded gardens, although I have seen them growing successfully in the Pacific Northwest in a fair amount of sun. They prefer a moist, humus rich soil and do well when shaded by the leaves of taller shrubs and trees after blooming. 
This is one of those perennials you can add to your garden and not worry about it encroaching on neighboring plants immediately. Over many years a well behaved colony of this early blooming beauty is likely to take shape. So, go for it!

Note: All parts of the Bloodroot plant are poisonous if eaten and the sap can cause skin irritation, so plant away from children and pet play areas. Explain to your children when they can understand that the bloodroot plant is to look at not to eat.

If you would like more information about plant toxicity check out the Washington Poison Center website or call the office at 1-800-222-1222.

Botanical Name:  Sanguinaria canadensis ‘Plena’

Victoria Gilleland is the owner of Cottage Garden Designs, a Garden Design company specializing in Redesign of Residential Gardens, Garden Consultation and Coaching. She has been designing gardens in the northwest for over 20 years.

Plant Sale at Prince of Peace May 9

Prince of Peace’s 11th Annual Plant Sale offers homegrown perennials, annuals, vegetable starts, hanging baskets, house plants and Mother’s Day gift items for the gardener at very reasonable prices. 

Saturday, May 9 - 9AM – 3 PM

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
14514 – 20th Ave NE, Shoreline, WA 98155

Senior Center looking for a lawnmower

The Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Senior Center is looking for a push-type lawn mower.

Mike Speyer, is a senior center volunteer coordinator for Job Connections. His job is to look for someone to do household repairs. He also makes contact with those who may be looking to do repairs as a very part-time job. This is the time of the year when seniors are calling to get some yard work taken care of, especially for someone to mow their lawn. The big drawback at times: there may not be a lawn mower available to get the job done.

Mike is hoping that someone in the community may have a hand push mower, in good condition, that they may like to donate. It could be stored at the senior center and made available for those times when a mower is not available.

If you can help the center out, please contact Mike on Friday mornings at 206-365-1536; or Jon Ann Cruver, at the same number Wednesday through Fridays.

The Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Senior Center, 18560 1st Ave NE #1, Shoreline WA 98155

Varsity girls' tennis - Shorecrest vs Edmonds-Woodway

Shorecrest Varsity Girls Tennis vs Edmonds-Woodway - Shorecrest hosts
Thursday 4-30-15  Shorecrest 1 - Edmonds-Woodway 6
Shorecrest overall record 2-11

Rachel Stevens and Lauren Rutter won their doubles match.


  1. Elizabeth Parsek SC vs Myint-zu Kyaw, 0-6, 0-6
  2. Ji Hae Hong SC vs Hanna Rehnfeldt, 0-6, 0-6
  3. Shiyao Li SC vs Leona Aklipi, 0-6, 1-6
  4. Shannon Collier SC vs Nicole Ung, 2-6, 0-6
  1. Rachel Stevens / Lauren Rutter SC vs Olivia Olson / Hailey Rehnfeldt, 6-1, 6-2
  2. Tessa Farnam / Bianca Dang SC vs Claire Olson / Katherine Wilson, 6-3, 6-7, 0-6
  3. Victoria Nguyen / Jillian Zhao SC vs Nancy Ou / Pauline Lee, 3-6, 3-6

Prep girls tennis - Shorewood vs Mountlake Terrace Thursday

PREP GIRLS TENNIS : Shorewood 4 Mountlake Terrace 3

1. Nicole Bouchet MLT def. Ellie Allen- Hatch SW  6-2, 6-1
2. Tina Liu MLT def. Jelena Bojic SW 6-3, 6-4
3. Allison Lorraine MLT def. Emily wright SW 6-2, 6-4
4. Amy Buswell SW def. Meron Abay MLT 7-5, 6-1

1. Genevieve O'Malley / Jenny Ahn SW def. Kaitlyn Anderson / Ayana Traylor MLT 6-0, 6-2
2. Grace Taylor / Malaika Rosenfeld SW def. Lisa Fernandez / Kristina Shalatova MLT 6-1, 6-3
3. Sophie Sando / Wiktoria Kostyra SW def. Stephanie Roesli / Brianna Tran MLT 6-2, 6-0

The Shorewood girls tennis team bounced from their loss to Edmonds- Woodway to defeat Mountlake Terrace 4-3. Shorewood swept the doubles matches and Amy Buswell clinched the victory. The T-Birds improved their record to 8-1 in league and 11-2 overall to remain tied for first with Glacier Peak.

