Spring in February

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Photo by Lee Lageschulte

It's still February and it is clearly still spring, in spite of the cold temperatures on Saturday. I drove to Aurora Village today to check out the road construction on N 200th. Even on Saturday, traffic was flowing well, even if it was one-way from Aurora to the east.

Lee Lageschulte sent these photos from the sunny west side of Shoreline at the beginning of February. There is finally enough light that the same flowers are blooming in my shady, central Shoreline neighborhood.

Mine doesn't look quite this pretty yet, but it's trying!
Photo by Lee Lageschulte

Everywhere I drove in central Shoreline, everything was in bloom - ornamental cherries, plums, magnolias. There were daffodils everywhere. Fruit trees are covered with buds. Even the rhodies in my shady yard have a few full blooms on them and the lilac and red vine maple are covered with buds.

I so hope it doesn't freeze and snow before they finish blooming!


Third Place Books: Murder, Magic, and War

This week at Third Place Books, authors speak about their books and sign copies (which can be purchased at the store). Murder in Paris, fantasy and suspense, and doctor dramas in war zones are on the menu. Third Place Books is in Lake Forest Park Town Center at the intersection of Ballinger and Bothell Way.

Cara Black
Murder on the Champ de Mars (Soho Crime)
Monday, March 2 at 7pm
Cara Black's well-loved, Paris-born, modern, female investigator, Aimee Leduc, takes readers to Paris's elegant, old-gold seventh arrondissement. Black is the author of fifteen books in the New York Times bestselling Aimee Leduc series. She lives in San Francisco and visits Paris frequently. 

Randy Henderson
Finn Fancy Necromancy  (Tor)
Tuesday, March 3 at 7pm
Writers of the Future grand prize winner, Randy Henderson, presents a dark and quirky debut in Finn Fancy Necromancy, a novel blending fantasy and suspense. His fiction has appeared in Penumbra, Escape Pod, and Realms of Fantasy, and has been included in several anthologies. 

Lloyd Johnson
Cry of Hope (Koehler Books)
Saturday, March 7 at 6:30pm
With special interest in the current Middle East, retired surgeon Lloyd Johnson, M.D., turned to fiction writing. Cry of Hope is the sequel to Living Stone, and follows Ashley Wells, an American graduate student and her fiance Najid, a Palestinian Christian, as they become involved with injured enemies thrown together in a Jerusalem hospital following a demonstration that turns violent. 

For families: Spring Carnival and Silent Auction April 11

Saturday, April 11 from 10:00am – 2:00pm
North City Learning Center, 816 NE 190th St
Admission = FREE 
Game and activity tickets at family-friendly prices

Shorenorth Coop Preschool is proud to host Shoreline’s friendliest, funnest, most fantastic family carnival at the North City Learning Center.

Kids ages 1—8 will win prizes playing games like: Treasure Dig, Hockey, Bean Bag Toss, Deep Sea Fishing, Angry Birds and Bowling.

Little artists will create in our Art Pavilion and budding bibliophiles will read stories in the Story Time Tent. Trade your carnival prizes for gently-loved toys and books. Come hungry—the food is delicious.

Shop your way through our silent auction featuring truly unique handmade arts and crafts donated by our talented preschool community. You will also find great goods and services from local shops, restaurants, arts organizations and sports teams. We will be raffling off an iPad Mini (tickets are $5) during the event.

Shorenorth is a certified eco-healthy preschool (yay!). We are united in an effort to compost, recycle and reuse as much materials and waste as we can leading up to and at the Carnival. All Carnival proceeds benefit Shorenorth, where learning and play go hand in hand. We are a non-profit, devoted to early childhood education celebrating our 42 year of operation.

Photo: New University Link Sound Transit station completed

University Link Station
Sparkling in the sunshine
Photo courtesy Sound Transit
From Sound Transit

The University of Washington Station is a great addition to the UW campus near Husky Stadium. The station is part of the U Link light rail extension that is on schedule to begin service in the first quarter of 2016.

When it is open, the station will provide easy access to campus, UW Medical Center, other Husky athletic sites and surrounding neighborhoods. In addition, the new pedestrian bridge allows walkers and bikers to avoid traffic and connect directly to the station, upper campus and the Burke-Gilman trail.

New documentary shot in Shoreline at London Bridge Studios

See trailer for The Journey

A new documentary about famed producer Eric Lilavois - The Journey: The Making of Salt, S(e)a, and Smoke was shot partially in Shoreline at the London Bridge Studios in the Ballinger business district.

An inside look at music producer Eric Lilavois’ (Saint Motel, Atlas Genius) unique process - in stunning anamorphic black and white, The Journey follows a cast of career musicians to Shoreline's historic London Bridge Studio (Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Alice in Chains), where creative ambition meets professional commitment.

Producer Eric Lilavois
The Journey features in-depth interviews, performances, and commentary on the creative process from a cast of career musicians including Ben Smith (Heart), Andrew Joslyn (Macklemore / Ryan Lewis), Danny T. Levin (Vampire Weekend, Julian Casablancas), David Moyer (U2, Snoop Dogg, Tears for Fears, Broken Bells) and GRAMMY NW Chapter President Geoff Ott (Unwritten Law, 3 Doors Down).

