Einstein wrestling continues winning streak with 63-25 win

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Einstein wrestling continued its winning streak Thursday with a 63-25 win over Voyager. With five team wins in a row, Einstein’s record now stands at 7-1, tied for the most wins in the last ten years. 

The Tigers blew the match open early, leading 33-3 after Nelson Tardie won 13-6 at 118 pounds. Voyager closed the score to 39-25 before running out of steam. At 167 pounds Einstein wrestler Phillip Ball got an escape in the final minute to pull out a 4-3 victory. The Tigers would score the final 24 points of the day to close things out.

Einstein wrestles next on Tuesday, March 24th at home against their rivals Kellogg.
Einstein Record: 7-1

Einstein 63 - Voyager 25
@ Einstein Middle School

81: Double Forfeit
88: Kody Carpenter (EN) win by forfeit
93: Hunter Lowden (EN) win by forfeit
98: Cameron Highet (EN) win by forfeit
103: Nick Lotz (EN) pinned Wyatt Wandel 0:42
108: Devin Leach (EN) pinned Sergio Olivares 3:30
113: Vlad Leonchyk (VO) dec. Shinkwang Moon 16-10
118: Nelson Tardie (EN) dec. Minh Tran 13-6
123: Roman Savchuk (VO) maj. dec. Charlie Miller 11-0
128: Jorge Urrutia (VO) pinned Jonah Mercer 2:21
133: Lamin Jallow (VO) pinned Jordan King 2:30
140: Josh Harazim (EN) win by forfeit
148: Double forfeit
157: Amory Brown (VO) pinned Josiah Tviet 1:21
167: Phillip Ball (EN) dec. Bill Wanambisi 4-3
178: Thomas Newkirk (EN) pinned Bailey Peterson 0:36
188: Dylan Koidal (EN) win by forfeit
218: Alex Maxwell (EN) dec. Jose Easton 8-7
248: Murad Atayev (EN) pinned PJ Taumoefolau 1:30
278: Double forfeit

--Clark Norton


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