Resolutions for 2015: exercise more at the Senior Center

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Our Hawaiian Hula instructor, Kathy DeAguiar: Hawaiian Hula, Northwest Style! Instructor Kathy DeAguiar offers three classes, day and evening. Come, omi with us! 

New Year 2015: Resolution Time!

Oh yes, we all do it, it's a tradition, right? We start each new year with great hopes to improve, change or challenge our lives. Almost always on the list: get more exercise!

For those of us in the Boomer-plus league, there are tons of options to help you to at least get a start on good intentions for more exercise. Who knows? You may find something that you will totally enjoy and continue throughout the year or longer. You have an opportunity to explore any number of ways to fill out your exercise card at the Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Senior Center. There is a class for almost every skill level making it hard to not find something to fit your needs!

Group Health members, as well as non GHC-members, can participate in the the EnhanceFitness program. At the Senior Center there are classes offered five days a week. On Mondays, Wednesday's and Fridays: at 8:30 am and 10:00am; Tuesday and Thursdays: 1:15 to 2:15. Please talk with the instructor before participating in any of the classes.

Soft exercise is offered two days: Wednesdays and Fridays, 10:45am to 11:30am. This chair exercise class is designed for those with limited mobility.

Fall Prevention class is specially designed to help individuals maintain good balance and strength: Wednesdays and Fridays, 11:15am to 12:15pm; with limited openings.

Zumba Gold adds a Latin beat to your exercise routine on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:00am.

Table tennis is offered every afternoon, except for Tuesdays, 2:30-4-15pm.

And there's more!
  • The Joy Club meets every Monday, for fun, healthy movement classes at 1:30pm.
  • Line Dance is returning on Tuesday, January 13,at 1:30pm.
  • Hawaiian Hula meets every Thursday at 1:00pm.
A Matter of Balance
A special 8 week exercise and discussion class A Matter of Balance, will be held January 21 to March 11. Pre registration required.

Brain Health and Wellness exercise and more: designed for those recovering and dealing with Parkinson’s, strokes, Multiple Sclerosis, starts January 12, please pre register by calling 206-365-1536

There are some evening classes as well:
  • Low Impact exercise on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 5:30, designed for those "of a certain age" who are still working.
  • And, two more Hawaiian Hula classes on Monday evenings. One at 6:00 for Kupunas (elders) and one at 7:00pm for Wahines (younger women).
Remember: you never outgrow your need to exercise!

For more information on all of the exercise classes go to the senior center website  or call during regular business hours: 206-365-1536. You are always welcome to come observe any of the classes.

The Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Senior Center is located in the southern-most building of the Shoreline Center, 18560 1st Ave NE. There is free parking in front of the building.


Anonymous,  January 4, 2015 at 12:33 AM  

To everyone who depends on their livelihood from teaching classes or offering services that are vital to our community, please pay attention to what is happening with the City/Sound Transit's plan to upzone this whole area of Shoreline. For those who are vunerable, senior, and/or elderly, who have invested in our community their whole lives, who have organically been "place making" the Shoreline Senior Center into what it is today, don't be fooled by the City's urging that "we need to placemake". BS! The Shoreline School District owns the property. What will happen if they drink the kool-aide give in to redevelopment? Group instruction classes will be gone for who know how long, displacing instructors. What will happen to the pool? What will happen to the Senior Center? Is our sparkly new City Hall going to convert its unused space into a new temporary Senior Center? Or do the fussy, elitist employees not want to be "bothered" by the [offensive term coming] "silver tsunami".

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