Obituary: Erling Holand, first principal of Shorecrest

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Erling Holand received a standing ovation at the
community celebration opening the new Shorecrest last September.
Photo courtesy Shoreline Schools

Erling Holand, who served as the first principal of Shorecrest High School, passed away Feb. 7 at age 94. Mr. Holand was honored at the community celebration opening the new Shorecrest campus last September.

He had a distinguished 30-year career with Shoreline Schools, first as a teacher and vice principal at Maple Leaf when it was part of Shoreline, then as the first principal of Hamlin Park Elementary from 1952 to 1955.

He also opened Shoreline High School as vice principal  in 1955, before becoming the first principal of Shorecrest from 1961 to 1968, helping to establish many of the school's Scottish traditions. He then moved to the central office as a personnel director, but did serve for one year as principal of North City Elementary in 1976-77.

Complete obituary information is here.


Unknown February 19, 2015 at 6:13 PM  

Attended SCHS '62- '65. Erling Holand was an even-keeled administrator and leader. I pine for administrators of equal competence in the schools of America. He is missed.

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