City communicates with residents in the 185th rezone

Friday, March 13, 2015

The City of Shoreline recently mailed information to the 1,969 households in the 185th Street rezone area, which the City Council has proposed for high density and high rise zoning in a phased approach over the next 18 years.

Three documents were sent to residents:

  1. A letter from Planning and Community Development Director Rachael Markle, which you can access from this link.
  2. The zoning map, which the City Council will review and vote to implement at its March 16 meeting. Link to map.
  3. Architectural drawings and photos of different building heights. Access from this link.
Some excerpts from Rachael's letter:

On February 23, 2015, the City Council selected the enclosed zoning map for potential adoption at their March 16 meeting. This meeting will take place in the Council Chambers at Shoreline City Hall (17500 Midvale Avenue N), beginning at 7:00 p.m. For more information about the action the Council is scheduled to take, please visit the City's light rail web page at

Check out your property with an interactive map:
...the City has created an interactive map at to help residents identify exactly what their property's new zoning may be and when it would be effective. The Council is considering three phases for the zoning to be implemented in 2015, 2021, and 2033.

Let the Council know how you feel about the rezone:
While emailing the Council prior to the March 16 meeting is the most effective way to voice your opinion, there will be an  opportunity for oral public comment at the meeting, although this time may be limited. (Editor bolding)


Anonymous,  March 13, 2015 at 1:37 AM  

Yes, a veiled warning that public comment will most likely be limited on Monday night, even if the number of speakers surpasses what has occured in these last months. Do they think these numbers are dwindling? No, they're getting bigger and stronger by the day.

They have attempted to paint us as a vocal minority. Turns out, we're not.

Will they muffle our voices or let us be heard?

Will speakers from special interest groups fill up the queue before the real Shoreline residents arrive?

Will they be looking for any slight violation of "decorum" to shut the public comment time down early, in order to drop the guillotine on our neighborhoods as quickly as possible?

Or will the real Shoreline demand to be heard?


Anonymous,  March 13, 2015 at 1:38 AM  

Oh gee... an interactive map. What a nice tool for developers!

Anonymous,  March 13, 2015 at 6:42 AM  

They're calling this "Point Wells East..."

Anonymous,  March 13, 2015 at 8:42 AM  

Shoreline! Time for "torches and pitchforks!" Turn out, stand up, TELL THIS COUNCIL NO! Stop the Planned Action! Our homes are our pride and joy! Tell the City Council to stop destroying our neighborhoods!

Anonymous,  March 13, 2015 at 11:24 AM  

Time will be limited!?!? And how much time will they allot to Futurewise and other pro-rezone special interests groups this time? The city council should be ashamed of themselves. This is not democracy. Winstead, Hall, and McGlashan are a disgrace to the 32nd District Democrats and the City of Shoreline.

The Miller-Jones Family

Anonymous,  March 16, 2015 at 12:42 PM  

While I am VERY skeptical that my or any opposing voice will get more than a notation that another resident despises all these "proposals", but we will move forward anyway. I feel I must at least try to have a voice in this. I have lived in Shoreline all my 52 years and while growth happens....blowing the city into a multi level metropolis of revolving renters and transients packing the roads and schools, seams a lousy trade off for the "coup" of more tax dollars in. Other than city government getting a tax boost that I believe after the appropriate raises and needed growth for the council are taken and the extra police are hired to manage the percentage of problems and crime that growth on this scale will have to bring will do nothing for those of us that currently live here. The 18 year plan does seem like a long time to start worrying about this today, but after your tenure in office the next group I'm sure will want to leave their mark on this project and so on...

Here's hoping you do the right thing and shelve this beast before its to late.

Scott Duthweiler

Shoreline resident

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