Tent City 3 is in crisis and here is a great way to help

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Tent City residents help with the auction

The Harvest Auction is a perfect place to begin your holiday gift shopping. SHARE participants take part in the auction by soliciting donations and helping out during the auction. There will be a "Fund-A-Need" portion of the evening focusing this year on raising funds to keep SHARE's vehicles running.

All proceeds from the auction benefit SHARE, which operates 15 indoor shelters, two tent cities, free storage lockers for homeless people, and three work-for-housing programs.  

Nile Club House

The 12th Harvest Auction will be held on Sunday, October 19, at the Nile Golf Course Club House. Doors open at 3:30pm, dinner is served at 5:00pm, and the auction typically ends around 7:00pm. 

The auction features three silent and one live auction, a three course dinner, an invocation, and an interesting keynote speaker. Tickets are $75 per person, which covers only the cost of the venue, dinner, and auctioneer. 

You can register for the auction on the website or by emailing. For more information about the auction visit us on Facebook at Harvest Auction-SHARE.


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