The documentary will be released in late April to select theaters and online shortly thereafter. 
Here's a sneak peak at The Journey Trailer.

The new EP Sea from famed producer Eric Lilavois will accompany the documentary. You can hear four of the songs here.

Grief support groups at Swedish Edmonds in March

Ongoing Grief Support Group

Offered two times each month, this group does not require registration. You may attend once, or as often as you wish, for as long as two years.

Where: The Center for Healthy Living
4100 Alderwood Mall Blvd., Suite 1 (next to the AAA office)
Lynnwood, WA  98036
When: First and third Tuesdays, March 3 or 17 from 2:30-4pm
Cost: FREE
For more information call 425-640-4404 or visit the website.

Early Days of Grief Support Group

This monthly drop-in group is for people who are in the first year of mourning the death of a loved one. The group meets the second Wednesday of the month. No registration required.

Where: Swedish Edmonds
21601 76th Ave W, Edmonds, WA 98026
When: Second Wednesday, March 11 from 6:30-8pm
Cost: FREE

For more information call 425-640-4404 or visit the website.

Navy veteran opens 2.0 Next Level Fitness at Aurora Square

Navy veteran Jessica Renon

Navy veteran Jessica Renon has opened a new fitness center in Aurora Square, near Marshalls, at 15815 Westminster Way.

She brings lessons learned in her Navy experience to her gym, stressing perseverance and mental toughness. She adds fun and motivation to the mix to come up with an experience that "takes sexy out of your workout and put it into your body,"

2.0 Next Level Fitness specializes in personal training, small group training, and group fitness, including heavy barbell training. "Our trainers know how to do this for maximum benefit without injury."

Cardio lift, and two different yoga classes for stretching are included in the mix of offerings.

The grand opening of the new 2.0 Next Level Fitness at 15815 Westminster Way in Shoreline, Washington is scheduled for Saturday March 7th from 8am-1pm. Drop in and check it out.

Additional details can be found on YouTube and the Facebook page.

Library Board meets Thursday at Richmond Beach Library

Shoreline Library Board Meeting Thursday, March 5, 2015, 6:30-8:00pm at Richmond Beach Library, 19601 21st Ave NW.

Agenda Highlights

  • Introduction of new Youth Board Member
  • Introduction of new Parks Director
  • Community Events Schedule
Link to Agenda

St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church offers sessions on Simplify: Unclutter Your Soul

St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church, 722 N 145th St, Shoreline offers a four session class - Simplify: Unclutter Your Soul

How do I make time for my family when my job demands so much of my time? How do I get control of my finances and deal with my debt? How do I relate to my father/ wife/ son/ brother after that last fight? Have you ever asked questions like these? When you ask these sorts of questions, do you know how to turn to God for help?

Christian faith has the power to transform every aspect of our lives. Our faith is not an ideal, or a concept, or a belief in something that used to be. Christ is available to us here and now. That means that even your busy schedule, your financial struggles, and your most problematic relationships can be transformed by faith in Christ.

Simplify by Bill Hybel

This Lenten season we will offer a four session class called Simplify on Tuesday evenings from 7 to 8:30pm, starting March 3th. 

This program that teaches us how to choose God’s way at the critical intersections of our lives. Each session begins with a short video presentation and then continues with teaching and conversation.

The four sessions are:

1. Streamline Your Schedule: Who do you want to become?

2. Spend Wisely: Being satisfied with job and money.

3. Strengthen your relationships: Conversations that simplify life.

4. Fully Surrender: Let God’s Word lead.

Please watch this two minute promotional video to get more information.

There is an optional participant’s guide that costs $10, and you might also like to buy a copy of Bill Hybel’s book, Simplify: Ten Practices to Unclutter Your Soul. Both are available from Amazon. 

Please contact Jonathan to let us know that you will be coming.

Op-Ed: Setting the record straight - three Shoreline councilmembers weigh in

We appreciate the many years of service Shoreline Area News has provided to our community. The entire community is well-served by being well-informed. After working through the long City Council meeting on February 23 and reviewing the official record of votes, we would like to clarify some information from an article that was published on February 25 in Shoreline Area News.

While most of the public comments that night either opposed the rezone entirely or supported a delay or a smaller rezone, there were several people who spoke in favor of the Planning Commission recommendation. Council also received dozens of written comments, as did the Planning Commission. The record includes several letters of support as well as a larger number of letters in opposition.

Of the 18 votes taken on the map Monday night, only two split 4-3 along the lines that the article reported. The other votes revealed a wide variety of splits, with every member being in the minority on some and the majority on others. Every member was carefully weighing and considering each proposed amendment in light of the public comment and the interests of the entire community. While various councilmembers disagreed on individual proposals, we respect the democratic and open process of considering each and every proposal on its merits.