The Thunderbirds and the Grizzlies meet Friday May 1st in a crucial match for both teams that could determine the WesCo South league championship. Shorewood was able to defeat Glacier Peak by a narrow 4-3 score, at Glacier Peak, to gain an edge in the race to win the championship earlier in the season. With a T-Bird loss to Edmonds- Woodway on Wednesday, the match with Glacier Peak at Shorewood may settle the league championship. The tennis match starts at 3:30pm.

Photo: Leaves that look like flowers

Photo by Donna Franklin

From Master Gardener Donna Franklin's garden: Pieris showing the "flaming" leaves and clusters of flowers. Pieris is a cousin of the Rhododendron, being in the same plant family, Ericaceae. the Heather Family.

In this species the leaves start red, then go through several color changes, ending up dark green.

King County public safety radio network tax measure continues strong pass margin

The King County tax measure on the Tuesday special-election ballot continues to be passing in votes counted Wednesday.

The levy would provide money for replacing the county's emergency public-safety radio network.

Votes counted Wednesday showed the passage margin increasing to 65.2%-34.8% from the 65.0%-35.0% Tuesday.

The levy had 177,034 "yes" votes and 94,508 "no" votes.

County elections officials had 290,239 uncounted ballots on hand at the end of counting Wednesday, with more ballots continuing to arrive.

Officials will continue to report new results each weekday through final certification of returns May 12.

Officials counted 21,557 new ballots Wednesday, raising the total counted to 271,542 ballots from the 249,985 counted Tuesday.

Ballots had arrived by Wednesday from 24 percent of King County registered voters.

Echo-Lake-area resident plans to oppose Shoreline Councilman Salomon

Echo-Lake-area resident Lorn Richey has announced his intention to run for the Shoreline City Council position now held by Jesse Salomon.

Richey said Wednesday that he is concerned about Council actions on rezones near the planned light-rail station and how the rezones and other council actions will affect Shoreline residents.

He registered with the State Public Disclosure Commission this week. Registration with the PDC allows candidates to raise and spend money for the coming election. Candidates file for ballot positions May 11-13.

Any position with three or more candidates appears on the Aug. 4 primary ballot, with the top two vote getters advancing to the Nov. 4 general-election ballot. Positions with only one or two candidates appear only on the November ballot.

Board present as Vicki Stiles receives AKCHO award

From left: Hal Schlegel, Margaret Boyce, Judy Parsons, Vicki Stiles, Kevin Sill, Edie Loyer Nelson, Anina Sill, Susan Stine, Henry Reed, Barrett Monsaas.

The Association of King County Historical Organizations (AKCHO) held their annual awards presentation at MOHAI on April 28th.

Among those receiving awards this year was Vicki Stiles of the Shoreline Historical Museum. Vicki won the Willard Jue Memorial Award for Paid Staff, recognizing her tireless efforts to manage the museum located at 185th and Linden Ave in Shoreline, as well as giving historical presentations at various events throughout the area.

Present at the awards ceremony in support of Vicki were nine members of the Board of Directors of the museum. The museum is open for visitors Tuesday through Saturday, from 10am to 4pm. Check out current exhibits and events at the museum website.

Shoreline Walks this Saturday - four parks in Richmond Beach

A Shoreline Walks group

Richmond Beach Parks Walk -  Shoreline Walks

Join walk leader Mary Jo Gerst this Saturday, May 2nd on a hearty 3 mile walk around Richmond Beach exploring four of the neighborhood parks.

The walk starts at 10:00am at the entrance to Richmond Beach Saltwater Park and is part of the Shoreline Walks free community walking program. The walk offers the opportunity to get better acquainted with each of these neighborhood parks and explores the roads the connect each of them.  

Walk is 3 miles in length and will last for approximately 90 minutes. Wear comfortable shoes and dress for the weather. Walk is rated moderate for some hills.  

Saturday, May 2nd, 10:00am
Richmond Beach Parks Walk

Visit the 4 parks in Richmond Beach while enjoying views of the mountains and the sound. 
Walk is approximately 3 miles / 1.5 hrs.
Walk Rating: Moderate (some hills)
Meet at: Entrance to RB Saltwater Park 2021 NW 190th St.

The free group walk is part of the City of Shoreline’s “Shoreline Walks” community walking program helping Shoreline adults stay active, meet new people (or connect with old friends) and feel safer and more confident exploring our city by foot. No need to sign up, just show up with your walking shoes!

More information on Shoreline Walks here or call Recreation Assistant Marianne Johnson at 206-801-2638.

