
Friday, December 26, 2014

Planning Commission Public Hearing on 185th rezone and development

Planning Commission Public Hearing
January 15, 2015
7 p.m. - 9 p.m.

Council Chambers at City Hall
17500 Midvale Ave N
Shoreline 98133

The City proposes to adopt a Subarea Plan establishing goals and policies for development within areas of the City surrounding the future Sound Transit light rail station at 185th Street.

The Subarea Plan creates goals and policies for development around the future light rail station. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map will be amended by creating new land use designations. The City’s zoning map will be amended to include three new zoning districts to accommodate mixed-use Transit Oriented Communities. The Development Code will also be amended to implement regulations for the new zones that include definitions, new permit types and procedures, dimensional standards, design standards, parking, signage, and uses.

The 185th Street Light Rail Station Subarea Plan is considered a “Planned Action” consistent with
RCW 43.21C.031 and WAC 197-11-164 to .172. 

This may be your only opportunity to submit written comments, including comments on the impacts of the proposal.

Written comments must be received at the address listed below before 5:00pm January 15, 2015 (this is a correction - the original notice had Jan 2). Please mail, fax (206) 801-2788 or deliver comments to the City of Shoreline, Attn: Steven Szafran 17500 Midvale Avenue N, Shoreline, WA 98133 or email to

Interested persons are encouraged to provide oral and/or written comments regarding the above proposal at an open record public hearing.

The hearing is scheduled for Thursday January 15, 2015 at 7:00pm in the Council Chamber at City Hall, 17500 Midvale Avenue N, Shoreline, WA.

Notice updated 12-29-2014 9:47pm Correction to RCW number


  1. Greetings! It is completely unacceptable for the deadline for this hearing's written comments to be nearly 2 weeks before the hearing. Written comments should be accepted up to the actual hearing time and submitted into the record. Also, the Jan 2nd date is also bad being just one day after a holiday.

    Shoreline should make a much better effort to allow each and every possible comment for a Rezone around a Light rail Station almost 10 years off!

    Let the record show that the Shoreline Preservation Society strongly objects to this deadline. It is impinging on the citizens' rights to be informed and participate in providing vital information about the massive proposal put forward.

  2. Very curious that this document lists the Jan. 2nd deadline:

    and this separate notice on the website lists Jan. 15th as the deadline:

    Surely, Jan 2nd must be a typo. If not, I would think that the City is at least obligated to honor the latter of the two dates or start the clock over on the Public Notice timeline.

  3. And nuts!! This notice is so ridiculous! Diane, can you please ask them why they can't just have all comments in at the hearing? Thanks!

  4. @soundoffshoreline The City has corrected the date on the linked document. . At least one other error in this notice remains: RCW 43.21.031 does not exist. The City will undoubtedly correct that as well. And while the City apparently posted the original notice on its website on Monday, Dec. 22, it was not published here on the SAN until after business hours on the following Friday. The damage is done. Effective public engagement by the City on this document has failed.

  5. Tom - there was a C left out of the RCW. It is now corrected in the article. As far as original date of publication, I expect that people who are following topics closely will check the City webpage.


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