Overflow crowd at 145th Street subarea meeting

Thursday, October 9, 2014

An overflow crowd at 145th St Station subarea meeting
Photo by Steven H. Robinson

A station at 145th Street was chosen as the Preferred Alternative of the Sound Transit Board in November of 2013, and the City began subarea planning for this station in 2014. The first series of Design Workshops was held in June and the community brainstormed ideas and design concepts for their neighborhoods.

The second series began on Thursday the 9th with a community meeting, where computer models and potential zoning scenarios illustrated to an overflow crowd how ideas expressed in June could translate into possibilities for the future.

If you would like to comment on any of the topics to be studied in the Draft EIS or on the potential zoning scenarios, submit comments through this SEPA Scoping comment form, through October 31. 

On November 10, Council will consider all comments submitted through this form, by letter or email, or during public comment at the meeting, and decide on the topics and zoning scenarios to be analyzed in the Draft EIS. 

Be sure to check the Light Rail Station Area specific box.


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