Shoreline City Manager's report

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

From Debbie Tarry,
Shoreline City Manager

January 5 Council Meeting
·         Regular Meeting
·         Authorized the City Manager to execute the following contracts:
o   2015 Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Arts Council
o   2015 Shoreline Historical Museum
o   Perteet for on-call construction management and inspection services ($150,000)
·         Waived Council Rule 2.4, A through E, and Appointed of a youth member to serve on the Shoreline Library Board
·         Discussed the City’s Business License Program and adopted Ordinance No. 692 providing a business license exemption Program individuals/businesses who generate no more than $5,000 in gross receipts per calendar year within Shoreline while:
o   Conducting limited retail as part of city-sponsored event or a non-profit organization-sponsored event (501(c)3) no more than six days per year; or
o   Who provided recreation instructional services or performance services as part of city-sponsored event or non-profit organization-sponsored event (501(c)3.

January 12 Council Meeting
·         Dinner Meeting
o   Executive Session (30 minutes): Potential litigation
o   Council Operations (30 minutes)
·         Regular Meeting (7:00 p.m.):
o   Proclamation of Martin Luther King Jr. Day
o   Discussion of City Street Regulatory Options (to include tolling under the Transportation Benefit District authority)

Light Rail
185th Street Station Subarea Planned Action Final Environmental Impact Statement and the Draft Subarea Plan. Planning Commission is set to finalize their recommendations for the 185th Light Rail Station sub-area plan and development regulations on January 15.  The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the 185th Subarea Plan on the same evening (January 15) at 7 p.m. at City Hall.

Agenda Planner Items
·         February 23 – The Regular Meeting will start at 6:30 p.m. .

Seahawk 12th Man Flag Raising
On Friday, January 9 at 12:12 p.m. at City Hall we will be raising the 12th man flag to celebrate the Seahawks first play-off game of the 2014/2015 season. Come help us celebrate!

Calendar Items
·         1/15 – Planning Commission Public Hearing on the 185th Light Rail Station Subarea Plan

This and That
·         Former Recreation Superintendent Lynn Cheeny has agreed to help Dwight Stevens and the Shoreline veterans group raise funds for the Veteran Recognition Site at City Hall.
·         We received a letter from King County regarding their strategy to manage the County's jail population starting in February 2015.
·         Sound Cities Association Board of Directors made their appointments to regional committees. Congratulations to Deputy Mayor Eggen and Councilmembers McConnell, Roberts and Salomon for their appointments.


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