Shorewood / Shorecrest students place in Music Educators state contest

The Shorewood High School Mendelssohn Trio
Photo courtesy Shoreline Schools

Shorewood and Shorecrest students placed in the recent Washington Music Educators Association State Solo and Ensemble contest.  

•   The Shorewood Mendelssohn Trio (Leah Deobald, piano, Jonas Chen, cello and K. Lee Morris, violin) took second place in the Small String Ensemble division.

•   Christopher Richardson of Shorecrest took second place in the Piano Division.

•   Leah Deobald of Shorewood took third place in the Piano division.

•   Tim Goei of Shorewood took third place in the Trumpet Solo division. 

The state solo and ensemble contest consisted of the winners from 22 regions encompassing the entire state. Over 20,000 student musicians participated at the regional level for the privilege of competing at state.


Festival of Science, Technology, Engineering, Math May 9 at SCC

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Students displayed their work at the 2014 STEM Festival
Photo courtesy STEM

On Saturday May 9, 2015, the third annual Shoreline STEM Festival will be held at Shoreline Community College from 10:00am to 2:00pm. This rapidly growing event is held for the educational benefit of all the students of Shoreline and Lake Forest Park thanks to the support and generosity of Shoreline Community College, the Shoreline School District and the Shoreline Public Schools Foundation.

Everyone in the community is invited to the free event to see some of the very amazing science work of our K-12 students and to talk to them about their individual projects.

In addition, there will be exhibitors representing many different areas of STEM with tables for everyone to see along with many hands-on activities. Students can visit tables with their own “Passport” to education that can be stamped and which district teachers might be interested in seeing.

Reptile Man (12:30-1:30), robots all over, DNA mystery investigations, butterflies, insects, local environmental groups, lab medicine, histology and many, many more diverse exhibitors will be there.  

A Washington State science fair table will provide students with information into participation in higher level science fairs where millions of dollars in awards and scholarships are handed out.

Awards for schools and students, brief talks from highly regarded professionals regarding females in STEM and wrap up will be from 1:30-2:00. It is an educational event not to be missed. For more information and to keep up with what is happening visit the webpage.

RBBC Players present Godspell this weekend

RBCC Players Present

music and lyrics by Stephen Schwartz

Prepare ye for the timeless tale of friendship, loyalty and love based on the Gospel According to St. Matthew. Godspell is a love feast...dedicated to light and joy and love.

The music and lyrics by Stephen Schwartz are remarkably eclectic; drawing on rock, folk, gospel and Broadway ... it is delightful family friendly show.

It is the story of a small group of people who help Jesus tell different parables by using a wide variety of storytelling techniques and a hefty dose of comedy. 

May 2, 8, 9 - 7:30pm 
May 3 - 2:00pm 
Adults: $15 12/under: $10 
or at door the day of performance 1/2 hour before curtain


15th AVE NW, Shoreline 98177 

Road to the Puppy Bowl and free pet adoptions Saturday, May 2 at PAWS

Join Discovery Channel's Animal Planet on May 2 for a unique pet adoption event – If you are the right match, your adoption fee is waived!

The second annual ROAD TO PUPPY BOWL is an all-star adoption event to help dogs and cats of all size, shape, age and breed find their forever homes! Those in the Seattle area hoping to add a playful pup or a furry feline to their family can join Animal Planet at PAWS in Lynnwood, WA for a fun-filled event with photo ops, giveaways and overly adorable cats and dogs.

Just into cats? Don't let the event name fool you. PAWS Cat City in Seattle’s U-District is joining in the Road to Puppy Bowl fun too. The best part, Animal Planet and the ASPCA have teamed up to cover all adoption fees at both PAWS locations on Saturday, May 2. If you're the right match, your adoption is free.

Saturday, May 2 from 11 AM – 3 PM
PAWS - 15305 44th Ave. West, Lynnwood, WA 98087 (44th Ave W and SR 99)
PAWS Cat City - 5200 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA 98105 (Roosevelt and 52nd)

Register for the event here to be eligible for the discounted adoption fees. 

Each February, the most anticipated sporting event featuring the cutest – and adoptable – players arrives on Animal Planet. PUPPY BOWL has led to hundreds of adoptions over the past 11 years and is a key leader in Animal Planet’s ongoing mission to highlight the importance of animal adoption and responsible pet ownership. Now, the network is bringing the joy and goodwill of the big game to communities across the country on the ROAD TO THE PUPPY BOWL.