From the vote tallies, it is clear that no councilmember got everything they thought was best out of the map. Democracy is the art of compromise. This subarea plan is no exception. Any proposed change will draw different opinions from different people.  That is the beauty and strength of a diverse community. Finding the best decision on behalf of over 53,000 current residents and thousands of businesses is never an easy task, and it will never please everyone, but it is the burden of elected officials.

We felt honored and privileged on Monday night to be working on a council of dedicated and independent elected officials who spent countless hours meeting with people, listening to and hearing passionate feelings from dozens of neighbors, reading scores of letters and emails, studying hundreds of pages of reports, and working hard to find the best path forward for the whole community.

Councilmember Hall
Councilmember Roberts
Mayor Winstead

Spring in February: Magnolias

Friday, February 27, 2015

Photo by Lee Lageschulte

Lee Lageschulte took this photo of one of the magnolias in full bloom in Richmond Beach this week, as Spring in February continues.

Earth Smart Green Fair March 14 in Lake Forest Park

Earth Smart Green Fair

Saturday, March 14, 2015 10:00am- 2:00pm at Third Place Commons in Lake Forest Park

Learn to save the planet by joining the Lake Forest Park community for the 12th Annual Earth Smart Green Fair at Third Place Commons.

Come learn about natural alternatives to household chemical products, chemical-free remodeling materials and techniques, chemical-free hygiene products, green gardening, and purchasing environmentally-safe products. There will be two speakers giving presentations in the morning.

There will be fun, educational exhibits, and giveaways galore!

The event is free and all are welcome and invited to attend.

There will be over 20 exhibitors from a variety of local organizations, businesses, and agencies. The fair provides education on reducing your waste, recycling, and yard care practices.

Go home with vegetable seeds and great giveaways while supplies last. Don’t forget to bring your household alkaline batteries for recycling (no rechargeable, camera or laptop batteries)

The event is fully funded by grant funds provided by King County

93 units of blood products donated at Lake Forest Park blood drive

Bloodworks Northwest (formerly Puget Sound Blood Center) is elated with the turnout at the Lake Forest Park blood drive on Wednesday, February 25 in Town Center.

Overall results:
  • Registered – 34
  • First time donors – 6
  • Units collected – 31
This means that 93 units of different blood products were collected in Lake Forest Park to help save the lives of local patients!

Who Needs Blood?

Many patients need blood now. The major reasons are:
  • Trauma injuries and burns
  • Cancer
  • Blood and immune system diseases
  • Surgery
  • Heart and blood vessel disease
  • Organ and bone marrow transplantation
Nearly 900 people must donate blood through Puget Sound Blood Center every day to meet the needs of local patients.

Donation are critical in helping the community maintain a stable blood supply for emergencies.

State fraud unit saves $3.3 million in fake claim payouts including one to Lake Forest Park resident

Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler’s Special Investigations Unit (SIU) saved insurance companies $3.3 million in fraudulent insurance claim payouts from Jan. 1, 2012 through Dec. 31, 2014.

In its periodic report to the Washington Legislature, Kreidler’s insurance fraud unit lays out the results of its work during calendar years 2012 through 2014:
  • Received 5,745 referrals from the public, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners and the National Insurance Crime Bureau.
  • Investigated 141 criminal cases across Washington, resulting in 54 convictions.
  • Convictions resulted in more than $2 million in restitution ordered to be repaid to victims.
  • The bulk of cases originated in King and Pierce counties.  
“My Special Investigations Unit is a key part of protecting Washington consumers,” said Kreidler. “Industry estimates peg 10 percent of insurance claims as fraudulent, and those costs get passed on to consumers in the form of increased premiums. My message to people who would defraud insurance companies is this: We will come after you if try to get away with it in Washington state.”

Some of the cases that drew media attention included:
  • Kenneth Welling, a registered surgical technologist from Lake Forest Park who billed insurers as a physician’s assistant or surgeon, which is a higher billing rate. He billed $7.4 million in claims between 2004 and 2012.
  • Yevgentiy Samsonov, who made a false claim of $20,000 to PEMCO for the death of his fictitious cat in a car accident in Tacoma.
  • Kevin Kolenda, an unlicensed insurance producer from Connecticut who sold hole-in-one policies to golf tournaments over several decades in numerous states. Many of his victims were charities that lost money when he failed to pay prizes for holes-in-one. He was charged for failing to pay the prizes for two Western Washington tournaments and served 89 days in King County jail and was ordered to pay $35,000 in restitution.
  • Attorney Edward Joseph Callow and insurance adjuster Fariborz Rahrovi, both of Seattle, defrauded an accident victim out of more than half of a $500,000 insurance settlement.

Kreidler’s Special Investigations Unit investigates insurance fraud and works with the Attorney General’s Office and local prosecutors to prosecute criminal cases. Consumers can report suspected insurance fraud on the Insurance Commissioner’s website.

Einstein wrestling pins resounding 67-33 victory at College Place

Einstein Middle School wrestling improved to 2-0 on the season with a resounding 67-33 victory at College Place Friday.

