WeatherWatcher: Weekly Report, Atmospheric River

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Forecast - Atmospheric River
Last Week's data

Forecast: We are in the middle of an Atmospheric River, more commonly known as the Pineapple Express. Warm subtropical moisture is moving through the region from the southwest bringing us significant rains and warm temperatures. Rain is expected to pick up after midnight Sunday morning and continue through Monday in the early morning hours. We could see 1-2 inches of rain total from this storm. Temperatures will hover in the low to mid 50's. Monday afternoon - Wednesday we will see mostly cloudy skies with some showers here and there. Lows around the mid 40's and highs around the mid 50's. Thursday looks to be sunny before another storm moves in for Friday and the following weekend.

Last week's data:
High temperature: 66.6°F (Friday)
Low temperature: 36.9°F (Saturday)
Rainiest day: 0.04 inches (Friday night after 11pm)
Total rainfall: 0.04 inches
Warmest day: 56.2°F (Thursday)
Coldest day: 45.4°F (Monday)
Average temperature: 50.1°F

Historic average temperature: 41.9°F

Graph by Carl Dinse

The warm weather trend has continued, important to note, our precipitation has been at or slightly above normal also. I haven't gone over the numbers just yet, that will be for a future post.


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