Neck and neck match, but Einstein wrestlers win

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Einstein pulled away late for a close 61-46 win at Olympic View on Thursday. It was neck and neck as the evenly matched teams traded wins early. After Einstein had built a 31-16 lead Olympic View took four of the next five matches to take a slim 40-37 lead. The match was still in doubt as the 188 pound wrestlers took the mat.

Einstein’s Dylan Koidal took his opponent straight from his feet to his back and scored a first round pin to seal the team victory.

Einstein wrestles next on Tuesday, March 17th, at Brier Terrace Middle School.

Einstein Record: 5-1

Einstein 61 - Olympic View 46
@ Olympic View Middle School
81: Richard Chung (OV) win by forfeit
88: Kody Carpenter (EN) pinned Ethan Costanza 2:58
93: Anthony Garcia (OV) maj. dec. Hunter Lowden 15-3
98: Troy Flynn (OV) pinned Cameron Highet 2:02
103: Nick Lotz (EN) pinned Sean S. 1:26
108: Devin Leach (EN) maj. dec. James Han 15-4
113: Shinkwang Moon (EN) pinned Rowan Wheed 0:50
118: Nelson Tardie (EN) pinned Blake Baker 2:17
123: Charlie Miller (EN) dec. Lesar Eslas 5-3
128: Devante Donaldson (OV) pinned Jacob Carey 0:24
133: Tyler Gibson (OV) pinned Jordan King 3:34
140: Josh Harazim (EN) pinned Mataar Saho 2:09
148: Yaphet Batka (OV) win by forfeit
157: Daniel Picat (OV) pinned Josiah Tviet 1:03
167: Phillip Ball (EN) win by forfeit
178: Thomas Newkirk (EN) win by forfeit
188: Dylan Koidal (EN) pinned Cameron O. 0:53
218: AJ Riley (OV) win by forfeit
248: Murad Atayev (EN) pinned Alex Callaway 0:37
278: Double Forfeit


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