The Tigers from Einstein relied on their superiority on their feet to take early leads. For the match the Tigers had 21 takedowns to only 8 for College place. After seven weights the Tigers had a 28-9 lead. College Place stayed alive by collecting a pair of quick pins, each taking less than 32 seconds, as the teams traded wins over the next four weights. At 148 pounds Jordan King bumped up a weight class and built a 10-0 before securing a pin in the second period for a 46-21 team lead, clinching the win for Einstein with four matches to go.

The Einstein JV team also had a big win, outscoring College Place 46-15. Einstein wrestles next at Explorer Middle School on Tuesday, March 3rd.

Record: Einstein 2-0
Einstein 67 - College Place 33

81: Double Forfeit
88: Dante Walker (EN) pinned Greg Hewitt 3:45
93: TJ Puller (CP) dec. Kody Carpenter 8-5
98: Nick Lotz (EN) maj. dec. Emmanuel Boakye-Ansah 16-4
103: Cameron Highet (EN) pinned OUsman Fatty 4:22
108: Shinkwany Moon (EN) pinned Jerod Orstad 0:58
113: Grayson LeCompte (CP) pinned Ruslan Bekniyazov 0:40
118: Nelson Tardie (EN) pinned Nathan Rose 1:00
123: Trevin Burke (CP) pinned Jonah Mercer 0:30
128: Jacob Carey (EN) pinned Logan Fay 2:20
133: Isias Ramos-Gunn (CP) pinned Salem Al-buturky 0:31
140: Josh Harazim (EN) pinned Mark Balder 2:32
148: Jordan King (EN) pinned Dylan Brower 2:32
157: Oscar Aguire (CP) pinned Josiah Tviet 0:41
167: Phillip Ball (EN) dec. Capassio Cherry 11-4
178: Thomas Newkirk (EN) pinned Jayson Sumabat 1:53
188: Dylan Koidal (EN) pinned Noah Berhan 1:12
218: Jose Trejo (CP) win by forfeit
248: Murad Atayev (EN) win by forfeit
278: Double forfeit
Exhibition: Murad Atayev (EN) pinned Jose Trejo 0:57

Shorewood Boosters to hold Mardi Gras themed auction at new Shorewood

Laissez les bons temps rouler!

The March 14th Annual Shorewood Booster Auction will be held at the newly built Shorewood High School.

It’s time for the grown-ups to enjoy the beautiful new facility! 

The event will be from 5pm - 10:00pm on Saturday, March 14, 2015 at Shorewood High School, 17300 Fremont Ave N.

A silent auction will be followed by dinner -- catered by our very own Shorewood Culinary Arts --and a live auction.

This year's theme is Mardi Gras; don't miss the best party in the neighborhood! 

Seats are selling fast, so make your reservation today by downloading the invitation from the Booster website. Proceeds benefit Shorewood clubs, teams, and activities.

We greatly appreciate your support of Shorewood Boosters and look forward to seeing you. 

Questions? Email for answers

Let the good times roll!

Metro Transit bus fares going up March 1

Despite increase, some rides will cost less for those qualifying for new reduced fare

King County Metro Transit riders will pay a bit more to ride the bus beginning March 1. The fare change will apply to adults, youth, seniors and people with disabilities who use regularly scheduled transit services.

Transit fares will increase 25 cents for riders and businesses offering "Business Choice" accounts to their employees. Customers who have a Passport or U-Pass through their business or school will notice the change as contracts are renewed after March 1.

Fares for Access paratransit service will increase 50 cents to $1.75 per trip. This adjustment will more closely align Access fares with regular off-peak fares. The increase reflects the much higher expense of operating Access service compared to regular bus service.

The fare increases will place Metro on more stable financial footing and will help keep service on the road.

New reduced fare will help those with limited incomes

Also making its debut March 1 is Metro’s newly created ORCA LIFT reduced fare program, the outcome of an intensive two-year push by King County Executive Dow Constantine and the County Council to make riding the bus more affordable for people struggling to make ends meet.

The reduced ORCA LIFT fare will be $1.50 per trip regardless of time of day or number of zones traveled. It will be available to riders earning at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty level, about $23,340 annually for an individual.

An ORCA LIFT card is required for the reduced fare. Metro, Public Health–Seattle/King County, along with eight other human service providers from all across the county, have teamed up and are standing by to work with riders to determine eligibility and provide them with ORCA LIFT cards. 

Metro and its partners are making it as convenient as possible to sign up and determine eligibility. Just visit ORCALIFT.com to learn more about the program and to locate your nearest enrollment office. A trained customer service representative will help you determine if you are eligible.

The Seattle Streetcar, King County Water Taxi, Sound Transit Link light rail and Kitsap Transit will offer similar reduced fares for riders who have an ORCA LIFT card.

The Regional Reduced Fare Permit and human service ticket programs will continue to assist people who rely on Metro as a safety net. 

