City appeals Snohomish County BRB's decision to deny Shoreline's assumption of Ronald Wastewater District in Snohomish County

Friday, October 10, 2014

From the City of Shoreline

On October 9, 2014, the City of Shoreline filed its appeal in Snohomish County Superior Court of the Snohomish County Boundary Review Board's (BRB) decision to deny the City of Shoreline's proposed assumption of the Ronald Wastewater District in Snohomish County. The BRB entered their written decision denying the assumption at their September 11 meeting.

Over ninety percent of the District is located within the borders of the City of Shoreline. The remainder lies within Snohomish County and includes Shoreline's potential annexation area in unincorporated Snohomish County in the area known as Point Wells, a portion outside of Shoreline’s potential annexation area in unincorporated Snohomish County, and four residential parcels within the Town of Woodway. This area is identified as part of the Ronald Wastewater District Service Area in the District’s Comprehensive Plan that was previously approved by the Snohomish County Council.

A portion of the utility rates charged to the District’s ratepayers have been used to maintain the utility system in this area. Lift station #13 is located within unincorporated Snohomish County and serves 61 homes in Shoreline, in addition to a small number of homes in Woodway. Current utility ratepayers have paid for maintenance of the lift station and other utility infrastructure in this area. Given that the City will be the future owner of the utility system, it is the City’s desire to keep the District whole from both a service efficiency perspective and an equity obligation to the utility’s ratepayers.

On September 18, King County's BRB entered their written decision approving the assumption in King County. The City and the District are moving forward with the assumption in King County. Currently the District and the City are working collaboratively on the development of a Transition Plan to lay the groundwork for the assumption of the District with the City in 2017.

The BRBs are quasi-judicial bodies empowered to hear and review incorporations, annexations, assumptions, mergers, and disincorporations by cities, towns and special-purpose districts.

For more information about the City's assumption of Ronald Wastewater District visit here.


Anonymous,  October 10, 2014 at 7:46 PM  

Shoreline, you are a disgrace to open government. Shame on you!!

Anonymous,  October 10, 2014 at 11:04 PM  

Get 'em out of here come election day!

Anonymous,  October 11, 2014 at 12:30 AM  

Let me get this straight: the City of Shoreline has filed suit against SnoCo, all the while they want to petition SnoCo for the annexation of Point Wells. What makes the dolts at Shoreline City Hall think this lawsuit will further their future goals, the last thing SnoCo wants is a KingCo city that is a bully joining them.

Anonymous,  October 11, 2014 at 9:56 AM  

Agreed. Whatever the City's real plans are, no one's sayin'.

Anonymous,  October 11, 2014 at 4:46 PM  

Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

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