LFP Police Captain straightens out non-compliant solicitor

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

A resident of Lake Forest Park reported a suspicious solicitor to the police. The solicitor was going door to door during the day, could not produce a soliciting permit, and his behavior made the resident uneasy.

"Solicitors" are often burglars who are checking to see who is home, and casing the neighborhood before breaking into houses. Genuine solicitors are supposed to have permits. The purpose of the permit is to let the police know who is legitimately operating in their city. 

Captain Paul Armbrust followed up and reported back:
I wanted to keep you in the loop regarding the Gaylord Security(ADT) solicitor. I called the solicitor, Mr. Kucinski, and he claimed that he had “an appointment” with a customer here in LFP but denied soliciting. 
When I explained that I had his business card along with his door hanger he claimed to not know what I was talking about. This guy was obviously here trying to drum up business and for whatever reason was less than honest with me. 
I explained to him that he needed to get a solicitor's permit if he was going to be selling in LFP. I don’t know what this guy is up to, but he was clearly not following the rules. 
I then called Gaylord down in Kent and spoke to their HR department. They were very unhappy with their employee and very happy that we brought this to their attention. They told me they would “have a chat” with him and straighten this out. 
Thank you and your neighbors for your vigilance and keep up the good work.

Permits are not required for city employees, non-profit organizations, and political candidates.


Anonymous,  February 4, 2015 at 10:10 PM  

With all due respect, this sucks, Captain. This man has rights. Innocent until proven guilty, right? Instead, you hang him out to dry on the Shoreline Area News. Shame.

Anonymous,  February 4, 2015 at 11:17 PM  

With all due respect, the man has no right to solicit without a permit, Capt. Armbrust was doing the job we pay him for, and I'm certain LFP residents have no problem with LEO asking skeevy folks creeping around the neighborhood what they're up to. Keep your police hate in Seattle, bye bye now.

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