North City Neighborhood hears about local crime and ways to prevent it

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Officer Steve Perry talks crime trends
to a North City Neighborhood meeting.
Photo by Steven H. Robinson

The room was packed for the Wednesday night meeting of the North City Neighborhood Association, for a presentation on local crime by Officer Steve Perry, Shoreline Police.

The main topics were
  • Local Crime Trends
  • How burglars target and enter homes
  • Strategies to defend yourself against crime
  • How to organize a Shoreline Watch group on your block
The standing room only crowd took advantage of the question and answer session at the end to ask questions about city services as well as crime and crime prevention. Neighborhoods and Public Outreach Coordinator Nora Smith was in attendance and able to answer specific question about the available city services, how to contact the city, and what could be done relative to signage and street lighting.

More information about the North City Neighborhood Association at their webpage and Facebook page.

Officer Perry is available to speak to other neighborhood groups.


Anonymous,  February 8, 2015 at 12:08 AM  

Richmond Beach Community Association received the same presentation last month. Much mention was made of the Meridian Park "shenanigans" that had recently taken place, necessitating a district-wide school lockdown. Were the shenanigans highlighted again at the North City meeting?

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