On the Mayor’s Mind - Peace

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Shoreline Mayor
Shari Winstead
On the Mayor’s Mind - Peace
September 8, 2014
By Shoreline Mayor Shari Winstead

One of the things I enjoy most about being Mayor is talking to groups and meeting with people. I receive a lot of requests from community groups, school teachers and citizens, but last week I had one of the more unusual meeting request. It was a request for a 15 minute meeting, from Dr. Hemlata Sanghi, Director of the Brahma Kumaris Meditation Center in the Caribbean Islands. Dr. Sanghi was in town to give a talk at the senior center, on transforming relationships through spiritual love and being peaceful in chaotic times.

I was very intrigued, as well as a bit apprehensive, to meet Dr. Sanghi. I think it is human nature to be suspicious of things we are not familiar with. And even though I have had some exposure to meditation, it has mostly been through practicing yoga. I had certainly never met an authentic Indian meditation teacher before! And honestly, sitting still has never been a strong skill of mine, so it is fair to say I was feeling a bit skeptical.

I really didn’t have any reasons for concern. Dr. Sanghi was all about love, peace and joy. She honored the 15 minute time she had requested. She didn’t ask for anything from me. There was no request for a donation. She simply wanted to acknowledge me as a woman in a leadership role and to share the practice of meditation with me. She somehow knew that I probably needed meditation, because it can do amazing things to calm the chaotic, rush-rush, busy life so many of us lead. 

Even though I have tried meditating in the past, I have honestly never felt like it was for me. Sit quietly and not do anything?? Me?? No way! However, for some reason, my meeting with her and the three minute meditation we did together, sort of changed everything. Maybe it was because I was in “busy” mode when she and I met, and I got to experience the calmness that came from taking a few minutes to sit quietly, before I went into my next meeting. It was a pretty amazing feeling. I was a better listener, a better speaker, and my smile and happiness felt different - like they were from deeper within my soul.

The next day at my other job, about half-way through the morning, the familiar feeling of being overwhelmed crept up on me. So many things on my to-do list. I remembered that feeling of peace I had from my short meditation the night before. I quietly stepped away from my office, into a room without a computer. I sat on the floor and closed my eyes for 10 minutes. It’s nearly impossible to completely turn off my mind, so instead, I concentrated on taking some deep breaths, and focusing on a few words. Clarity, peace, joy, love. When I returned to work, and for the rest of the day, I felt re-energized. I was kinder, more patient and more focused on the task at hand.

It’s pretty amazing that 10 minutes of doing nothing can actually help you get more done, and also help you to be a more patient, loving human being. I hope you will consider giving this a  try, because what our whole world needs right now, in my opinion, is a little more peace.

Wishing you a peaceful week!


Anonymous,  September 8, 2014 at 6:27 AM  

Thank you Mayor. I appreciate your openness and ability to connect with your constituents in a real, human way through the sharing of your thoughts. I was inspired to start my day in a new way today.

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