I-5 lane closures next week for repaving project

Last update: 10:20am 2/27

I-5: NE 117th Street to SR 104 Pavement Repair - #8633
Mileposts: 173.15 - 177.76

John Chi, WSDOT Project Engineer, 425-225-8741

Monday, March 2 to the morning of Friday, March 6 - Up to three lanes of southbound I-5 from Northeast 175th Street to Northeast 145th Street will be closed from 8pm to 5am nightly for sign and barrier work.
Monday, March 2 to the morning of Friday, March 6 - Up to four lanes of northbound I-5 from Northeast 145th Street to Northeast 175th Street will be closed from 7:30pm to 6am nightly for concrete roadway grinding.

Elder's Corner: Anne Stadler

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Anne Stadler
Photos and Text by Elder Anne Stadler

My neighborhood in Lake Forest Park is a walking neighborhood. On a recent misty gray day, I walk to my City Hall to pay one of my bills; then I circle over to Third Place Commons for a sitdown and a warm decaf latte.

My next stop: the Lake Forest Park Water District, home of the finest artesian water on the planet! They have a wonderful Post Box into which you put your bills, mounted on the fence for your convenience.

After circling back on quiet residential streets, I cross Ballinger Way and head for the McKinnon Creek Trail entrance.

McKinnon Creek Trail entrance
En route, i stop at a new? sitting place hanging from a hospitable cedar arm arcing beside the dirt road.

A new? sitting place

I can hear the gurgling creek as it narrows into a culvert near the trail head

On the trail I enter a space of silence, punctuated by a pileated woodpecker busily demolishing an old spar, and the sound of the creek rippling ... a world away from Ballinger Way, less than a hundred yards behind me.

On my left, half way along, i greet a crumbling old growth friend, a cedar stump decaying from the inside. It's a  surviving relic of the logging era, that happened in the early 1900s, more than fifty years before I began walking this trail.

A cedar stump from the logging era
Farther in, traces of a neighbor's trail lead up a steep hill into her back garden.

Trail to a neighbor's back garden
Then, home at last, our steps, slick with moss and mud ....  And the climb up to our home.

"Home again... Totsey Sue" as my little sister used to say when we turned the corner into our street 75 years ago in Rochester New York.  

And i marvel that I've been turning THIS corner, trudging up this hill into our backyard, since before Lake Forest Park became a town.

Lake Forest Park is one of the best recycling cities in Washington

Lake Forest Park remains one of the best recycling cities in King County and the State of Washington. Last year, residents recycled and composted two thirds of its curbside-collected material (the national average is 30 percent; LFP recycles more than twice the national average at 65 percent).

“We are excited by the trend,” said Aaron Halverson Environmental Programs Manager. “We continue to encourage recycling and have set 70 percent as our citywide residential recycling goal.” 
“We continue to invest in our recycling processing facility to further expand recyclable items,” Janet Prichard of Republic Services said. Republic Services is the City’s environmental partner and operates the largest recycling processing facility in the Northwest.

Tickets available for Shorecrest PTSA comedy show

Professional entertainer Brad Upton

The Shorecrest PTSA invites you to a hilarious evening of family-friendly comedy featuring Brad Upton and friends on Sunday, March 29th at 7pm in the Shoreline Center auditorium.

Brad is a winner of the Las Vegas Comedy Festival and he recently appeared at Caesar’s Palace as part of the HBO Comedy Festival.  Proceeds benefit Senior Spree and the Shorecrest Track Team. 

Tickets are $12 in advance, $15 at the door. They can be purchased online. Advance tickets will also be sold at the SC Booster auction. 

King County uses energy-tracking system used by Microsoft

Executive Dow Constantine announced Thursday that a two-year pilot project that will make King County the largest government in the United States to use a new energy-tracking system that Microsoft uses to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions.

The tracking software will be installed at five King County buildings and will provide the maintenance staff with real-time analytics that will help them operate them more efficiently, identify HVAC problems faster and better prioritize maintenance work. They will able to spend less time identifying the cause of a heating or air-conditioning problem and more time fixing it.
"My commitment to creating the best-run government in the United States includes taking advantage of emerging technology that makes our operations more efficient," said Executive Constantine. "This innovative partnership will reduce our energy consumption, our electricity bills, and our carbon emissions, all at no cost to local taxpayers."

Shoreline Planning Commission for March 5 cancelled

The Shoreline Planning Commission meeting for March 5, 2015 has been cancelled. The next Planning Commission meeting will be a Public Hearing on Thursday, March 19th, 2015

Open Mic with Kathy Morris at the Bounty Saturday

Kathy Morris and the Mason and Hamlin BB grand piano
Photo courtesy Kathy Morris

Open Mic with Kathy Morris Saturday, February 28, 7-10pm at The Bounty in North City, 17551 15th Ave NE, Shoreline 98155.

The first half hour is always devoted to our youngest students and performers.

We will have the Mason and Hamlin BB grand piano again, for those of you who want the real thing, courtesy of Neil Eric Sundberg and his company, Light Touch Piano Moves LLC
Excited to see...who will come and perform this Saturday!!

PAWS volunteer in national contest for Shelter Volunteer of the Year

Chuck Springer with a PAWS shelter kitty
Photo courtesy PAWS

Washington’s very own Chuck Springer is receiving some national attention this week thanks to his commitment to the welfare of cats in need.

