Parkwood Neighborhood Association looks out for its neighbors

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Parkwood volunteers assemble
hygiene kits for neighbors

Annual Winter Social includes project to benefit local charities

Parkwood Neighborhood Association (PNA), second place winner of the 2014 Neighborhood of the Year award from Neighborhoods USA, created over 60 hygiene kits to benefit homeless individuals and families served through Hopelink Shoreline and Center for Human Services at its winter social on Friday, February 6th.

Each kit contained a toothbrush donated by local Shoreline orthodontist Dr. Zachton Lowe, as well as, a bar of soap, dental floss, shampoo and deodorant all donated by residents. Additional items contributed in bulk to the two charities included feminine hygiene products, razors and shaving cream.

“We were looking for a project that would benefit our neighbors in need while building community within Parkwood,” says PNA Board Chair Katie Schielke. “A bonus is that this project was perfect for everyone to participate in, including kids who loved sorting products and filling the bags.”

The kits were delivered to the two organizations on Monday morning, February 9th, by a PNA board member. Hopelink Shoreline weighed the boxes and bags as they were brought into their building. The grand total was 79 pounds of hygiene products. A similar amount was contributed to the Center for Human Services.

Schielke adds, “The project was one of the highlights of our winter social. People felt so good working together to help our neighbors. We look forward to finding more ways to build Parkwood’s sense of community through service to others.”

The Parkwood Neighborhood Association (PNA) is a forum for neighbors to share information and implement change. We focus on cultivating our diverse community, promoting a safe and pleasant neighborhood environment, and serving as a liaison between the Parkwood neighborhood and the City of Shoreline. 


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