City Manager's report

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Shoreline City Manager's report
by Debbie Tarry

Council Meetings

August 11
·         Dinner Meeting – Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records Act training with Boards and Commissions (Planning Commission, PRCS Board, and Library Board). Those not able to attend will need to complete the training on-line.
·         Regular Meeting:
o   Contract with Transmap Corporation: This item is to authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Transmap Corporation in the amount of $127,003.68 for professional services needed to complete the Pavement Management and Right-of-way (ROW) Asset Inventory Project. The project will complete a citywide pavement condition assessment and collect and incorporate ROW asset data into the City’s asset management system.
o   Kamins Construction Contract Contingency: The Citywide Safety Improvement Project has been constructed by Kamins Construction Company. During construction unforeseen conditions were encountered that needed to be addressed that increased project costs. Most specifically, the existing infrastructure for the traffic signal at N Dayton and Richmond Beach Road was inadequate and did not meet acceptable standards. The original contingency of $50,000 has been exceeded and the Contractor contingency is requested to be increased to $58,035. There are sufficient funds available within existing projects to absorb these additional costs. As this is the final project pay request, no additional contingency will be necessary on this project.
o   Discussion of the 185th Station Subarea Plan Preferred Alternative: The Council will discuss the preferred alternative that should be used for the Final Environmental Impact Statement analysis (FEIS). The Planning Commission (PC) made additional proposed changes to the station area zoning map at the Public Hearing on July 10. Given that the PC made changes that were not previously published to the public, Councilmembers have expressed interest in waiving Council rules on August 11 to allow public comment after the staff presentation on this item. Council will make the selection of the Preferred Alternative on August 25.
o   Discussion of 2015-2020 CIP: The 2015-2020 CIP will be submitted to Council for review and approval in October along with the 2015 Operating Budget.

RWD Assumption and Boundary Review Board Process
The City submitted a brief for the hearing at the Snohomish County Boundary Review Board. Olympic View Water & Sewer District also submitted a brief. We have not received a copy of the position statement from Snohomish County yet.

Aurora and Landscape
A south section of Aurora between 145th and 155th had a main break going into the 90 degree heat wave we had right after the 4th of July. This meant we could not run irrigation for Aurora landscape in this area until it was fixed. Some of the groundcover did not handle this well, but we believe it is recovering. The next section between 155th and 165th, runs off the same controller, so we had to find a loaner controller (which the School District provided). The rest of Aurora north of 165th has a buried drip irrigation system that has been problematic with breaks which are not evident until we see distress in the plants. Also trees and plants located in rain gardens and other surface water features do not have any irrigation at all. Our roads crews have put water bags on most of the trees on the north section and they have hand watered during the hot weather. Staff will be developing a plan on how this should be addressed in future years.

This and That
·         National Night Out Against Crime – A total of 51 registered NNO parties were held in Shoreline Tuesday night! Each one received a visit from a Shoreline Police Officer, a City staff member, or the Mayor!
·         Swingin’ Summer Eve – After discussing the potential of rescheduling this event with staff and the Arts Council we have determined that we will not be able to reschedule. The close proximity to Celebrate Shoreline and other events planned for the rest of the summer really limit the potential times to reschedule and the resources to promote and inform the community about the rescheduled event.
·         Into the Woods – Have you got your “free” reservations for this production (August 8/9, 15/16, 22/23)? It will be performed in the City Hall plaza at 8 p.m. on each of those evenings. Today were told that there are already 300 reservations so far! Here’s a link.


Anonymous,  August 10, 2014 at 6:08 AM  

One of newest water "mains" in the system had a break, how is the City of Shoreline going to spin that one, they keep on telling us it the old mains are the problems.

Too funny.

Unknown August 10, 2014 at 9:21 AM  

I note that the Declaration of Service page demonstrates that that even Olympic View's attorneys are confused about the real name of that water purveyor up in North City.


Anonymous,  August 10, 2014 at 10:42 AM  

So the City of Shoreline is paying Foster Pepper $500 an hour to help them with their Annexation/Assumption case per the legal filings now that the City Attorney decided to retire in the middle of the case.

Also, I see that our acting city attorney claims that Olympic View and Snohomish County did not comment on the Ronald Assumption SEPA DNS, well how could they? The City of Shoreline issued their DNS on that SEPA action without a public comment period or any public hearings.

Anonymous,  August 21, 2014 at 10:28 AM  

Naturally the City's link in this article to the submitted Ronald assumption brief for the Snohomish County Boundary Review Board brief is broken. Nor is the date, time, and location of the SnoCo BRB hearing mentioned.

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