Mr. Springer, a longtime volunteer at PAWS in Lynnwood, has been selected by Purina Cat Chow as a nominee for Shelter Volunteer of the Year.

He is currently being profiled on Cat Chow’s national website, and is Washington’s only representative.

PAWS is asking everyone who supports the commitment that Mr. Springer shows to cats in need to vote for him now, and until March 15th.

A vote for Chuck is a vote for PAWS
Photo courtesy PAWS

The winner will receive a $25,000 shelter cat room make-over, and four runner-ups win $5,000 for their animal cause. There is no sign up required, you can vote every day for Chuck.

With only one shelter in every state chosen, we're really thrilled for Chuck — who has dedicated at least 2,300 hours to caring for cats at PAWS, and been the key in turning formerly homeless cats into loved pets for countless families in Western Washington.

PAWS provides shelter services for both Shoreline and Lake Forest Park.

Community invited to Westside Choral Festival March 5

The Shoreline Schools Westside Choral / 6th Grade Honor Choir Festival will be held on Thursday, March 5, in the Shorewood Gym at 7:00pm.

Enjoy vocal performances from the award winning Shorewood High School After Hours jazz ensemble, the Shorewood Aeolian and Treble Choirs, the Concert and Mixed Choirs of Einstein Middle School, and the 105 member Westside – 6th Grade Honor Choir representing Syre, Echo Lake, Highland Terrace, Meridian Park, and Parkwood Elementary Schools.

Hope to see you there sharing an evening of wonderful music!

Shoreline Council strategic planning workshop moved to City Hall

The Shoreline City Council’s annual strategic planning workshop scheduled for February 27-28 at Cedarbrook Conference Center in SeaTac has been moved to Shoreline City Hall. The workshop agenda will remain the same, it is just a change in location.

On Wednesday, February 25, it came to City staff’s attention that there is currently a class-action labor dispute involving Cedarbrook regarding payment of minimum wage as a result of the passage of the SeaTac $15/hr initiative.

City Councilmembers value and support labor’s efforts to ensure employees are appropriately compensated and respect their work to resolve the issue through a dispute resolution process, therefore, the location of the workshop has been moved to City Hall.

The workshop will begin at 8:30am on Friday, February 27 and conclude on Saturday afternoon.

Movie Night: The Hunger Games, Mockingjay Part I at Shorewood Mar 6

Movie Night: The Hunger Games, Mockingjay Part I at Shorewood on Friday, March 6 starting at 7:00pm. 

Admission is free. Donations are accepted and will be used to offset the costs of the Shorewood Aeolian Choir's trip to Carnegie Hall in April.

Pizza will be available for purchase before the movie starting at 6:30pm. 

Brownie sundaes will be available for purchase at intermission.

Movie starts at 7:00pm in the beautiful SWHS Theater, 17300 Fremont Ave. N.

Shoreline Central Market has generously donated the pizzas and brownies, so all proceeds from concessions can go to support the Aeolian Choir's trip.

Please come enjoy the movie and support your community! This is the last fundraiser before the Choir departs for a week of choral workshops and a special invitational performance at the famous Stern's Auditorium at Carnegie Hall. 
Shorewood Choir is very grateful to its community sponsors, including Central Market, Brown Bear Car Wash and Spiro's Pizza, for their support in the fundraising effort. And thank you to the hundreds of community members who have supported the choral students at Shorewood.  Hope to see you at the movies!! 

(Movie licensed through Movie Licensing USA.)

Emergency Preparedness Workshop May 9 in Kenmore for LFP Neighborhood Watch groups

The City of Lake Forest Park, in partnership with ESCA, the City of Kenmore, and Northshore Fire will be sponsoring a four hour Emergency Preparedness Workshop on Saturday May 9th from 9am-1pm at Station 51 in Kenmore. 

The workshop is limited to the first 40 applicants. Members of Lake Forest Park Neighborhood Watch groups are encouraged to participate.


Funk & Groove is getting its groove on Saturday night, Feb. 28

Funk n Groove
Photo courtesy SCC

Check out Funk / Groove, Shoreline’s performance troupe, at The Ould Triangle in the Greenwood neighborhood of Seattle at 9pm on Saturday, Feb. 28.

Funk / Groove is a Shoreline Community College music ensemble that provides opportunities for music students to perform and record songs in styles typical of commercial radio airplay from the 1970s to present.

This group performs music from a range of genres including pop, jazz, funk, R/B, soul and rap. The Funk / Groove band features students who play guitar, bass, piano, horns, drums and percussion. It also features vocalists.

 The musicians of Funk / Groove
Photo courtesy SCC

Students perform shows in Seattle area clubs consisting of the original arrangements from artists and groups such as: Chaka Khan, Stevie Wonder, Al Green, Aretha Franklin, Earth Wind and Fire, Chicago, Tower Of Power, Patti LaBelle, Amy Winehouse, John Mayer, Daft Punk, Pharrell Williams and many more.

