Shoreline City Council meeting Monday to decide on rezone of 145th subarea

Sunday, March 22, 2015

The Shoreline City Council will meet in special session Monday, March 23 at 5:45pm to discuss the Classification and Compensation Study Update.

At 7pm the general council meeting will begin. 

The discussion of the 145th Subarea Planning will include a decision on whether to move forward with selection of a Preferred Alternative for analysis in the FEIS on April 13, or to wait for substantial completion or adoption of the 145th Street Corridor Study (as recommended by the Planning Commission) before resuming review of zoning scenarios for light rail station subarea planning for the 145th Station Area.

City staff, Council, and the Commission received many comments through the official DEIS comment period and public hearing. 
DEIS comments are included as Attachment F, and minutes (including public comment) from the February 5 and 19 public hearing are included as Attachments G and H, respectively.

For those who want to watch from home, the link to the live feed is here.

For those who wish to attend in person, the meetings are held in the Council Chambers at Shoreline City Hall, 17500 Midvale Ave N. Parking in the City garage.

Comments can be emailed to this address and will be sent to all Councilmembers.

At the last City Council meeting, the Council voted 5-2 to an extensive rezone of the Echo Lake Neighborhood, Meridian Park Neighborhood, and parts of the North City Neighborhood, for high density and high rise buildings in the 185th Street Subarea. (see previous article)


Tom Wallace March 23, 2015 at 3:48 PM  

Meeting summary available ahead of time: by a vote of 4-3 the city council has agreed that they don't care what their constituents think.

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