*Fees have been waived thanks to grant funding from Animal Planet administered by the ASPCA. All adopters must meet adoption criteria as determined by PAWS. Free prizes only until supplies last.

Job Seekers' Round Table: working around ageism and how to put age in your favor

You've heard it before: “But age discrimination is against the law!”

It sure is. But employers still do it. And they can be pretty crafty. Another side to this is: Someone hired with just five years left before retiring, is more likely than a new 20 or 30-something hire to stay with the same employer for that amount of time. This is just one of the many positives for older job searchers.

Please join us this Friday, May 1, as Edmonds Senior Center Director, Farrell Fleming joins Ron Carnell with a discussion on the realities of ageism in the job search, and how we can put aspects of age in our favor. Farrell and Ron will share strategies on detecting employer age profiling, the types of methods often used to reveal age, and how to counter them. This is Ron's third ageism workshop over the past couple years, and the discussions and stories are always intriguing and informative. Last time we featured this topic, it filled up fast!

So please respond to save yourself a place at the “Round Table.” As always, great coffee and treats, compliments of Central Market will be on hand.

Friday, May 1, 1:00-2:30pm, Shoreline Community College Room 5116, Building 5000 (ground floor) SCC Campus Map, Parking  16101 Greenwood Ave N, Shoreline 98133

Ron Carnell, Program Coordinator, Workforce / Continuing Education / Plus 50 Career Builder

36th Annual Shoreline Track and Field Invite Saturday, May 2

80 schools, over 1,000 athletes set to compete in largest all-boys track invite in the Northwest
Saturday, May 2, 2015, 12noon, Shoreline Stadium 

36 years strong: Shoreline Stadium will again host many of the best Boys track and field teams and individuals from around the state in the 36th Annual Shoreline Invitational scheduled for Saturday, May 2. Field events are scheduled to begin at 12 noon, while the first running event is slated for 1pm. 84 teams and over 1,000 athletes are expected in the biggest all-boys invitational in the Northwest. This year’s event includes teams from Idaho and British Columbia.

Great History in Shoreline: This year’s meet is dubbed as the 36th annual meet. The meet first began in 1974 and continued through 1982. With the closing of Shoreline High School, the meet shut down from 1983-88. In 1989, the meet started up again under the name Thunderbird Invitational and has been going strong since. The name was changed back to Shoreline Invitational in 1994, with both Shoreline high schools (Shorecrest and Shorewood) supporting the meet.

Ticket Prices: Adults $7
Students W/ASB $5
Seniors and Children $4

Eastlake Returns to defend Title: Last year Eastlake scored 74 points and tripped up three-time Shoreline Invite Champ Federal Way by 6 points. The Wolves return a talented team again this year but will be pressed by multiple teams to defend its title. Most notably Bothell, Bellevue, Wenatchee and co-host Shorewood look to be the teams to beat on paper. As mentioned, Eastlake got the team win last year with 74 points, topping the rest of the top 10: Federal Way (68) Bellevue (60), Olympic (34), Ephrata (33), Cascade-Everett (32), Eisenhower (30), Kamiakin and Lakes (29) and Bishop Blanchet (23). 

State’s best are here: Of the 17 events that exist on the state leader board, many of the state leaders will be in attendance, in addition, multiple events include 3 or more of the state’s top 10. You don't want to miss the distance races as Shoreline has a history for some wicked fast times and this year should be no exception! Other feature events include the Pole Vault featuring the top-four vaulters in the state all with marks over 15-9, and the High Jump with three entries over 6-7.

Shorecrest tennis vs Glacier Peak Wednesday

Shorecrest varsity girls tennis Wesco 2A/3A
April 29, 2015 Shorecrest vs Glacier Peak
Shorecrest hosted

Shorecrest 0 - Glacier Peak 7
Shorecrest overall record 2-10


  1. Rachel Stevens SC vs Madeline Maher, 3-6, 3-6
  2. Elizabeth Parsek SC vs Michelle Baldwin, 0-6, 0-6
  3. Bianca Dang SC vs Julie Ramsey, 0-6, 0-6
  4. Shiyao Li SC vs Lauren Hoops, 2-6, 0-6
  1. Ji Hae Hong / Tessa Farnam SC vs Anna Sneesby / Marissa Johnson 0-6, 1-6
  2. Victoria Nguyen / Jillian Zhao vs Rachel Gutnes / Micah Flood 1-6, 0-6
  3. Shannon Collier / Emily Paulsen SC vs Emma Riddle / Laurel Albrecht, 0-6, 0-6
--Robert Mann

Shorewood tennis vs Edmonds-Woodway Wednesday

Shorewood coach, Arnie Moreno, introduces the Shorewood and 
Edmonds-Woodway teams to each other and 
sets up the individual matches of the day.
Photo by Wayne Pridemore

Shorewood lost a close match to Edmonds-Woodway 3-4. The Thunderbirds remain tied with Glacier Peak for first place with a 7-1 league record and 10-2 overall.