In addition to offering vocalists and instrumentalists experience in performing in clubs around the Seattle area, Music Technology students can gain valuable hands on audio experience running the sound and recording equipment for rehearsals and live performances.

Come hear some great live music and support Shoreline’s funkiest troupe!

Admission is free, donations are accepted.

The Ould Triangle is at 9736 Greenwood Avenue North in Seattle. Funk / Groove goes on at 9pm.

Op-Ed: Councilmember Roberts on the 185th subarea rezoning

By Shoreline Councilmember Chris Roberts

In 2008, Shoreline and regional voters approved ST 2, including the development of two light rail stations in the City. As we approach the seven year anniversary of the vote, Sound Transit will in April issue its Final Environment Impact Statement for building the line from Northgate through Shoreline to Lynnwood and determining mitigation measures. I believe Shoreline residents continue to support light rail and recognize that some change will happen to facilitate its arrival.

While this process has unfolded with Sound Transit, I supported efforts to study the effect of rezoning properties near the station areas at 185th and 145th. I believe that creating opportunities for Transit Orientated Development around the station areas and concentrating housing near frequent, reliable transit service is good for our environment and provides opportunity for achieving other goals, including creating more affordable housing and ensuring social justice in our City. 

However, as we move closer to adoption of plans for the station areas, we must remain realistic in how and when our vision will be realized. My family lived near a light rail station in Sacramento near Highway 50. In the twenty years since the stations opened, despite an overlay allowing for more intense development, the neighborhood remains single-family. In Portland, a City consultant suggested that “it is unlikely that the large-scale projects envisioned in the 1980s will ever occur" around the MAX stations at NE 60th and NE 84 Avenues - two stations on Interstate 84.

Done correctly, studies by both the City and Sound Transit show there is some potential for development around the station areas. Sound Transit itself has worked to build affordable housing near existing stations and I expect similar partnerships to develop in Shoreline. That said, we should base our legislative decisions based on realistic expectations of development within the short term. The stations in Shoreline are residential in character and we should not expect them to turn into an urban village overnight.

Any changes to zoning in the station area should be concentrated to the immediate vicinity of the station itself, especially in the next ten years. With a concentrated rezone, we will be able to monitor the rate and types of development and make adjustments over time. We must keep our focus on the guiding principles the City adopted - supporting “a transition to transit-oriented communities over time and in partnership with the local neighborhood.” 

I continue to value your thoughts and suggestions about the station areas and other issues the City faces. 

You can contact Councilmember Roberts at croberts@shorelinewa.gov and the entire council at council@shorelinewa.gov

Kruckeberg is hiring

They currently have three open positions: Education Manager, Visitor and Outreach Coordinator, and Development Coordinator.

Click on the links below for more information and required qualifications of each of the positions:

Each of these positions will be open until March 15, 2015. 

Submit a cover letter and resume to Brianne Zorn, Executive Director via email

Spring in February

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Photo by Steven H. Robinson

Even if it's a little gray right now and even if it snows in the mountains, it's still Spring in February in Shoreline and Lake Forest Park.

Gardeners - is this a camillia? 

Malmo Apartments to open in March

Malmo Apartments will open in March
Photo by Steven H. Robinson

The new Malmo Apartments, at 1210 N 152nd St, Shoreline 98133, 206-367-4000 will open in March 2015.

The building features studio, one-bedroom, and two-bedroom units, with prices ranging from $1100 to $1450 a month for 494 to 989 square feet of living spaces.

Fees and deposits include 
  • Security Deposit   $250
  • Non-Refundable Administrative Fee $300
  • Pet Security Deposit $200
  • Non-Refundable Pet Fee $250
  • Parking $60
  • Application   $40
The building includes shared amenities, such as off-leash dog area and dog washing space, BBQ, lobby with fireplace, bicycle storage and wash, underground secured parking, composting and recycling rooms. It promotes walkability and access to local services.

145th Street Citizens' Committee meets Thursday

The 145th Station Citizen's Committee will meet Thursday February 26 from 7-8pm in Shoreline City Hall 17500 Midvale Ave N, Room 301. Free parking in city garage behind City Hall.

Agenda: Discuss group letter to City Council for the March 23 City Council meeting.

"The Planning Commission recommended that the City Council delay the selection of a preferred zoning alternative until the completion of the 145th Street Corridor study tentatively scheduled for completion in December 2015.  Council is scheduled to discuss the Planning Commission’s recommendation at its March 23rd meeting."

Corrected for date 02-26-2015 10:45am

Brothers Four celebrate their Golden Anniversary at Northshore Performing Arts Center

The Brothers Four - 50 years later

The Brothers Four, Saturday, March 14, 7:30pm, Northshore Performing Arts Center, 

50 Great Years! Now proudly celebrating their GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY, The Brothers Four got their start at the University of Washington, where they were members of the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity in 1956 (hence the "Brothers" appellation).

Their first professional performances were the result of a prank played on them in 1958 by a rival fraternity, who had arranged for someone to call them, pretend to be from Seattle's Colony Club, and invite them to come down to audition for a gig.

