Snohomish County BRB voted to deny Shoreline's assumption of Ronald Wastewater District in Snohomish County

Friday, September 5, 2014

On September 4, 2014, the Snohomish County Boundary Review Board (BRB) voted to deny the City of Shoreline's proposed assumption of the Ronald Wastewater District in Snohomish County. The final resolution will be voted on at their September 11 meeting and would serve as the final decision by the Snohomish County BRB.

The Board's decision can be appealed to Snohomish County Superior Court within 30 days of the final vote. City Council will review the Board's reasoning and then make a decision on whether to appeal or not.

"It is unfortunate Snohomish County's BRB has decided not to support Shoreline's assumption efforts in Snohomish County and maintain the District’s current service boundaries," stated Mayor Winstead. 
"While the Council will need to meet and discuss the Snohomish County BRB decision, the City is still moving forward with the assumption of the King County portion of the District, which makes up ninety-nine percent of the District."

The Ronald Wastewater District currently serves five customers in unincorporated Snohomish County.

On May 27, 2014, the City submitted its Notices of Intent to Assume the Ronald Wastewater District to the King County and Snohomish County BRBs. The BRBs are responsible for reviewing proposals for boundary changes by cities, fire districts, and water/sewer districts within their respective counties, including city or district annexations, new city incorporations, and district mergers.

King County's BRB unanimously instructed staff to bring forward a resolution approving of the assumption. That resolution will be voted on at the Board's September 18 meeting.

For more information about the City's assumption of Ronald Wastewater District visit the city webpage.


Anonymous,  September 6, 2014 at 1:08 AM  

Maybe it's only 5 accounts and 1% of Ronald WW, but it is the begining of the end for the annexation of Pt. Wells by Shoreline. Not to mention that Bob Ransom told the SnoCo BRB that Seattle Mayor Ed Murray doesn't want to sell SPU to Shoreline. There goes all those cost savings from the utility unification, gone, just gone.

John Behrens,  September 7, 2014 at 10:59 AM  

The city propaganda mill run with taxpayer's money spread the story that the SPU deal was going to cost 38 million dollars to purchase and structurally create a new water system in Shoreline.
We were marketed this story: No one was going to have to pay any more money and Shoreline was going to benefit from an increase in tax revenues and LOCAL CONTROL of development.
The city council members referred to 40 pounds of documents that were created to support this big lie. The City of Shoreline agreed to pay SPU for the costs of their research. WE (the City of Shoreline)now must pay that tab.
As one of the people who worked on the NO on Prop 1 ballot issue in which this story was hoisted off on the voters of Shoreline, it was apparent that these costs were made up out of whole cloth.
My friend Art Maronek, former director of the Seattle Water Department and I researched through public disclosure requests documents that clearly showed the expenses would exceed over 60 million dollars and would result in rate increases not only for the ratepayers but also for all the ratepayers using SPU water and resources.
The subsequent revue has proved my friend Art to be so very correct!
How appropriate that today is Art's birthday!
As you look down on us Art, I hope you know that all your efforts were not in vain. I miss you my friend.
The public needs more honest people like you who never backed down from telling truth to power. It is time for the people of our city to really evaluate what is being done with there tax dollars and vote to make big changes.
EVERY election matters!

Tom Jamieson,  September 8, 2014 at 11:37 PM  

Hear! Hear!

Anonymous,  September 11, 2014 at 6:40 AM  

And City of Shoreline, how about telling the voters the truth for once. How about even sharing the actual facts with the City Council? Instead of the big lie that the City "needs" to take over all the special districts to "save money?" When actually, the City staff just want to improve their job security and resumes. Actually, this is just a completion of the City founders big pipe dream, that Shoreline is the Center of the Universe. And we just need increasingly higher revenues to fund this dream. Someday maybe even Pro Shoreline may realize that their self-important image will not protect their own properties from big developers and the dreams of expansion by City staff.

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