LFP City Council joint meeting with Economic Development Commission Wednesday evening

Sunday, January 18, 2015

City of Lake Forest Park Joint Meeting of the City Council Committee of the Whole with the Economic Development Commission Wednesday, January 21, 2015, 7:00pm, City Hall, 17425 Ballinger Way NE

Suggested Agenda Topics from EDC

1. Introduction: Bob Henderson, Chair EDC

a. Economic Development Commission Progress and Status
b. Background on the EDC proposed work plan for 2015-2016
(Tie in to the Comprehensive Plan)

2. Discussion of Proposed Work Plan Elements

a. Develop recommendations for changes to signage regulations, John Nyhuis
b. Recommendations to improve communications with businesses, Donna Hawkey
c. Migrate Town Center to vibrant neighborhood hub, Jason Colberg
d. Promote Lake Forest Park as a model city for seniors, David Chow
e. Develop a catalog of economic data, Gretchen Bennett-Guethner

3. Discussion of LFP City Council goals and objectives for economic development in LFP and guidance on roles, responsibilities, and expectations for the EDC.

Objectives of meeting:

1. Obtain an approved work plan for the EDC

2. Develop a greater understanding of the goals and objectives the Council has for economic development in LFP and the EDC role in promoting/ satisfying those goals and objectives.


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