The T-Birds and Glacier Peak face each other at Shorewood on Friday May 1st to see who can try to get an edge for the league championship. Shorewood and Edmonds-Woodway were tied at 3-3 going into the third set of number three doubles but lost a very close match.

Shorewood's team pumps it up in a team circle.
Photo by Wayne Pridemore

Winning for the T- Birds were Emily Wright and Amy Buswell in singles and in doubles Malaika Rosenfeld and Sophie Sando. They travel to Mountlake Terrace Thursday April 30th. All matches start at 3:30pm.

Shorewood's number one singles player, Elli Allen-Hatch, 
returns the ball with a forehand shot.
Photo by Wayne Pridemore

Shorewood 3  Edmonds- Woodway 4
At Shorewood

1. Myint - Zu Kyaw EW def. Ellie Allen- Hatch SW 6-2, 6-0
2. Hannah Kehnfeldt  EW def. Jelena Bojic SW 6-0, 6-4
3. Emily Wright SW def. Leona Allipi EW 6-1, 6-2
4. Amy Buswell SW def. Nicole Ung EW 6-2, 6-1

1. Hailey Kehndeldt / Olivia Olson EW def. Genevieve O'Malley / Grace Taylor SW 6-2, 4-6, 6-3
2. Malaika Rosenfeld / Sophie Sando SW def. Katherine Wilson / Claire Olson EW 2-6, 6-4, 7-6 (10-8 )
3. Pauline Lee / Nancy Un EW def. Wiktoria Kostyra / Marin Counter SW 2-6, 6-1, 6-4

Shorewood - Lynnwood softball Wednesday

Box score and details for the game between Shorewood and Lynnwood at Meridian Park on 4-29-15

                  1    2    3    4    5    6          R    H    E
Lynnwood    2    0    2    5    0    5        14  14    0
Shorewood   0    0    0    0    0    0         0    0     1

Lynnwood:  Dasia Lester (13 Ks) and Angela Martin (catcher)
Shorewood: Kendall Adams and Lauren Smith

Lynnwood: Desiree Graham 2-3, 2B, 3B
                     Maddie Morgan 3-3, 3 2Bs
                     Kaileigh Harthun 3-3, 2B
                     Molly McDowell 2-4, 2B

--Paul Jensen

Photo: Sun-kissed rhodie

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Photo by Jan Hansen

Jan Hansen says "The sun kissed the rhodie  and the rest of us yesterday."

Free Comic Book Day at Shoreline Library May 2 Saturday

Free comic book day Saturday
at Shoreline Library
Photo courtesy Shoreline Library

Free comic books and special programs for teen at the Shoreline Library on Saturday for the 7th annual Free Comic Book Day event.

Saturday, May 2, 2015, 10:00am - 2:00pm, Shoreline Library, 345 NE 175th, 98155

Comic shops across the country are giving away comics for Free Comic Book Day and we are joining the fun! Come by and pick out some free comic books to keep. Come early since comics are only available while supplies last. Plus, meet and have your picture taken with Stormtroopers and other characters from the Star Wars from Garrison Titian will be on hand.

Have your photo taken with Stormtroopers
Photo courtesy Shoreline Library

Game On! Special Edition
Saturday, May 02, 2015
12:00pm - 2:00pm
All ages welcome.
Enjoy a little healthy competition by playing Wii, Wii U and Xbox 360 games in this special Free Comic Book Day edition of Game On! Plus, have some snacks!

Sequential Storytelling with Elizabeth Guizzetti
Shoreline Library
Saturday, May 02, 2015
2:30pm - 4:30pm
Middle and high school ages.

Learn how graphic novels are written and produced by independent comic book author and artist Elizabeth Guizzetti. Topics will include developing ideas, character design, plotting, storyboarding and more!

Guizzetti is the author and artist of Faminelands Series, Lure and Out for Souls/Cookies! She also is known to dabble in science fiction with her written novels in the Other Systems Universe.

