On the Mayor's Mind January 11

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Shari Winstead, Mayor
City of Shoreline
By Shoreline Mayor Shari Winstead

The topic of change is familiar for my readers.  Obviously, it’s on my mind a lot - because it is everywhere. I guess that’s not surprising or unusual, maybe it’s just at certain times in a person’s life, change is more prevalent. I am apparently in one of those times.

Most of my time is spent thinking about the City and the changes that are happening, or about to happen, or even not happening. And of course, things have changed pretty dramatically in my personal life, with the addition of my grandson.  

Last week, things changed in Shoreline, in a way that I had hoped I would not ever see. And, while it was horrific to hear the report of a person with a weapon at one of our elementary schools, I have to admit that I am relieved to not be writing about injuries, or anything worse. And it was good to see all the procedures and best practices really work. So many of our emergency management and police personnel work so hard to be ready. In fact, it was only a couple of months ago that the City and law enforcement participated in a drill for just this type of situation.  Practice is good, because when the real thing happens, everyone knows what to do.

While some may have questioned why all the schools were closed, and some decided not to send their kids to school the rest of the week, I know that the decisions that were made were the right ones. In a situation such as this, the school district is the lead agency. And, once again, it is apparent that the Shoreline School District is excellent, and that new Superintendent Rebecca Miner is doing a great job.  Nobody wants to ever have to make these types of decisions or calls to action, but it’s nice to know that if we do, we have great people at the helm.

And I am not talking about myself - what many folks don’t realize is that in Shoreline’s form of government, our City Manager, Debbie Tarry is the person in charge. The Council (and the Mayor) are kept apprised of the events as they unfold, but I did not receive information much sooner than anyone else who has signed up for “Alert Shoreline”.  (And, once again, if you haven’t signed up for Alert Shoreline, I highly recommend it.) (Ed. sign up here)

The Council/Mayor positions are part-time, policy setting positions. When it comes to making quick decisions, and taking action in emergencies, it is the City staff we count on. And once again, I applaud their excellent and quick work to keep everyone safe, reunite kids with parents, and keep things rolling. Our police department, led by Chief Shawn Ledford, did an excellent job of having a strong presence in and around the schools, for the remainder of the week.  Shoreline continues to make public safety our highest priority.

It is unfortunate that we have not yet found a way to keep these types of incidences from happening. I read many, many comments, from scared parents, grandparents and kids. I spent the entire day and evening feeling scared but also relieved that no one was hurt. And frustrated that the person disappeared into thin air. Why would someone do something like this? I only wish there were answers.

It’s not just Shoreline that is changing, or my life.  It is our world.  I’m sure my grandmother had the same thoughts as “technology” advanced so that every home had a television and every household had a car (or two), and women even started having careers. Not all change is bad, but sometimes it takes a strong stomach to move forward. So, once again, I’ll start each day remembering to be grateful, appreciative, and patient, because we never know what is around the next corner.

I hope there is peace, love and even a hug around the corner for you.


Anonymous,  January 11, 2015 at 11:27 PM  

I agree with you about the effectiveness of all the agencies involved in this situation. It is reassuring to know that we are prepared for such a horrific event but I am baffled as to how this person with a rifle could "vanish into thin air" with what should have been a swift and heavy response from law enforcement. Is this case closed now or is there an ongoing investigation?

Anonymous,  January 12, 2015 at 4:09 AM  

The Mayor and Council are policy-setting? From what I can see they just rubber stamp whatever policies the City Manager and her staff dream up. Councilmember Doris McConnell said before they passed the budget in 2013 that she always wants to make Public Works Director Mark Relph happy. The City staff have more access to the Council than the public, look at what they have done to public comment - cut it every year more and more.

Anonymous,  January 13, 2015 at 12:27 AM  

Mayor Winstead says she is not in charge; the City Manager is. Perhaps the reason "many folks don't realize" it is because it is not completely true.

"The mayor shall be recognized as the head of the city ... by the governor for purposes of military law" (RCW 35A.13.030).

If Charlie Hebdo or worse happens here, the mayor best be prepared. Gov. Inslee won't be calling Ms. Tarry.

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