Innis Arden Community makes donation to Tent City 3

Monday, March 23, 2015

Unloading donations from Innis Arden
Photo copyright Marc Weinberg

Text and photos - Marc Weinberg

The Shoreline Free Methodist Church, 510 NE 175th St. is hosting Tent City 3. Currently 76 adults are residents in the camp and Sunday I was pleased to deliver a car load of supplies thanks to the generosity of the Innis Arden Community. Donations included items like sweaters, pants, coats/ jackets, hats, gloves, sheets/ pillowcases, towels. Tent City 3 expressed their gratitude to the Innis Arden Community and asked me to be sure that others realized they were there too.

A Place to Call Home
Photo copyright Marc Weinberg

On Sunday I meet some old friends who have taken on jobs within Tent City as administrators within the group. Tent City has a surprisingly democratic component, like their Wednesday evening meetings to discuss all aspects of how the camp is managed internally.

Photo copyright Marc Weinberg

Their rules are very strict. For example, once you are signed into camp, you must sign out so your whereabouts are known. If you fail to return and should be gone for more than 3 days your belongings are 'bagged and tagged' and you have to apply to return. No drugs or alcohol are allowed in camp and you better not return in any condition other than sober or you will be terminated. 

Food, including hot meals is always a pressing need. If you or your group have the means to provide something or just wish to be connected to others who support this homeless group, you can find more information about their needs at the supporting organization's website.

Cooking is limited onsite to a microwave, as Fire Department regulations don't permit any burning or flames. So hot meals are always a welcomed event when supplied by outside individuals and organizations. 
The traveling shower is a real luxury
Photo copyright Marc Weinberg

If you don't happen to have anything of your own to donate, consider stopping off at garage and estate sales as I do and ask for items that haven't sold and take them to the camp. A good time to make that request is toward the later afternoon hours on the last day of the sale. I find that people are quite willing to contribute and I like the experience of searching for things that might be useful.

When you go for a visit feel free to ask the front desk for a tour while keeping in mind that this is someone's home.
My home is just down this walk
Photo copyright Marc Weinberg

Although the surroundings are different within the camp, their privacy and needs are similar to yours and mine. And if you have nothing to give, just your willingness to communicate and acknowledge that they are there provides hope that someday the camp might be a thing of the past.

Indications are that following their stay at this location they will be remaining in Shoreline into the summer months at another church. 

For information about this and other camps and homeless issues in our area, see the Share / Wheel webpage.


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