Updated: added class registration link 04-30-2015 8:58pm

Name that flower: It wasn't a flower

Pieris Japonica
Andromeda Japonica
Photo by Lee Lageschulte
Yesterday's photo by Lee Lageschulte was not flowers, as I thought, but leaves that turn color. Many people (thank you all!) identified it as a Pieris Japonica, often called Andromeda Japonica, with new growth leaves changing the color of the bush.

Following is information submitted by readers:

The new growth is red and matures to green passing through the yellow phase. The flower is actually a lily of the valley type cluster.

Pieris japonica is a broadleaf evergreen shrub that typically matures to 9-12’ tall with a dense, upright habit. It features drooping clusters (racemes to 6” long) of lily-of-the-valley-like white flowers in early spring. Serrulate, oblanceolate to obovate-oblong leaves (to 3.5” long) emerge orange-bronze but mature to glossy dark green. Leaves are evergreen. Bead-like flower buds are set in late summer for the following year and provide winter interest and contrast to the evergreen foliage. Many cultivars are available featuring flowers in various shades of white, pink and deep rose. 
Synonymous with and sometimes sold as Andromeda japonica.
Genus name is the name of one of the Greek Muses.
Specific epithet means of Japan.
It has white bell shaped flowers in the winter. The variety appears to be 'Forest Flame'.

It is actually a pieris japonica – commonly called a mountain fire bush.  

The pink which you are referring to as “flowers” are actually the new growth leaves which appear in the spring. The flowers they get are long white strands of little dots that look completely different than the leaf.

T Bird girls tennis defeats Edmonds-Woodway

The T- Bird girls tennis team defeated Edmonds-Woodway in a WesCo South league match 4-3. Shorewood remains in first place with a 7-0 league and 9-1 overall record.

Jelena Bojic, Emily Wright and Amy Buswell won three of four singles matches. Genevieve O’Malley and Grace Taylor won at number one doubles to clinch the victory.

The Thunderbirds host Edmonds-Woodway Wednesday April 29th at 3:30pm. They travel to Mountlake Terrace Thursday April 30th and host Glacier Peak on Friday May 1st. 

Prep girls tennis: Shorewood 4, Edmonds-Woodway 3
At Edmonds-Woodway H.S.

Myint-Zu Kyaw (E) def. Ellie Allen-Hatch 6-1, 6-1; Jelena Bojic (S) def. Leona Aklipi 6-2, 6-2; Emily Wright (S) def. Nicole Ung 6-0, 6-0; Amy Buswell (S) def. Pavi Chance 6-0, 6-1.

Grace Taylor-Genevieve O’Malley (S) def. Olivia Olson-Hailey Rehnfeldt 6-3, 7-5; Katherine Wilson-Claire Olson (E) def. Malaika Rosenfeld-Victoria Koystra 6-2, 4-6 (6-4); Pauline Lee-Nancy Ou (E) def. Sophie Sando-Sara Tieu 6-3, 6-2. 

Records—Shorewood 7-0 league, 10-1 overall. Edmonds-Woodway 5-4, 6-5.

Celebrate 40 years with the Senior Center May 7

Shoreline - Lake Forest Park Senior Center Breakfast fundraiser - Thursday, May 7, 7-8:30am. Make your reservations soon 206-365-1536.

Bids for 178th to be discussed at special council meeting

The Lake Forest Park City Council will hold a special meeting on Wednesday, April 29, 2015, from 5:45 to 6pm to discuss bids for the 178th Street Project.

The meeting will be held at City Hall Council Chambers, 17425 Ballinger Way NE.

Second Annual Community Garage Sale at Parkwood June 6

Finished your spring cleaning and have some stuff you don’t need … come and sell it at the Second Annual Parkwood Community Garage Sale on June 6th, 10am – 2pm, rain or shine, at Parkwood Elementary School grounds. 

This Community Garage Sale is hosted by the Parkwood Elementary PTA and benefits the school’s 6th grade camp. Register soon, as space is limited!

More information and registration form here.

Shorewood soccer vs Mountlake Terrace Tuesday night

Shorewood 3 - Mountlake Terrace 1

Tuesday was a mild, damp night at Lynnwood High School where Mountlake Terrace hosted Shorewood soccer.

In the first 15 minutes Terrace was pressing hard and had 4 shots, but Isaac Whitaker and the defense were able to hold them off for Shorewood. Gradually the game settled down and Shorewood started to get some opportunities. Finally Marco Shifflette was able to find the goal for Shorewood in the 40th minute on a loose ball from a free kick to give them a 1-0 lead at the half.

