Speaker Sunday evening at RBCC on racial justice after Ferguson

Thursday, February 5, 2015

A clergywoman who twice traveled to Ferguson, Mo., after the events of last year will speak Sunday evening at the Richmond Beach Congregational Church.

The Rev. Da Vita D. McCallister will speak on racial justice at 7pm Sunday, followed by a question-and-answer period.

The Richmond Beach Congregational Church, United Church of Christ is at the corner of Northwest Richmond Beach Road and 15th Avenue Northwest (1512 NW 195th St.).

McCallister is associate conference minister for leadership development and congregational vitality in the Connecticut Conference of the United Church of Christ. She has developed a program on Sacred Conversations on Race and has made two trips to Ferguson. She speaks passionately about advocacy for marginalized communities.

Her presentation will include a first-person narrative about her two recent visits to Ferguson, along with work from Artists on the Ground, Millennial Activists United and activist Pamela Lightsey. She will describe various strategies for faith based civil disobedience and peaceful protesting in the face of injustice. This multi-media presentation will be followed by a question-and-answer period.

The church invites everyone in the area, including youth and young adults to attend.

More information is available by calling the church at 206-542-7477 or sending an email.


Anonymous,  February 6, 2015 at 8:30 PM  

Was Rev. McCallister on the Ferguson Grand Jury? How is she able to ascertain in two recent visits to Ferguson what the grand jury could not, despite its spending 25 days over a span of three months hearing more than 5,000 transcribed pages of testimony from 60 witnesses?

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