Even though they were not expected at the club, they were allowed to sing a few songs, and were subsequently hired. Flick recalls them being paid "mostly in beer."

The Brothers Four were pioneers in the musical movement which came to be known as the "folk revival," and they remain one of the best known and most popular. Their all-acoustic presentation consists of guitars, banjo, mandolin, upright bass, and of course the trademark rich blend of their four voices. An evening with this quartet is an unforgettable time of pure, acoustic music and entertainment. The Brothers Four... in perfect harmony with America's greatest folk hits!

Adults: $30; Seniors (62+): $27; Youth (16 and younger): $10 

e-mail, phone 425-984-2471  
18125 92nd NE, Bothell,on the edge of the Bothell High School Campus (directions)
Free Convenient Parking 

Smartphone app aims to help people stop smoking

The state Department of Health is offering a smartphone app to help Washingtonians kick their tobacco habits, and the first 1,900 app downloads are free.

SmartQuit follows a unique program created at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center to help people become tobacco-free. A study conducted by the Seattle cancer research center found that SmartQuit users were two-to-three times more likely to kick their nicotine addiction than those who tried to quit on their own. The program’s strategy is to teach participants to accept and master their cravings, rather than ignore or replace those urges.

“Quitting tobacco is one of the best things a person can do for their health,” said Joella Pyatt, cessation coordinator at the Department of Health, “and we want to give people the tools they need to succeed. Tobacco related illnesses are still one of the top killers in our state.”

The agency is offering 1,900 free downloads through funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. People must complete an online survey before receiving a code that provides access to a version of the app that is unique to the state health department. The app can be purchased for $49.99 after the free codes are given out, and will be available in the iTunes and Android app stores.

Charity fundraiser for pediatric cancer in Lynnwood March 7

Finding Treasures for a Cure thrift store will hold a live auction on Saturday March 7th at 4:00 pm, with proceeds to benefit pediatric cancer services.

Auction preview on Friday March 6th, 5:00-7:00pm and Saturday March 7th from 2:00-4:00pm. The address is 19820 40th Ave #118 Lynnwood, WA 98036. You can also preview and pre-bid online starting March 2nd.

The event is free and can be attended in person or online here. You can attend the entire event or come and go as you like.

Items include clothing, jewelry, tools, collectibles, comics, china, lighting, electronics, vintage, antiques and more!

The Finding Treasures thrift store benefits Brandon's Goal foundation which supports childhood cancer research, pediatric hospice, and supports families with a child in treatment at Seattle Children's Hospital.

Gallery at Town Center artists' reception March 12, 5-7pm

For the next 6 weeks the artwork of Gena Reebs and Braden Duncan grace the walls of the Gallery at Town Center in Lake Forest Park.

Join the Arts Council for an artists' reception, Thursday, March 12, from 5pm-7pm.

See these works and the creations of all our artists during gallery hours: Tuesday - Saturday, Noon-5pm. The Gallery at Town Center is a non-profit gallery committed to supporting artists, arts education, and assessable arts for all. This show runs from February 24 - April 4, 2015.

"Sophie Bilberry's Rocker" by Gena Reebs

Gena Reebs creates colorful photos of landscapes and the natural world. She explores the art of seeing and vivid perception, making abstract images of light, texture, line and form.

Reebs has studied with National Geographic and award-winning photographers since 2009. She has participated in classes and workshops at Pacific Northwest Art School, Creative Live and several community colleges.

Her fine art photos have been accepted, exhibited and sold in numerous juried art shows, including Edmonds Arts Festival. Her images have won awards, including People’s Choice Award in the Shoreline Arts Festival and Honorable Mention at the Kenmore Art Show.

Reebs is the Photography Chair for the Shoreline Arts Festival and facilitator of the local P3 (Pure Perception Photography) group. She is a member of the Puget Sound Camera Club, and will begin serving as Vice President in June. She also belongs to the Photographic Society of America, NW Lens, Eastside Camera Club, Northwest Nature and Wildlife Photography Group and the Seattle Photoshop User Group.

Born and raised in Kansas, Reebs moved to the Emerald City in 1977. She shoots images in the Pacific Northwest, throughout the U.S. and around the world. Her next adventure is a photo safari in Africa this August.

"Nuts & Bolts" by Braden Duncan

Braden Duncan is an artist and curator by trade, imperfect by choice, and a cog in the machine of human mythology by default.

She draws her inspiration from the peculiar minutiae of the human form, symbolism and mythology, the empty spaces left by missing friends, and the intricate elegance created by the convergence of biological and mechanical elements.

She is the co-founder of the non-profit Seattle Arts Coalition, writer of the Art Scene Seattle art walk blog, a resident artist at Echo Echo Gallery, and a member of the international Red Siren Artist Collective. She lives and works in Seattle; and regularly assists with curating, art installation, event coordination, and marketing for a number of art spaces around the Northwest.

The Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Arts Council is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to nurture all of the arts in the community through programs and events, arts education, advocacy, and support for artists and arts organizations. Proceeds from the Gallery at Town Center help fund these programs and events.

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