Two minutes into the second half Luis Toledo was taken down in the box and Kabir Khan finished the PK for a 2-0 Shorewood lead. Next at the 53rd minute Alan Corrales put Shorewood up 3-0 on a strong finish from inside the box. In the 64th minute Shorewood committed a foul in the box and Alec Somers made the PK for Terrace to close out the scoring for the game 3-1.

Isaac Whitaker and Ryan Farley were in goal for Shorewood 7-2-0 in league 8-3-2 overall. Genaro Ruis was in goal for Terrace 4-5-1 in league and 5-7-2 overall.

--Bill Wilkins

Meridian Park Neighborhood's first Spring Drive a success

Volunteer Jay Larkin, Volunteer Roz Bates, and Andy McConnell
 a neighborhood member who made a donation to the event.
Photo by Steven H. Robinson

Last Saturday Meridian Park Neighborhood Association Board members and volunteers gathered at Walgreens Store at N 175th and Aurora Ave N to invite shoppers to participate in the First Annual Spring Drive collecting items for Shoreline Hopelink for our neighbors who are in need.

The invitation to give was met with generosity and goodwill by the community, including the store staff who shopped and contributed items to the abundantly filled donation bins.

Board members Diane Mickunas-Ries, Gretchen Atkinson, Melina Thung,
Cynthia Knox, Walgreen Shift Leader  Corby, Board member Tom Karston
Photo by Steven H. Robinson

Over 1,406 pieces of much needed items were donated including baby supplies, body and hair care items, toothbrushes and toothpaste, shaving supplies, feminine hygiene items, toilet paper, paper towels, and more.

Shoreline Community Church members donated $50 of the $109 cash contributed to the Drive.

Meridian Park Neighborhood Association is undergoing a revitalization and invites all residents of Meridian Park to attend MPNA meetings held at Shoreline City Hall on the third Tuesday of each month 6:30pm – 8:30pm. The next meeting will be held May 19th.

Corrected photo caption 04-29-2015 7:33am

King County public-safety radio levy passing easily

The King County levy for replacement of the emergency public-safety radio network was passing easily Tuesday night.

Ballots counted by 8:15pm Tuesday showed the proposition leading 65 percent to 35 percent. That’s 162,458 yes votes to 87,527 no votes.

King County elections officials plan to update returns Wednesday at 4:30pm and most weekdays until final certification of results May 12.

Author of Breakfast at Sally's to speak at Richmond Beach Congregational Church May 13

One homeless man's inspirational journey

Richard LeMieux, author of Breakfast at Sally's, will be at Richmond Beach Congregational Church on Wednesday, May 13th at 7pm, 1512 NW 195th, Shoreline.

Richard is a writer and ex-businessman who was once happily married and the owner of several cars and three boats. Evicted from his luxury home after his business failed, and living with his dog, Willow, in a beat-up old van, LeMieux wrote Breakfast at Sally’s on a secondhand typewriter. He and Willow live in Bremerton, WA.  

"It’s easy to look from afar onto the world LeMieux writes about. People panhandling. Living in cars. Most of us probably figure they’ve always been down. But how far did they fall? Maybe further than we think.” (Seattle Times)

Beth's Cafe owner taking over Grinders Hot Sands

New owner may offer half-sandwiches
at Grinders

According to an article in Seattle Eater, Chris Dalton, owner of the iconic Beth's Cafe (home of the 12 egg omelet) will take over Grinders' Hot Sands from current owner Mitch Gilbert in May of this year.

Grinders is located at 19811 Aurora 

They also plan to consider new menu items (cold sandwiches and pasta, which the shop has done successfully in the past), build up dinner service, and potentially look at other locations eventually. And bonus, for those of us who want room left for bread pudding or cheesecake: They are officially considering half sandwich portions.

Read the article here

Ocho de Mayo at Karaoke-Bingo Friday, May 8

Celebrate Ocho de Mayo on May 8th at Karaoke / Bingo night at the Senior Center. They will be selling margaritas and there will be a special menu with the Mexican theme. 
And you'll still have time to play Bingo and sing a few songs!

