Eastside Dog Park ready for business

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The remaining pile is for a future work party
Photo by GM Wiegand

By GM Wiegand

The work is mostly done at the Eastside off Leash Park and the park has been open for business all this week. The park was closed during the day for the week of March 9, while the City of Shoreline placed pea sized rounded gravel in the lowest areas of the park to resolve wet area issues.

Now all the big puddles are gone. A small pile of pea-gravel sits to the south of the pedestrian gate for a future volunteer work party to improve the entrance area box-gate.

Dry footing!
Photo by GM Wiegand

Happy, dry-footed dogs and owners relish the chance to play off-leash. The dogs socialize, as do the owners.

Come and visit, bring your Dog!

The Before shot
Photo by GM Wiegand

This is what it looked like before the work was done.

The Eastside Dog Park is located on Fircrest grounds, at 1902 NE 150th St. (on the southeast corner of the campus at NE 150th Street and 20th Avenue NE).

The Dog Park or Off Leash Area (OLA)
is in green


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