Matter of Balance class starting in September at Senior Center

Saturday, August 9, 2014

A Fall Matter of Balance class will be starting on Wednesday, September 10 and continue through to October 29 at the Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Senior Center.

This is an 8 hour class, meeting from 12:30-2:30pm. The class includes one hour of exercise and one hour of discussion and includes breaks.

There is no fee for this important class for seniors; funding is provided by the Shoreline Fire Department. Toshiko Aramaki is the trained and experienced instructor.

It has been found that seniors who continue to exercise and learn about how to prevent falls are more likely to be able to stay healthy and at home. Many seniors experience fear of falling and restrict their activities. The advantage of a Matter of Balance class includes managing concerns about falls and emphasizes practical strategies to reduce fear and increase activity levels.

Participants learn to view falls and fear of falls as controllable by setting realistic goals to increase activity, change their environment to reduce fall risk factors and learn exercises to increase strength and balance.

The program was developed by the Royal center at Boston University and is nationally recognized as an outstanding program that promotes fall prevention.

To register call the Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Senior Center at 206-365-1536 or in person at the center located in the southern-most building of the Shoreline center, 18560 1st AVE NE #1.


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