Make reservations online until May 6th,
then in person at the Senior Center
Questions? Phone 206-365-1536

Shorewood vs Everett softball Tuesday

Score and details for the fastpitch softball game between Shorewood and Everett at Meridian Park field on April 28, 2015. Shorewood 3 - Everett 0

                      1    2    3    4    5              R    H    E
Everett           6    3    6    8    0              23   10  1
Shorewood     0    0    2    0    3               5    7   1

Everett: Erin Gordon and Rachel Christianson (catcher)
Shorewood: Kendall Adams, Ebony Harrison (3), Holly Ebel (4) and Lauren Smith and Feben Girmai

Everett:    Bailey Forman 1-3, 3B
                Sydney Taggart 3-4, HR
                Rachel Christianson 4-4, 3B
                Erika Hall 1-2, HR

Shorewood: Ebony Harrison 2-3
                    Alison Feise 2-3, 2B

--Paul Jensen

It's not too late to buy bricks for the Veterans' Memorial

King County Councilmember Rod Dembowski
and Veteran's Memorial Chairman Dwight Stevens

By Dwight Stevens, Chair, Shoreline Veterans' Memorial

In answer to many inquires, it is not too late to order memorial bricks to honor American Veterans, men and women, who were honorably discharged or are still serving in the the Army, Marines,, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Merchant Marine or National Guard.

Although we hope to begin construction on Shoreline's first and only Monument this Summer, we need to order and make substantial down payments on the masonry and brick products to be used in the construction of this lasting reminder of the bravery and patriotic service extended by our Veterans.

So far, we have received 65% of the money needed to build a beautiful, circular monument on the green and treed Plaza area, immediately north of the City Council chamber of our City Hall.

Through the efforts of Councilman Rod Dembowski, King County granted us $20,000 and Starr Sutherland, Jr. Post #227 of the American Legion donated $15,000 while several individuals and businesses have given $ I,000 to $3,500 and will have their names or their firm's name engraved on plaques around the center flag pole of the monument.

Brick-pavers sell for only $100 each. Information flyer with application / donation form here. Anyone may honor any veterans from any war with a paver-brick, not just those with Shoreline ties.

Anyone intending to help with the building of our Monument should immediately submit their application and money to the Shoreline Veterans Association, P.O. Box 55193, Shoreline, WA 98155 or as otherwise directed in the application.

ALL DONATION ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE, AS THE VETERANS ASSN. IS A 501 c19 ORGANIZATION. Applications are available in the lobby of City Hall and most Grocery stores in Shoreline as well as online.

If you have questions, contact Dwight Stevens, Chairman, 206-546-2894. 

Film with Shoreline ties makes debut at Tribeca Film Festival

Shoreline Film + Video professor, Tony Doupe.

From Shoreline Community College News

A short film with ties to Shoreline made its world debut at the Tribeca International Film Festival this past weekend. The cast and crew of the comedy short “Big Boy,” directed by Seattle area director Bryan Campbell, included Shoreline film and video instructor Tony Doupé and three Shoreline students. Doupé acted in the film, while the students worked in the art department.

The film was also almost entirely shot in a restroom on Shoreline’s campus, which represented a major challenge for the art department. Per an article in Washington Filmworks, the crew spent fifty hours transforming SCC’s bathroom into the “nightmare” restroom viewers see on screen.

The film represents the type of opportunity students studying at Shoreline have come to expect thanks to the college’s strong ties to the Shoreline Film Office. 

“To me, giving students the chance to work on this film is a home run,” said Doupé. “It represents the model we've always envisioned, which is to bring the film industry here around a nexus of education, training, working professionals and a city government that’s friendly to film.”

Shoreline’s bathroom, before and after, took 50 hours to dress for filming.
Photo re-printed from
Photo credit: Regan MacStravic.

Doupé is an active member of the northwest film community, and his ties to the industry help pave the way for Shoreline students to meld education with professional experience by interning on professional local productions.

The premise of “Big Boy” surrounds 9-year-old Dustin, who’s never been allowed to use a public restroom on his own. In the film, his parents permit him to use a seemingly deserted highway rest stop by himself, but inside he encounters unforeseen dangers with hilarious results.

Join the Richmond Beach Saltwater Park Cleanup Saturday May 2

Saltwater Park
Photo by Frank Kleyn

Sponsored by Richmond Beach Community Association

In honor of Earth Day, volunteers are encouraged to help pick up litter at Saltwater Park on Saturday, May 2, from 9:00am to noon.

The litter cleanup will "beat the bushes" around the picnic areas, parking lot, and on the beach (if bridge is open). Anyone can join the crew, which will meet in the lower parking lot. Volunteers should bring gloves, wear stable shoes or boots and wear appropriate clothing for the weather and work conditions.

Volunteers will be asked to sign in the day of the event. Kids are welcome, but we ask that they are supervised by an adult. High school students needing volunteer hours are welcome.
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