Wednesday: you never want to make the evening news

Friday, January 9, 2015

The media discovers Shoreline
Photo by Steven H. Robinson
By Diane Hettrick

As I was following the media coverage of Wednesday's events, I kept remembering the phrase "you never want to see yourself in the evening news."

We were definitely in the evening news Wednesday. We were lucky that the apparent threat did not materialize, and our time in the media spotlight was short.

I have gotten only positive feedback about the performance of the schools and police. One person remarked that every time there is a disaster, everyone learns. It is clear that both schools and police have learned and made their preparations.

Emergency responders at Meridian Park Elementary
Photo by Steven H. Robinson

Lake Forest Park police recently conducted an "active shooter" scenario at Lake Forest Park Elementary. Shoreline Police conducted a full scale scenario a few years ago at Shoreline Christian with volunteer high school students as actors. The police were ready.

Shoreline Schools rebuilt their high schools with the capability to lock them down with the flip of a switch. They have learned how to manage the logistics of thousands of terrified parents trying to get to their children.

Advances in technology have helped everyone. Cell phones make it possible to reach all parents. Communication in the field is easier for emergency responders.

Representatives from both police departments, both cities, and the school district will be holding meetings to discuss the response. What went right, what went wrong, what could be improved. I will be very interested to hear their conclusions.


Anonymous,  January 9, 2015 at 6:01 AM  

Hats off to the police and teachers who responded to this threat with such amazing speed and professionalism. With all of the bad press about police and teachers, here was an example of how much our society depends on them and the level of responsibility they carry with them each and every day.

Anonymous,  January 9, 2015 at 9:18 AM  


That LFPPD active shooter drill was a combined training that included Shoreline PD (KCSO) deputies and command staff. It was part of a unified response plan for the Shoreline School District with both departments work together on.

Anonymous,  January 10, 2015 at 12:02 AM  

Question is: Was there really a gunman?

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